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A Request: Got Any Advice to Help an Intermediate Keep Climbing?

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Hey Gents-

This is a call for some VeterAnerian input for an intermediate user.

Could you wiser ones throw out some ideas and experiences to guide fellas like me to the promised land, or at least closer? How did you go from the pleasurable to the paradisiacal? It's been about a year for me, and while I've made terrific gains, the view from my plateau is less thrilling than I'd like, especially given all the posts from users who've logged similar flight time but report all sorts of mind-bending Os. I can't help but wonder at that mountain peak that's obscured by clouds, know what I mean?

I have all the models, and always look forward to sessions--they are deeply sensual, full of involuntary spasms and wonderful auto-responses. My nipples are hotspots like they never used to be, pleasure buttons that always generate marvelous jolts down south. I relax, I breathe, I visualize. I listen to music. My prostate and PC muscles hum and dance. And that's about it. I can go for hours like this, but there seems to be a pleasure ceiling I just don't get through. Sometimes I use a Lovense Edge, a really cool vibrator that also brings me fabulous sensations. Other times I play with my Pur Wand. Mostly though I stick with Aneros, to keep learning about the subtleties and rhythms of my body. The do-nothing approach is a great tactic, as are Kegels, various positions, and my favorite, the Aneros bath. Really, try it. You don't know what you're missing.

Last summer I came about as close as I have to a prostate or super O (I think) but I can't seem to replicate it, and that was after a few days of pretty intense stimulation. Usually I have a few sessions a week, mostly on the weekend where I can sleep in if I'm up late playing. It seems like I'm doing everything well, and can't imagine what else might take me higher. I sometimes get close to pleasure of a new order, but it recedes and leaves me with an itch I can't seem to scratch. I don't force it--I usually just go with the flow, slow down and enjoy without psyching myself out. Sometimes I'll throw in a few Kegels or touch myself a bit. But time after time, I end a session as I began it: Aroused, warm, and somewhat insatiated. I also practice seminal retention, and sometimes don't ejaculate for a couple of weeks. Erections are erratic; they come and they go (snort) with my default state being mostly flaccid. Sometimes I see porn videos of guys leaking and ejaculating hands-free; that ain't me, sorry to least so far.

Thoughts? Also, a polite qualification: I already meditate, and I'm not looking for advice about the universe or the color of my chakra. No offense intended--the forum is a great source of sensual philosophy and inspiration--but I am a science dude, and I'm looking for pragmatism, not mysticism.

Thanks in advance.

Best of Pleasures,

(Been a little while. I miss you guys. @Kazama , @goldenboy
, @HereByAccident --hope life's grand. )

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@Zenopause I know that this is probably not the advice you were hoping for, but here it is anyway: Patience! Patience is the kew word to success with Aneros. After a year, I had come to the point where I had felt the first little tingling. Today, more than a decade later, I can achieve multiple full body orgasms with or without the aneros. And the journey goes on! 🙂

Having read many posts similar to yours, I wrote one of my own - Words of hope for those not yet successful.

Another key is letting go of expectations. @neros wrote a great post on what you can expect - The Myth of Super Orgasm. I strongly suggest you read it.

Don't give up. Based on what you are writing, you are heading in exactly the right direction. Relax and enjoy the journey!

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Could you wiser ones throw out some ideas and experiences to guide fellas like me to the promised land, or at least closer?

It seems to me you are caught in a sort of cognitive dissonance dilemma, looking for a pragmatic solution to a condition which may exist only in a metaphysical reality. In a pragmatic sense, you are already doing everything which should lead you to "...the promised land...", yet there is really no logical reason to believe there is anything beyond what you have already experienced nor will ever experience. I agree with @Pavlov 's advice.

How did you go from the pleasurable to the paradisiacal?

I wish I could give you a definitive answer to this but I don't honestly know, it just seemed to happen beyond any conscious action on my part. Initially, like you, I practiced many of the regimes advocated by the veteran posters who preceded me, I fell prey to the temptation to chase after the mythical Super-O to no avail. I thought I could use force of will to succeed in achieving this goal just as I have done throughout most of my life. After suffering through my early frustrations, I resolved to just enjoy the experiences I was having and "Just Let Go !", that is when I had my first Super-O. I think it goes to my belief that such altered states of consciousness are real and that I was capable of achieving them despite my having no verifiable evidence to substantiate that belief.

It's been about a year for me, and while I've made terrific gains, the view from my plateau is less thrilling than I'd like, especially given all the posts from users who've logged similar flight time but report all sorts of mind-bending Os. I can't help but wonder at that mountain peak that's obscured by clouds, know what I mean?

This goes to the heart of the danger of having expectations, especially those based upon other people's reports. You are already experiencing all the beneficial therapy your Aneros devices can provide, so what does that leave you? Wonderment and speculation can be motivators for action but they can also cause tunnel vision about the possible reality you are creating. Maybe there is no mountain peak in those clouds, maybe there is a plateau in the clouds, maybe the clouds obscure other mountains and other peaks far beyond, it's all speculation, a waste of time and energy. Instead of getting bogged down in the speculation of what might be, why not throw your whole mental focus into the moment to moment experience an Anerosession provides, a kind of mindfulness meditation, allow yourself to be surprised by what your body can do. Good Vibes to You !

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@Pavlov -

Actually, that's exactly what I needed to hear: patience. I preach it, but sometimes forget. With our strange doo-dads, it can be easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. And double props to you for the links- very good reading. That's why I'm such a fan of the forum- guys like you. I shant rush or worry.


So good to read that, especially the part about cloud city. What exactly am I hoping to find? Perhaps I've already found it, and I'm just checking the map too much. I appreciate your taking the time to answer the same questions over and over again, and finding ways to keep it fresh. I always benefit from your thinking and experiences.

Sincere thanks to both of you. Bottoms up!


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@Zenopause Thanks for the nod; I post regularly in the Blog, less so in the Forum. Who's to say what you should do? But I will make a couple of observations. it should not take a "few days of pretty intense stimulation" to induce that prostate orgasm. Remember that you don't 'rub-out' a prostate orgasm the same way that you do a penile orgasm. It doesn't work that way! The prostate is a subtle organ, and you have to treat it that way. Rather than a deliberate attack (with vibrators) leave them in the drawer and just rely on what your body instructs you to do. It is great that you are practicing semen retention; use that time to refrain also from Aneros sessions and just let the energy build-up. Use your Aneros' to 'tease' your prostate, not 'attack' it. Sneak-up on it when it least expects it (perhaps in the middle of the night) with a session. Choose your smallest Aneros to start not the largest. Let the subtle sensations start to build. Have no expectations and don't leave the session disappointed. Focus your attention on other things and keep away from porn (if you are so inclined). You may need a 'recovery' period to get-it-all-together again (try a couple of weeks at first). But when you do, the results should be noticeable. Above all, relax! GB

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@Zenopause ,

l’m just a year and 3 months into the Journey - and still learning! My challenge has been your challenge I think (or close to it). Fortunately, I experienced some amazing stuff early on. Soon after, I lost it. I spent a lot of time chasing “it” while trying to heed the words of the veterans and “not chase it”.

I’m doing better at not stressing over it... and the memory of the highs (thank goodness), has given me hope as the body / mind processes. I I’ve experienced the promise land, and I trust it will come again when I’m ready. Semen Retention (SR) is a challenge for me... about day seven I’m having to restart... lol old habits die hard.

I agree with Goldenboy.... take your foot off the gas, ride less. Let your body get hungry on its own. For me it’s like pushing a rope... it doesn’t work for me... I was climbing into bed multiple times a week, “hoping for joy. That just led to frustration. I now just try to distract myself until I feel horny - and I try to ignore it as well!

Rumel’s advice rings in my ears like Kenobi to Skywalker “Don’t chase it”.

It’s hard to do - for me anyways, but I’m better at patience / abstaining / SR than a year ago!

Check for increased sensitivity in either the nipples or frenulum. In the last 15 months, my frenulum has become a “hot spot”... if your finding increased sensitivity, maybe that’s a sign of subtle progress?

best of luck!

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@goldenboy and @HereByAccident -

Thanks for being my wingmen, mates. Your separate advice is incredibly helpful, and not so separate. I think I have been traveling a less productive path--trying to rub things out, chasing, attacking, expecting. It's hard not to at times, with so many reports about mind-boggling delights from users with less flight time. But letting myself enjoy and relax more, and taking my foot off the gas are just the things I needed to hear. Although I do enjoy watching naked ladies and doing a little nipple play... often do you guys usually go for a ride? I don't do weekdays much, because I get up early, and sessions keep me up too late. Thus I look forward to Friday nights, Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays, depending on my state of arousal. Too much? It always feels good, and I rarely masturbate these days--SR is pretty standard unless there's fun with the wife.

On that note: do you guys finish sessions with a wank? Does it diminish your drive? I'm in my early 50s, and find that my libido takes at least a few days to return after ejaculating. And how long are your average sessions? That is, when do you just pull the plug?

You guys are the best. Please send the girl in the red ropes. Actually, save some postage and keep the ropes.


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@Zenopause Certainly you speak for many on this forum when you ask how to take it further.

After trying so very hard and pretty much failing to achieve the highest level of orgasmic convulsions that others describe, I have come to terms with my journey. Since my wife has entered the dreaded menopause and has abruptly lost all interest in sex, I have turned my attention back toward Aneros, A-less and the wonderful world of tantric-ish ectacy. At our age we can still enjoy the ectacy of orgasm but with our penises on the sideline, semi retired. No worries about timing, libido or ED issues.

Consider that your Aneros journey has already given you access and appreciation for your prostate and the tiny muscles and nerves in your pelvis, as well as connections to things like your nipples. Stimulating these areas mostly with your mind is the key to orgasm, especially for those of us that it doesn't happen automatically. By linking sensations, generated by touch, Aneros or subtle A-less muscle contractions, to the mind state of ectasy (how you feel just before you ejaculate) you can achieve almost limitless orgasm. I believe this is what most women do during sex, especially multiple orgasmic ones. They start with strong emotion then link it to their bodies.

Just like learning to juggle or hover a helicopter, it is possible for anyone to train their brain, in this case to access orgasmic ectacy with the mind. Actors learn to generate tears on command by focusing on negative emotions. We all can do the same by starting with the self generated feeling of ectasy. Our orgasms, however tiny or large, are waiting and are as varied and plentiful as the stars in the night sky.

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@MO_Bosco -

Kind and sincere thanks for such a thoughtful reply. I'm at that crossroads, where I do believe that further pleasures are congintent upon deeper perspective; our brains are most certainly our biggest erogenous zone. Your post reinforces that I'm going in the right direction, if there in fact is one. I think of it as a compass-- we never actually reach true north, but if we watch the stars and trust our emotions, as you say, we'll get where it's possible for us to be.

A side Q: You imply that your own journey has had certain parameters, but you also speak like a real veteran about the unlimited qualities of ecstasy. How would you describe your journey over the years? What sensations have you experienced, and what are you still hoping to find?

Best, and keep your comments coming. This kind of guidance helps many of us.


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Hey @Zenopause , lately I'm not riding much (maybe only 3-4 times a month) - this is intentional as, I've been focused on the sensitivity of my frenulum - I'm 51 and in the last few months, it has gone from a "pleasurable sensation" to insane sensitivity. I strum the frenulum with my finger and my prostate seems to dance... I just can't get over it! It was never like this and I attribute it to the Journey. The reason I'm not Anerosing much right now is that I know touching the penis is a no-no during rides as it disrupts re-wiring. So I don't want to mess up that progress.

The downside is I just can't go more than a week with out ejaculating. And yeah that seems to kill off all hornyness for about two days before it starts to build back up.

When I do ride its during the week after 5 (I work 9-5). Evenings is when I get peace and quiet (wife works second shift - so fewer distractions). Trying to ride on the weekends is a pain because she's usually asking if I'm "done yet" or "how long before you're ready to run errands", etc. lol

To answer your other questions,
- I never finish a ride with masturbation - I keep the two events separate.
- I usually ride for an hour or an hour and a half - I've there is not much pleasure, I don't like to leave it in as I think my body starts to "ignore it" and I don't want it to do that. if there is pleasure I'll ride the wave until it ends 🙂

Good hearing from you... stay in touch!

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@Zenopause It's always nice reading about the Aneros "journeys" of others! I agree with most of @HereByAccident's response. But my sessions usually are not too lengthy (maybe 30-45 minutes). I too can't go more than about a week without ejaculating (due to blue-balls) but I would certainly like to aim for another wet dream! I still wear my "chastity cups" a lot at night and find that they keep my prostate "tuned-up" and ready for another session. But one thing I am doing now is not making Aneros a "daily" or even a "weekly" goal. In fact, I try not to have too structured a sex-life. I take things as they come and if they progress well---great! But if not, it's no big deal either! I try not to get too focused on being aroused all the time. That is why I said originally to slow-down and just relax! Above all, listen to the "whispers" from your prostate---they are there all the time, you just have to be sensitive and listen. I need to ejaculate but I don't make that a part of a session. I don't plan to MB either; sometimes things just develop and I end up EJ as well. Just like in life, keep your sexual activities new, varied, fresh and exciting! And you'll do just fine! GB

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Once you fully wrap your head around being in the moment with the aneros is when things for me started to click into place. Its not the destination but the journey that is the best, anything exciting or out of the normal on that journey is just serendipity. When you focus on whats coming you forget to experince what is already there and often times whats already there is what you were seeking. For men its hard to get beyond the idea of a forward journey, pushing to get where we want to be, Espiecally with orgasms. Its the way our brains are wired and getting away from that mentality can be hard.
When i first tried this toy i was all about the destination and that brought nothing but frustration. Another thing that blocked my path was reading about how others got to their destination. What tricks they did, exercise, postions, ect. Ect. I forgot to stop and ask myself "What works for me?" I'll be damned if some strangers on the internet are going to tell me how MY body works or doesnt work! From there i began my own things, tried my own styles, throwing away most if not all of the advice i had gathered on this site to the wind. After a few sessions i had made more progress then i ever made worrying about whether or not what i was doing is right for me. I knew it was right for me because i felt it. Recently ive lost sight of that and as a result i hit a bad patch. No gains, no feelings (sometimes), but oddly enough coming back to the forum and reading has brought me back to my center.
So in short enjoy! Stop and smell the roses truly find yourself in the moment with the toy and really feel every tickle and every pulse, truly let go of the idea of a super o. I mean whos to say what you are feeling isnt already what you were looking for? Dont go seek the super o let it find you out there on the journey.

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In my view,I think porn may be holding a lot of people back. Pre-Aneros,I never had much interest in porn,as I was more into sex with real girls,and I couldn’t wrap my mind around cumming in my hand instead of a wet pussy,but that’s me. Whilst progressing on my journey,I started watching a bit as per some advice I seen on here,to see if I could get over the edge to super-o.I found more and more that it actually killed arousal,by way of distraction,as scenes end,then you have to get a new one on,or they are boring,because If you’ve seen one,you’ve seen them all.
Theres been a lot in the media about the damage heavy porn usage does,and that a lot of ppl in the smartphone age are hooked on it,although I’ve not suffered from this,I’ve no doubt that some strugglers on the forum may be fairly heavy porn users,and this may be what’s dampening the arousal needed to progress. I’m not sure if the op is one of them,but if he,or anyone else reading this post is,I’d urge them to take a break for a month and see if their journey can take a step forward.Use your own mind only. Make no mistake,contractions,kegels,nipples and Breath are all helpful,but without sufficient AROUSAL,it’s not gonna happen,AROUSAL is 99% of prostate success.

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@HereByAccident , @goldenboy , @Qwerty1234 and @Tommygunn -

What would I do without you gentlemen? Get frustrated, that's what.

Hereby: I'm intrigued about your frenulum exploration, and I too get neat little zippy zaps in my anus and prostate when I squeeze or tickle the very tip or underside of my glans. Wanna post a little more about it? Also, I hadn't thought about your body 'ignoring' sensations if sessions go too long. A great bit of perspective.

Golden: Whispers and freshness. S'truth! Things to remember--this is about fun and spontaneity.

Qwerty: Such wisdom...we're individuals on an extremely personal journey. So easy to forget amidst the avalanche of tactical advice. What works for me is what I decide, damn it. I appreciate that.

Tommy: Food for thought re. porn. I used to adore and crave it, and since Aneros entered my life and my unexplored territories, I don't crave it much. I always enjoy looking at naked women, though, and find that sitting during a session, playing with nipples and watching delicious female anatomy can really boost my arousal. And by this I don't mean erection or ejaculation--I mean arousal in the deeper 'turned on' way that makes sessions buzz and sing. I haven't actually masturbated to porn in quite some time, months maybe. I'm certainly not addicted, but I still do enjoy looking. Hmm...regardless, your input is valuable.

To all youse guys, a big virtual hug, if it doesn't threaten our fragile manhoods.* Otherwise, how about those Bears?

Best of pleasures,


Dude: "He's fragile, very fragile."
Walter: "Huh. I did not know that."

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Hi @Zenopause, sometimes the simple picture explains it best. Your question remembered me of an answer I once gave. Leading @Qwerty1234's response further ...

I'd say if you can manage to fully focus on the apple you just are eating, you got it. If anyone else eats an equal apple, he can do it without any focus and without savoring it. Thus he might miss all the great sensual pleasures of a conscious degusting and envy you for your apple. But it's not the apple. It's the magic moment of enjoyment you made of it.

Stick to the very moment and make it a blissful eternity.

As if you suddenly were able to see every single feather of a hummingbird's wings, while it's hovering in front of a blossom sucking nectar,

with rewiring your brain will have learned to give you multiple orgasms or even super-Os only from f.e. touching one of your nipples with one forefinger and perhaps your frenulum or perineum with the other. And all these pleasures may be lasting for half or full hours provided at no costs as even without any refractory period.


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I’m 11 months into my journey (5 months since achieving the Super-O) and I know the thing that clicked for me was reading Mantak Chia’s The MultiOrgasmic Man.

As many others have commented patience is really the key. When everything does come together and click boy oh boy is it worth it.

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Best advice:

Patience. I really believe trying to push things and having unreal expectations will just hold you back.

Sit back and enjoy the scenery while your on this trip.


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