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a question for vet users (B.Mayfielfd Rumel, Darwin ect)

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I was wondering, when you have your Aneros sessions do you feel like they are still getting better and better? Or do you feel like you have reached a peak?
I for one dont think there is a peak to the amount of pleasure we can recieve. I have now an idea that the only thing that is stopping yourself from reaching that wonderful level is your fear of the unknown.
I know that although i am having some pretty wild rides (very intense super-o's), i know that it is nowhere near what im capable of.


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Hi johntrevy,

What a great question! I hope you get many responses to it. I would imagine that this would be like so many aspects of this journey in that it is different for everybody. My experience tells me that I have higher peaks to fall off of than I am at now. I say it that way because with me I think that my ability to truly let go gets challenged at different levels. There is another thread in the forum this morning that talks about seeing colors and you mentioned in that same thread about feeling like you are spinning on a turntable. This is all great stuff. The more descriptive guys get the better in helping show others what they are capable of.

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It continues to get better and better as if there is no limit. I often think I would pass on into eternity if it were to become more intense, but it does, and I'm still here! And I'm spending more and more time doing it!

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It is great to hear that you are experiencing very intense Super-O’s. I agree with you that I don’t think there are limits to the range of experiences associated with the orgasmic state of consciousness. Yes, fear of the unknown is a hindrance to progress in many endeavors in life, including Aneros usage.
It’s a little difficult for me to answer your question specifically at this time as I am trying to get back to the level of pleasure I was at before I underwent radiation treatment for prostate cancer. Only time will tell for me if there are real limits or not, I suspect that there are aspects of my mind that can be developed to compensate for whatever permanent damage may have occurred due to treatments. I look forward to gently nudging open those doors to my own untapped abilities.

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I was wondering, when you have your Aneros sessions do you feel like they are still getting better and better? Or do you feel like you have reached a peak?
I for one dont think there is a peak to the amount of pleasure we can recieve. I have now an idea that the only thing that is stopping yourself from reaching that wonderful level is your fear of the unknown.
I know that although i am having some pretty wild rides (very intense super-o's), i know that it is nowhere near what im capable of.


Hi johntrevy!

I know mine ARE getting better and also quiie varying in the different types or feelings in the orgasms! (or, as Brian says: "All Flavors")

Sometimes I feel like I have reached a "peak" of some sort and I may even have a "dry spell" afterwards, but in a short time,
I find that it was just a "transition" to a newer and better plateau of sexual pleasure!

I no longer fear the "unknown" but I do fear that there will not be another amazing "unknown" to look forward to and to reach for!
I dread the possibility of: "Is This It? . . . Is this ALL There Is???"

To me this would be the ultimate fear of the unknown!

IMHO, there is NO limit to our untapped abilities!

Later, Hlaser99

B Mayfield
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It's interesting because even after all of these years there scarcely goes a week without an orgasm that simply redefines the "upper end" of things for me. It seems as if I am forever saying..."that was the most intense experience I've ever had". ( I was just telling a special friend about this the other day 😉

As with so many things in life, one success is built upon by the next. This is not to say that each and every orgasm that I have is stronger than the last, but that there is most often a quality to every session that expands my knowledge in some way. Is there a ceiling here? I doubt it, my sense of it is that as we continue to explore, further things are revealed to us and we grow from this. And really, this is how it should be. I'm certain that I wasn't ready for the level of sensation that is common to my sessions these days, back when I first started. Put it that I had experienced one of my present day orgasms back then...., I probably would have sold all of my possessions and gone to live in a cave somewhere, lol.

Regarding your assertion about fear of the unknown being a limiting factor...I would agree,... it's one of several. Fortunately, as we explore and experience our fears give way to understanding. Long ago I encouraged Aneros users to conceptualize all of this as a journey, where path is a process of ongoing discovery and learning. So in this case there is not necessarily one revelation that is our final destination, but a cumulative sympathetic awareness. Onward and upward!

May your way be as pleasant...

BF Mayfield

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Hey Johntrevy,

It keeps getting better! Relax and keep a clear, open mind. Your body and mind will lead you to new and unexpected pleasures.

Good luck,


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Hi johntrevy!

>I was wondering, when you have your Aneros sessions do you feel like they are still getting better and better? Or do you feel like you have reached a peak?<

That's a very profound question!

Yes they can, and will, continue to get better!

I have always found that, despite the most extreme and memorable recent events, new orgasmic territory continues to open up as one progresses along the trail - and not by just by small increments! Even after some years on the MMO trail, big and surprising - sometimes shocking - surges in orgasmic sensation can occur. These surges can come without premonition and continue to feature in my MMO sessions.

Some of my recent surges, if they had occurred in my earlier MMO years, would have certainly driven me beyond my level of tolerance at that time - with what result I do not know.

How can these surges continue with, apparently, no end? Is there no limit to the level of sensation that we can experience? Surely everything has a limit and cannot proceed to infinity.

The answer to this conundrum might be in the nature of orgasm.

It seems to me that orgasm is not just a simple single-dimensional experience to be assessed simply by it's magnitude. We know that some orgasms can be amazing and some can be disappointing and also that sheer strength is not the only measure of an orgasm's potency.

Plucking some factors out of the air which can occur in an orgasmic event, and which can be variable from day-to-day and also which can get steadily better with progress:-

Intensity of erotic excitement in arousal stage,

Sublimation and erotic distortion of the senses,

Depth, duration and extent of orgasmic body paralysis,

Duration of each orgasmic event,

Spread of orgasmic sensations around the body,

Development of extreme orgasmic hot spots around the body,

Frequency of orgasmic events in multiples,

Closely-coupled multiple orgasms (the Zone),

Intensity of erotic buzzing internal vibration,

Involuntary noise and thrashing,

Heartgasms, headgasms,

Duration of sessions.

Accessibility of one's MMOs

I do have full personal experience of all those factors (I'm not just theorizing!).

As there's plenty of scope there, maybe it's not surprising that ongoing improvement, even escalation, of our orgasmic experiences can seem to go on without end.

Good luck with your progress.


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