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A note on Privacy

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Yesterday's news services (Washington Post, ABC news and others) carried a short note that the NSA was using Google cookies to identify groups of Internet "users of interest."

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If you are using Chrome, as I frequently do, it might be worthwhile to clear your cookie file, "since the beginning of time" after each browsing session. If you are using Google's search engine with Firefox (as I frequently do), consider changing your browser setting to clear all cookies when the browser is closed.

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i think incognito tabs in chrome work too for not saving cookies.

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you know what...let em
I hope they drown in useless data

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thx for the reminder about incognito. I'd not used it in almost a year. 🙂

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You know, they even added google tracking to the standard Ps3's browser. All I have right now is a Ps3 since my PC died. But, all you have to do is copy the address, then delete the google crap off the beginning and end. There you go. No tracking. I also delete my cookies often...especially after I check my email, which is gmail.

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I heard that the NSA is also tracking on X-box Live and World of Warcraft.
It might be that thy are tracking PS3's also.
Don't know what they all want with the data...

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They want to spot out people like me who frequently looks up dangerous data and topics that can be a threat to their system of government, there is no doubt that I may be on a list some where and others unknowingly. it's close minded to act like this spying is all for show.

The data gathered can also be used to blackmail those that later find themselves in a position of power of influence. America is no longer the land of the free and the tree of liberty is beginning to wilt..

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i think its about intimidation. Lets be real, why would they leak that they are tracking all of this information? They want be people to be afraid to speak out against the governement. IMO. @trei, the tree of liberty is long gone!

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Yes, true that! and you raise a very good point, why would they leak it like that? Hmm..

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They didn't leak it. The guy currently staying as a guest in Moscow did.

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@Trei True. Next thing you know, you won't be allowed to fly on a plane...for no real reason. Of course they won't tell you why, for "security" reasons, but the fact is they don't know themselves *facepalm*

And yeah, america hasn't been a free country for a long time. Anyone that thinks it is, is sadly misguided.

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How quickly we forget that September 11th happened, in part, because we were "free" to enter airplanes without being searched for weapons.

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