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2nd time pointers?
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2nd time pointers?

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I used the Aneros for the first time ealier and I could use some tips. After a shower I laid down on my side with the Aneros in and relaxed for about 20 minutes to adjust. I am not new to anal play so I think I know how to squeeze the right muscles. I started doing half contractions for a while and then held half contractions and started to get the involuntary spasms. I had trouble keeping them going, but I did notice a new sensation, when the spasms went on. They only went on for a few seconds at a time. The whole session was about 40 minutes and I finally just stroked myself to regular old penile orgasm. Am I on the right trak, or did I miss something. What can I do to help me reach the super O. Please help I don't want to give up.....and I want to do it right. Look forward to some tips and to find out what I'm missing out on.


B Mayfield
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Originally Posted By: ChrisF
I used the Aneros for the first time ealier and I could use some tips. After a shower I laid down on my side with the Aneros in and relaxed for about 20 minutes to adjust. I am not new to anal play so I think I know how to squeeze the right muscles. I started doing half contractions for a while and then held half contractions and started to get the involuntary spasms. I had trouble keeping them going, but I did notice a new sensation, when the spasms went on. They only went on for a few seconds at a time. The whole session was about 40 minutes and I finally just stroked myself to regular old penile orgasm. Am I on the right trak, or did I miss something. What can I do to help me reach the super O. Please help I don't want to give up.....and I want to do it right. Look forward to some tips and to find out what I'm missing out on.


Dear Chris,

Sorry, I'd meant to respond to you over the weekend and got sidetracked revamping some of my old threads for posting in BEE Line. First, check out the BEE Line for my Keys to the Backdoor thread and In Search of the Sweet Spot ..Revisited. I've revised and updated both of these threads extensively in order to contemporize them with my current level of experience. If you've read them previously in the forum, I suggest that you read them now in BEE Line, there is some new information there. In particular with respect to sustaining the involuntaries , finding your own Sweet Spot and maintaining proper contact with the abutment tab is a must. Above and beyond this, it is necessary to develop some mental focus and become more aware of the sensations that your body is capable of. As I've stated before, many of the precursor sensations of the Super O are subtle and easily overlooked. These things must be nurtured, and worked with in a harmonic way to build them to a cresendo. I've read both of your postings here and in my Keys thread above, and from what I've seen you are doing nothing wrong! What you need now is to experiment a little more. Be open to it all!

Have FUN!

B Mayfield

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Thanks for the advice. I hae been able to keep the twitching go on for a little longer lately, but still no real success. Don't get me wrong, it feels great, and I have had a weird tingling snsation in my penis and crazy muscle contractions that feel good. But not great. I think i just need to practice a little more. How often do you use the Aneros? How long should I keep trying, during each sessions, before I change my mind and jerk myself off. I usually go for about 40 min to 1 hr. Usually I lose my erction shortly after insetions and do some slow contractions to bring it back, but I never get really hard like during sex...what's up? I appreciate your suggestions and advice and could use some more. Hope to here from you soon.

B Mayfield
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How often to use the Aneros? I myself only use it once or twice a week. In particular while I was getting my technique together I found that a little bit of abstinence actually helped build arousal. I know that you'll see some comments that talk about daily use, but it seems to work better for me putting a little space in between my sessions. (I will be writing a full piece for BEE Line on this soon.) What’s a good duration for a session? I think you have this one right already, 45 minutes to an hour is plenty, especially when you're still getting your chops down. If you go longer than an hour without any release, frustration and fatigue may become overwhelming factors. But as with all of this stuff there’s not really any hard and fast rule. If you’re still having fun experimenting after an hour, stay with it. If you’ve been working at it for 45 minutes or so and you find yourself getting frustrated…. reward yourself with a traditional orgasm. With respect to the erection question, I normally find that my penis is only slightly engorged during the period leading up to a Super O, at which time it becomes fairly hard.

Again, it sounds like you’re at a pretty good place with this, just stay with it! Experiment with breathing, and anal, rectal, and abdominal contractions. You’ll find that anal and rectal contractions work antagonistically with one another, i.e. the sensation of pushing in (anal) and pushing out (rectal). Used in tandem they can often times jump-start a Super O particularly in the presence of some good involuntaries. Try using this approach this next time you start feeling some anal twitching and see what happens. To further mix it up, try throwing in some vibratory breathing (vibrating as you inhale… you're sobbing) while you do these other things. If you feel something coming, try holding your breath for a 30 or 40 seconds (while contracting anally and rectally). Mentally focus on sweeping these sensations deeper and deeper into your body.

Good Luck

B Mayfield

B Mayfield
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Dear Users,

My previous comments dated 6/9/04 in this thread contain a typographic error. Normally I just let these things slide and allow people to assume that I have; a) poor grammar or b) poor typing skills. This typo however, is a serious error which goes to content, so I wanted to set the record straight. (I am contacting the webmaster to make a correction also)

Near the end of my comments I suggested the one could hold their breath for 30 or 40 seconds (while contracting rectally and anally). The line should have read 3 OR 4 SECONDS (while contracting rectally and anally).

Be advised that holding one's breath for long periods of time can be dangerous. And be aware that doing so WILL NOT get you any closer to a Super O, in fact just the opposite. Remember, finding the Super O is about tuning in to your body's own inner rhythms, NOT tuning out. It's about being sharp, alert and attentive to what are initially very subtle sensations. This is one reason that I've always advised against the use of alcohol or other substances as a part of an Aneros session, in that they serve to dull one's awareness.

I should mention that my concept of holding air for 3 or 4 seconds was as a pause in the practice vibratory breathing. During such a short pause one is able to tune in to what their efforts are producing, and simply bask in the moment.

I am sorry for the mistake and in the future I will make every effort to review my comments more thoroughly prior to posting.


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