A Bit Clueless Here
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A Bit Clueless Here

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I have been around here for a couple years now. I have tried to read a ton of posts here on the forums, trying to understand what I am missing. I have bought: SGX, MGX, Progasm, Helix, and Eupho. The SGX was really small and I didn't get a lot of feeling from it. Both the MGX and Eupho broke when I tried to adjust the tab. The program, ouch, was just too big! And the Helix feels nice, but I do not think I am doing it right.

I have tried, relaxing, breathing, contractions (slight contractions and large contractions), on my back, side, kneeling and while it feels good. There is nothing earth-shattering. I think possibly my body is the issue. I do not know if it is supposed to slide in and out, but whenever I put it in, it just slides in and stays put. Now my wife has given me oral with slight prostate massage, and it feels great when she moves her finger in and out, so that is what I think I am missing, though to be honest, I have no clue.

Also, a little bit more about me. I am 37, a bit heavier, and I usually take a long time to orgasm.

Any insight, would be greatly appreciated!

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The situation you are describing is a familiar refrain on this Forum. I think we could even title it APA (Aneros Performance Anxiety). Your statement -

There is nothing earth-shattering.

reveals you have some strong underlying expectations with respect to Aneros use. I suspect this is a contributing factor to your perceived non-successful sessions.

...the Helix feels nice, but I do not think I am doing it right.

If your Aneros use feels good then you are being successful. It may be counterproductive to think in terms of 'right' or 'wrong' usage, it is more productive to think in terms of techniques which are more or less effective for YOU. The techniques which may work well for me may do nothing for you and vice versa, this doesn't make the technique 'right' or 'wrong', just different.

While you said

I think possibly my body is the issue.

, your followup statement -

Now my wife has given me oral with slight prostate massage, and it feels great when she moves her finger in and out, so that is what I think I am missing, though to be honest, I have no clue.

would imply your body is responding normally and quite well.

My advice is to allow yourself to become immersed in the sensations you do receive from Aneros usage without expecting the experience to be anything more than what it is. Allow your mind to savor the subtle nuances of each little tingle, each little surge of energy, each little pulse of warmth and pleasure as it radiates from your core. Let your body speak and express itself to you, in its own sensate language, rather than imposing your conscious will on the experience. You just may begin to enjoy your Anerosessions much more.

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