It’s common to say that one or two days off is better between each aneros ride.
Since there is no mechanical device in direct contact with Santa-Prostate, is this rule the same for a-less rides ?
... is this rule the same for a-less rides ?
First, there are no formal 'rules' when it comes to your Aneros use, only suggested options for your learning path. IMHO, the suggestion to allow some days time between active Anerosessions applies mainly to newbies to ensure they :
1.) Don't fatigue themselves or create soreness from over exertion.
2.) Have some time for their conscious mind to assimilate the learning their body is teaching them.
3.) Reduce addictive tendencies due to dopamine releases in the brain aiding the rewiring process.
IMHO, This prohibition suggestion does not apply to Anerosless sessions as you are not subject to #1 from above and you are using the information gained from #2 above to accomplish additional rewiring without overloading/depleting the dopamine receptor system in the brain.
Good Vibes to You !
@Ytrez At the beginning of December I began an experiment: In addition to semen retention (SR) I added Aneros retention (AR). For ten days I did not ejaculate or use any Aneros device. I chose ten days to give myself a realistic goal that I could accomplish. I am happy to report that the experiment was a success. After a few days my level of arousal rose and I started having (almost) daily a-less orgasms. Some of them approached Super-O level. After ten days my prostate was more than ready for a regular session. I chose the Helix Trident and had the best ride with that model ever. A few days later I tried the Maximus Trident and had a similar experience. I am currently on day six of another SR and AR run. I'm keeping it at ten days for now and will think about extending it in the new year. Last night I had a-less orgasms for approximately 90 minutes. Near the end of the session I had continuous MMOs for 20 minutes. I've had great a-less sessions before but this is beyond what I thought was possible. At this point in your journey you might benefit from having a regular schedule (2 or 3 times a week). Your body will let you know when it is ready and when it needs rest. The challenging part is listening to and understanding the signals. Good luck and best wishes on your journey and may 2019 be full of wonderful surprises!
Veterans advices makes things much more accurate. Thanks to you. Maybe the good part of a prostate massage is the “dopamine” one. That makes also the big fun.