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6 Months Later Update on Progress

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So I've used my Aneros Helix quite regularly for 6 mos and here's what's up. I still haven't gotten a hands free prostate only orgasm, but some other interesting things are going on. For example, normally when rubbing my glans it leads to erection and then ejaculatory orgasm. Now it's gotten quite hard to pull that off, with our without the Helix inserted. If I use deathgrip fast jacking off then I'll get hard and ejaculate, but if I just slowly stroke the glans it gets me really horny and eventually I will start having dry orgasms which can go on for hours (not the orgasms but the ability to keep repeating the same activity to trigger dry orgasms). I was doing that the other night without the helix and got into quite a hypnotised state from all the pleasure and orgasms, and then I got the idea to put in the helix in that mind state to see what would happen. It didn't trigger a prostate orgasm but it did get really warm and pleasurful on the prostate, like had occurred a few times when I first started using it (but kinda had gone away). So this lends credence to the theory "be sufficiently aroused and of a relaxed state of mind." I think I am just starting to get the proper kind of feelings that I had only briefly experienced early on, from the prostate massaging, and only now after 6 mos of training and experimenting. And I do credit the aneros into helping train myself to not get hard and ejaculate from slow penis rubbing. I believe the aneros gives your body/mind something else to think about, the divided attention of competing stimuli keeps you from driving to an ejaculatory orgasm. I'll also say that when masturbating this way, I often pinch the top inch or so of my flacid penis (not too hard or uncomfortably), this helps to prevent full blood flow into the entire penis (it slightly builds in the head only and often doesn't even do that) while I pleasure myself away to orgasm after orgasm.

Here's another thought, you have to relax to get close to orgasm, but once there you will build some body tension and you have to focus then on the pleasure, you can't maintain a blank or relaxed mind at that point (but it will be achieved during and after you orgasm of course)

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