Just completed a nice motorcycle trip from Arizona to California and back, 4 nights in a hotel. Had plenty of hours to play with models that I took with me. I learned finally how I can reliably achieve a Super-O; lying on my left side, both knees towards my chest, upper body propped up with my left arm. If I do a gentle pushing out with deep breathing I get incredible P-waves and Os in this position. It was nice to dedicate a lot of time to experimentation. Had an absolutely earth shattering Super-T as well; felt the pleasure, like I've not felt before, throughout my chest and shoulders, suspended at the PONR for 15-20 seconds until my glands pulsed in slow motion, issuing forth more semen than I thought possible.
I'm sure the throbbing of your bike must have been very pleasant too.
Actually, there was one point today that I felt the slight vibration in the seat which triggered a very brief P-wave. I didn't really pursue it though because it would be awkward explaining the crash to a law enforcement officer. LOL
I'm sure the throbbing of your bike must have been very pleasant too.
Very insightful!
Sounds great! Reminds me of my analogous tour last year (or rather, analog, seeing as I was on a pedal bike and sleeping in a tent). Nothing like a two wheel cruise into the depths of one’s soul to bring out those beautiful inner monsters.
here is my post