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A message for all the straight kats...

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Reading the forum it appears some of you are questioning your sexuality since embarking on the Aneros journey. Why so? Sexuality is obviously fluid but I think you'll agree most of us know from a very early age what hits the proverbial button? Don't give yourself a hard time - fantasy is fantasy - enjoy!One other thing... don't think that gay sex = anal sex, only. There's a whole other myriad of things which we do. Some of us also balk at the idea of being penetrated. It's a MAN thing!Anyway... Best wishes fellas,Bobby B. x

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Thanks for the post dude. Yea, I think fantasy is fantasy. I think most strait males are so used to the idea that anal play goes hand in hand with being gay. Which is why as soon as incredible sensations are made from the aneros, some men may ask..."Did I choose wrong? Were all my attractions to girls fake? This feels so much better than regular orgasm" Its the male G spot. Everyone can enjoy it regardless of sexuality. And I think people forget that. I myself have wondered the same when using an aneros but later figured out it is no different than penile masturbation.

Just enjoy it for what it is, a powerful tool to enhance your sex life and spirituality.


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Could you elaborate a little further on how the aneros, the super O, etc, "enhances spirituality" for you. This is an interesting concept for me.

Others here who want to chime in on "spirituality" are certainly welcome to do so.


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Hello, Turnrow.

There are a few regular poster here, like rook, who really get into the spirituality thing big time. You may hear from them, soon.

For me, the spiritual aspect of the super-O is a feeling of oneness with the universe, along with the pleasure. The first time I had a super-O, it started while I was asleep so I woke up in the midst of it. My first thought was, "acid flashback," and I hadn't had one of those for decades. The cosmic high, near to the energy of god feeling was exactly like an LSD trip.



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Hi Bobby B, Chrono273, Turnrow and ten_s_nut!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀

First, thanks Bobby B for your remarks. I have talked with numbers of gay men and in earlier chats and threads here too, many emphasize that penile/anal sex is part of less than 50% of gay relationships, although the percentage involving anal fingering is higher. It would be great to have some polls exploring gay practices such as this attracting votes from the gay membership here. And to you and chrono273 re: "fantasy", that is why I mentioned the Einstein quote: "Imagination is more important than knowledge" in acethebass's thread.

Second, thanks chrono for adding spirituality to the mix! Turnrow, the "how" of spiritual orgasmic experiences via aneros practice is very much dependent of the individual and pre-dispositions, IMHO. Very early in my practice after the Super-O breakthrough, which was Active Body Super-Os, my body sought something less active and less painful since I have chronic pain injuries. Old Wolf had about that time identified something more than the Active Body Super-O, something he called "Above and Beyond".

My body took me in that direction, to something that has many names here: "floating bliss", "Calm Seas Orgasms", Still Body Super-Os, and the like. See: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/super-o-spectrum-whats-your-point-view-15328/ . This meditative peace, gentle energy fizz, elevation, elation, early stage "union with all", is a level of spiritual relaxation, renewal and refreshment that is very attractive and deeply satisfying for many here. There is a poll here in Community Polls on the approaches, the "how" variations here: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f6/%2Aspiritual-orgasm-interest-experience-12443/

These Still Body Super-Os can, in my experience, also serve as a wonderful launch-pad to much higher levels through-the-body-travel, to higher order Spiritual Orgasms that are a goal in Taoist and other practices. Here from my blog in 2008 is my first experience of that: Beyond Words... - Aneros Blog Entry

I have been back to variations of this, and more recently (2010) to a direct encounter with a presence: http://www.aneros.com/displayentry.php?id=785 I would be happy to answer any other questions about Spiritual Orgasm practices in reply to posts here, PMs or the weekend chats.

all the best floating bliss and soaring above and beyond to all


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I'm not so much *questioning my sexuality* as wondering if I have taken it for granted *without* question (that's not the same thing, is it?) Females have always "floated my boat," and I never looked any further. Just didn't. Maybe playing exclusively for one side is selling myself short, so to speak; why confine myself to fish, when I can have both meat AND fish? (too cute? sorry.) Never occurred to me until I began my Aneros use; the sensations derived from being penetrated just naturally let to thoughts of, "If an inanimate piece of plastic feels this good, then...." and it just seemed to lift away all of the "reflexive panic" associated with the thought being physically intimate with another male, and left me in more of a "receptive to any warm, considerate, fun-loving, like-minded partner" kind of state. It's like being relieved of a burden I didn't even know I was carrying.


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Yes, I can see from the poll of participants on this site that the vast majority are straight, followed by a lesser gay showing, followed by a straight but bi-curious group of which I'm probably a part. I'm actually just a sexual hedonist I guess, though I prefer females to be hedonistic with. This comes from years of access to willing females on the road as a traveling musician and performer (it goes with the "lifestyle" as we all know and accept).

But as someone else said herein, if a piece of plastic feels this good then maybe I'm missing out on something that I should at least consider by way of life's smorgasboard of experiences. I'd probably have a hard time actually crossing that line realistically, but on the other hand in the right place at the right moment with the right person and with the right assurances (non-STD infected) as well as maybe a couple of double vodkas, I'd probably be willing and even eager to try just about anything that didn't hurt. Turn-ons are turn-ons after all. I've tried most, if not all, of the taboo drugs over my lifetime and settled on a few that I prefer (less and less as I get older) when the situation is right so why not other areas of pleasure as well.

I'm just saying that the Aneros products put some of these sexuality questions into sharp focus for each of us. I've always enjoyed masturbation and have experimented with toys and enhancements to make it wilder and get off more, so when I read about what the Aneros products do for many users, I was drawn like a moth to flame. Where it will take me is, I guess, part of the fun and discovery process that I have to look forward to in this group. In that light, I really appreciate the candidness and openness of this community because I feel like I can express my innermost feelings and conflicts here (among total strangers, BTW) and be accepted and not judged. So anyway, I'll let everyone know how my journey goes while trying to stick to the big questions and not bore people.

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Hey turnrow,

In answer to your question, while I have not myself experienced the much elusive super O I have come what I believe is quite close. When the P-Waves are traveling through me, I feel a connection to the world. I believe that in a super relaxed state (which is very conductive to the big O) you can find yourself feeling more open to the spiritual, whether you are christian, taoist, buddhist, or dont even have a named belief system.

For me, my aneros sessions are very akin to meditation. I find myself becoming hyper relaxed, and very aware of all the small nuances going on with my body. This in turn can cause a spiritual openess during sessions.

Of course this will vary from person to person, I am personally of the Christian faith but also dabble in meditation and I feel that it makes me feel more attuned to that.

Hoped that explanation helped a bit.



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Darwin's excellent post, -- http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/clarity-gay-thing-15441/ --, was quite definitive and clarified things for me. One of the best brief statements I've ever seen on the nature of sexual orientation.

I do enjoy receiving pleasure from a business friend who's gay. When I beat him at golf, I receive great pleasure in his picking up the lunch tab in the grill room! OTOH, I've bought several lunches so there's an honest and forthright exchange. 🙂

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Right on rook!! 😀 😀

Darwin's excellent post, -- http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/clarity-gay-thing-15441/ --, was quite definitive and clarified things for me. One of the best brief statements I've ever seen on the nature of sexual orientation.

I do enjoy receiving pleasure from a business friend who's gay. When I beat him at golf, I receive great pleasure in his picking up the lunch tab in the grill room! OTOH, I've bought several lunches so there's an honest and forthright exchange. 🙂

I have some wonderful friendships with gays and lesbians. We share a sense of understanding each other that focuses on the very positive platonic loving energy. I would even say that there is a gentle touch of erotic zip there, both S2G and S2L, just because we all sense liberated energies and mutual respect. If you revisit darwin's thread, you'll see the added dimension from tallguy, my observations, and others too.

At an energies sharing level here, as increasing numbers are finding they can give, receive and feel; although they can come from erotic orgasmic text connection descriptions, they are fully generalized Jing/Qi/Chi/Shen, full spectrum life force to spiritual energies, and for me are felt more in that sense of physical remove/distance, of energies shared through cosmic connections. No sense of touch or a physical relationship, simply elegant internal energetics shared with a disembodied friend-in-text-at-a-distance, that are nevertheless astounding on their own terms.

all the best general eros aesthetics in all of life everywhere all


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Thanks so much kharrisma!! 😀 😀

I'm not so much *questioning my sexuality* as wondering if I have taken it for granted *without* question (that's not the same thing, is it?) Females have always "floated my boat," and I never looked any further. Just didn't. Maybe playing exclusively for one side is selling myself short, so to speak; why confine myself to fish, when I can have both meat AND fish? (too cute? sorry.) Never occurred to me until I began my Aneros use; the sensations derived from being penetrated just naturally let to thoughts of, "If an inanimate piece of plastic feels this good, then...." and it just seemed to lift away all of the "reflexive panic" associated with the thought being physically intimate with another male, and left me in more of a "receptive to any warm, considerate, fun-loving, like-minded partner" kind of state. It's like being relieved of a burden I didn't even know I was carrying.


Karl, that is one of the most wonderful, innocent, relaxing, and self-liberating statements about coming out the other side of the Aneros experience, without any sense of having to change anything, yet freer than you had previously thought possible. It is a huge gain, even if you never take up opportunities... "...it just seemed to lift away all of the 'reflexive panic'..." Beautiful truth!

This is the First Great Liberation for many on the aneros journey. Lose any associated fears. It is great it came to you so freely. Far too many men struggle or are tortured by this revelation. Thanks so much for your post!!

EDIT: Now the Second Great Liberation on The Tao of Aneros is available on chrono273's thread: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/cusp-super-o-i-need-advice-15438/

all the truth of your body/mind can set you lovingly respectfully compassionately free all


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I love you guys! Seriously... Big up yo' self!! So refreshing to hear straight fellas who know what's what. Peace. x

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