A bit of progress :...
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A bit of progress 🙂

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So I decided to try an a-less session a couple nights ago and honestly I'm kind of shocked!

I had great subtle pleasure flowing through me at times, and I think I felt a wave or two that felt almost as good as a regular orgasm!

Unfortunately it didn't last very long, but it's gotten my hopes up 🙂

I've recently been feeling these 'pleasure bubbles' that feel like a bubble is sitting on or just near my prostate. Earlier today I thought I may have felt a fart coming on and - with my libido being high due to abstaining from masturbation for a week and a half - confused that fart for some kind of prostate pleasure.

However, about an hour before I began my session I noticed that same feeling happen twice in a row, but they felt much bigger and honestly if I relaxed myself into them I think I would have instantly came. That's just conjecture though, seeing as I've been on this journey for a few years now and am just beginning to understand the intricacies of it all.

Has anyone else felt something similar on their path?

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