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24 year old male looking for outside feedback on personal anal/prostate journey

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Im gonna try and keep this shorted possible, but will make other detailed posts about my journey later on. So i’ve been experimenting with anal for about 2 years. I started with Aneros and since i’ve gotten 6 other models, a dildo to ride, a pure wand a hismith sex machine. Early on in my journey with the Aneros Helix, i think i’ve had some p-waves whereas i would feel strong sensations that would originate from my pc muscles and then spread throughout my body. For a while this was all that would happen, which was amplified when combined with nipple play. Then a big milestone (in my opinion) happened. During a few of my sessions, whenever I felt a big wave coming i also felt like i might ejaculate (which is not what i’m going for, i want dry orgasms) i would stop, scared i would cum or lose my self in pleasure, but one day , during a session i let it happened because why not? If i ejaculate id get an amazing orgasm, so it’s a win. so I let myself go and too my pleasurable surprise, i squirted! it was clear and it was a lot ALOT. Like i thought i peed but it wasn’t and it was sooooo pleasurable (idk if i’d say orgasm tho) but i was laughing so much after out of pleasure. i believe this happened a total of 5-6 times in my journey.

Another key experience i’ve had was HFO, which imo is good and bad. like i said i want dry, but it’s also nice. this has happened a hand full of time as well. Now, on too what this post it about. About this time Last year, i was abstaining from masturbation and replacing it with Aneros. usually i masturbate with aneros in and don’t allow myself too cum 9/10 times. i’m multiorgasmic through my Dick, but i want it through my anus, so i don’t allow myself too cum much without sex with my Wife. Anyways, with a lot of the sexual tension built up, i felt prostate throbs randomly throughout my day (in a good way, very pleasurable). i even felt moments where it was like i was on top of a hill on a rollercoaster ready to drop, but never did. Even when on tv, a show, or even a person where too “count down” for what ever reason there was, i felt like i was gonna FUCKING explode! or even if i read words like “release” “cum” or, “explosion” etc, i would let out a whimper moan. MY GOD, just FUCKING thinking about that!.....excuse me lol....

Well fast forward a year later and now i’ve gotten back in too practicing kegels with my aneros inserted (currently Tempo, back in stock recently) and hoo boy are those feelings back. I was injured at work and have been restricted too office work, so i’ve had a lot of practice time. i’ve been having these quick build ups of pleasure where i either feel so teased that i’m gonna cry, OR i feel like i’ll scream (No one is around too hear if i’m not too loud). I’ve let a out loud yell of “I’M ABOUT TOO FUCKING SCREAM” while in the office. Every time i get close with these build ups it fades but i do feel the shockwave throughout my body. i even have “visions” during my sessions of yelling, burying my face in a pillow or something outrageous while finally....FINALLY cumming. Getting that prostate orgasm i deserve.

Actually, right before typing this, i’ve had a vision, while sitting in my office chair with tempo in, of me walking down this hall next too where i am now, closing the door and fucking screaming one time. so what i want too know is, how do I let this pleasure wash over me? am i stopping it by not acting out these “visions” ? Basically i just want some feedback, i’m tired of reading other’s post and expecting it too relate too me in no offense. Also, i apologize for all the swear words, but while typing at those moments i was actually feeling those waves and i think it captures what i feel perfectly lol. I’m not trying too sound impatient, i know this is a journey but i wanted too know what others would think about these experiences. and obviously i can’t just scream my head off at work lol Thanks in advance And thanks for reading!


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Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

Actually, right before typing this, i’ve had a vision, while sitting in my office chair with tempo in, of me walking down this hall next too where i am now, closing the door and fucking screaming one time. so what i want too know is, how do I let this pleasure wash over me? am i stopping it by not acting out these “visions” ? Basically i just want some feedback, i’m tired of reading other’s post and expecting it too relate too me in no offense.

At your age you obviously have a very healthy libido and are exploring your sexuality, which IMHO is a good thing. It seems you are into self Tease & Denial and it is pleasurable to you. However, maybe it is time to taper off a bit and not be using your Aneros while you are supposed to be working. My suggestion is that you relieve some of the built-up pressure by doing a prostate 'milking'. 'Milking' may take off just enough of an edge to allow you to explore prostate massage for dry orgasms without also driving you to scream in frustration.

While the term prostate "massage” and prostate "milking” are often used interchangeably, I believe there is a distinct difference. Prostate “massage” is the act of stimulating/manipulating the prostate gland for pleasure or medical purposes, it may or may not lead to release of fluids or cause an orgasm. Prostate “milking” is the release of fluids as a direct result of prostate “massage”. The Aneros devices are prostate "massagers”, they may or may not be used as “milking” devices depending on the individuals involved but IMHO are not the most effective "milking” tools.

'Milking' your prostate and seminal vesicles of fluids can be learned. You can read a short paragraph about Prostate Milking in the “Your Body” chapter of the Aneros WIKI. You can read a longer treatise on prostate milking technique and issues from Lady Lubyanka. There is also a well written blog by Andr. titled HOW TO MILK A BULL which gives step by step descriptions of the process.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel maybe you could post some links on letting go. Thissounds little like my own experience of being on the verge but unable to get over the line.


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Hello 🙂

Well done for reaching out, your experience with Aneros over the past few years sounds extreme (not in a bad way, don't worry). It's hard to give surefire advice, but I can recount some experiences that you might draw parallels with and what helps me at times. If you keep trying out different things and keep an open mind I'm sure you can reach your goal having come so far already.


Over a year ago there was a time where my Aneros/Aless orgasmic experiments were 'bleeding' into my everyday life.

I was making pretty fast progress, enjoying how apparently sensitive I had become both with my ass and cock. Jolts of teasing pleasure would take me by surprise at random times during the day.

A moment of revelation happened when, while going for a piss at work, it felt so pleasurable that I moaned out loud unintentionally. Took a while to admit it but I had, yet again, entered a phase where I was overly focused on my personal pleasure to the detriment of other things in my life.

So... I took a step back. Limited toy sessions to around once or twice a week. Initially, doing so built anticipation too much, which made not giving in to urges that much harder. But before long my mentality changed the little jolts during the day were merely a reminder of progress that made me feel happy in my own body, not a distraction.

Might be worth mentioning for context, my sex drive comes and goes like the seasons (probably tied to mental health), so there are long periods of time when my libido is so high that maintaining arousal is easy and there's no refractory period.

I wouldn't recommend this to a newbie, or most people, but at times like those I can't concentrate on an Aneros session untill I have had a traditional orgasm to clear my head. Imagination would be running so wild that I'd rather get lost in those images than pay attention to the more subtle new sensations in my body. Feelings I'm normally so keen to encourage, focus on, and playfully experiment with.

So pop your toy in, whack one out, relax for a minute or so, then carry on as if that moment were the start of a normal session. If it doesn't work... well... you've lost nothing.

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    wow that sounds a lot like what i went through, even with the whole pissing thing. I should definitely give that traditional orgasm method a try. In my case, the teasing/self denial was my ultimate pleasure for my cock, which is why i finally decided too go for my prostate. The traditional alone was enough. One day, before my journey, i felt a powerful throbbing from my prostate while edging. At the time i didn’t know what it was. It felt sooo good that i had to know more.


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Wait, I don’t understand. Are you doing this while you were at the office with other people nearby? If I understood correctly that is what is happening....

in any case, I think all sessions should be done in the privacy of one’s home in a specific designated time, while doing nothing else.  Then if you have any of these visions you can act on them. I know that my own orgasmic potential is only possible in the privacy of my own home with a pillow I can scream into (including dirty dirty words that would hurt my poor mother’s ears). 

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  Thanks for the feedback! First of let me say i’ve been lurking on this forum for a few years since starting my journey so i must say it’s pretty awesome that I got a reply for someone as experienced as yourself. 

    I have not try prostate milking yet, so It probably would be best too give it a try. I’m aware of the articles you have sent and i will read them after i have sent this message, but If I may ask, what would you recommend for milking? My wife is aware of my prostate play and supports it, but she is not comfortable using her fingers as of yet.  I have a dildo and a sex machine, would those work?

 Also, denial and self teasing is a big turn on for me. I feel like it helps play into my sessions by making me extremely horny, but i will admit that if I’m too horny, i risk just masturbating with aneros in.

  One last thing, it’s not that i “use” aneros at work, but i usually like too stay plugged just because it feels really nice too be so. Sometimes I’ll wear nipple clamps just too have my nipples sensitive. i’ll make a post about nipple play once i feel my questions are answered on here. Thanks for the reply!



     I replied you your comment, but I don’t know where it went so I had to retype. If you see too replies from me on your end, I do apologize.


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I was just “wearing” It at work lol but yeah you’re right about the privacy thing. I also posted this on a reddit forum and was told basically same thing:I need a better set up, which i whole heartily agree. Lately i’ve been having thoughts that if i could use my hismith with no one at home while it pounds my ass I’d be in total bliss 

   Thanks for the feedback! Love this community!


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@seekinginerblis96 does your wife know anything about your journey,toys and machines? If not,including her may move you on to the next level.


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    Yes my wife knows of my journey, she isn’t comfortable with “milking” me with her hands, but she will lick my nipples and control my sex machine. we have a almost 2 year old daughter so it’s hard for either of us too really get the time. Us together or even alone time for myself, which is why i just usually just wear a plug throughout the day and do kegels kind alone practice.


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Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

i was abstaining from masturbation and replacing it with Aneros. usually i masturbate with aneros in and don’t allow myself too cum 9/10 times.

Edging isn’t really abstaining,and abstaining could certainly be helpful. You could cut out the wanking,as for most guys,it interferes with the re wiring process,and penis wiring is very strong.


Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

Well fast forward a year later and now i’ve gotten back in too practicing kegels with my aneros inserted

I’d suggest practicing a Kegel routine outside of any sessions or sexual undertakings. 

Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

I’m not trying too sound impatient,

Well from the post,you seem to be banging on the door pretty hard, every minute of the day lol . Maybe step back,make a plan of when to have sessions and stick with that for a bit,and take whatever each session produces. Your expectation/need for prostate orgasm might be holding you back. It’s something that has to just be allowed to happen for most people. 

Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

i can’t just scream my head off at work lol

Maybe plan sessions for any alone time you may get at home,if any. 

good luck with your journey.


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 I agree with what you’re saying, maybe i have been banging on the door pretty hard lol and yes i think i do need some alone time and a more fit schedule. 

  thank you for your time, you information has been invaluable.


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Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

What would you recommend for milking? My wife is aware of my prostate play and supports it, but she is not comfortable using her fingers as of yet.  I have a dildo and a sex machine, would those work?

Self “milking” with the Aneros via ‘hands free’ manipulation is difficult as one usually needs to be very relaxed for the ejaculatory ducts to open and allow the fluids to flow out of the prostate. The stronger, more vigorous, muscular contractions needed to effectively move the massager create a level of tension which is antithetical to the relaxation of the gland ducts. It is possible to train the various muscle groups to alternately relax and contract to accomplish a “milking” but it will take practice. It is unnecessary to employ strong muscle contractions with your Aneros use as a “massager” to generate orgasmic feelings, hence you can employ it for many hours without triggering a “milking” response.

My own experience has revealed the conditions need to be 'right' to accomplish a true "milking" using your Aneros and without using your hand to manipulate the massager. Generally, you need to be highly aroused, your prostate needs to be full and engorged due to arousal (an erect penis from edging is helpful but not mandatory). You should be on the high excitement plateau just before reaching the PONR (Point of No Return), then using your sphincter and PC muscles start performing very strong, rhythmic, slow paced contractions with total relaxation between contractions. It is important to maintain your arousal level, through penile stimulation if necessary, but don't take yourself to the point of ejaculatory inevitability (PONR). This may take a long time and be somewhat strenuous but you will eventually get the ejaculatory ducts to open and the drip, drip, drip of prostatic fluid. The process may not yield much fluid nor be intensely pleasurable in relationship to the amount of energy expended, it can be done, but Aneros devices (regardless of model or size) may not be the best tools for this particular activity.

While a dildo attached to a sex machine may work, I think that is likely to trigger yourself into a full ejaculatory orgasm with the resultant refractory period which I surmise is not what you are hoping to achieve here. The best tool I've found for performing a real self "milking" is the Njoy 'Pure Wand'. While solo use (as shown in this video) can be very pleasurable, I suspect having a professional masseuse or your wife do this would be much more pleasant as you could really just relax into the pleasurable release to be had.

Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

Also, denial and self teasing is a big turn on for me. I feel like it helps play into my sessions by making me extremely horny, but i will admit that if I’m too horny, i risk just masturbating with aneros in.

You might find the thread Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention relevant here. In particular the idea of chastity role play may appeal to you and your wife. I recommend you read Kelmag's blog entry Male Chastity - Pleasure and Devotion, the Science Behind It for a well researched blog entry on this phenomena. You don't need to go so far as entering a wife led relationship to enjoy some of the benefits this type of role play may confer on you, remember it is all about pursuing the pleasure. Prostate milking is often a big part of this type of play.

Posted by: @seekinginerblis96

One last thing, it’s not that i “use” aneros at work, but i usually like too stay plugged just because it feels really nice too be so.

I can understand that and as long as it doesn't otherwise interfere with life's responsibilities and your own health/comfort go ahead and enjoy it but be aware that too much use could lead to some desensitization of the prostate and anal nerves, making prostate orgasms a bit more difficult to achieve.

Good Vibes to You!

P.S. @Helghast, perhaps you'll find the thread "Just Let Go !" helpful.

For those of you interested in more information regarding prostate milking here are some links to articles/websites I've run across over the years which I found helpful in my learning.

1.) Prostate Milking

2.) Self Prostate Milking for Health and Pleasure!

The male chastity community has developed a more focused interest in milking techniques/variations due to their limitation of traditional ejaculatory orgasms the following links are from such sites.

3.) Male Chastity Milking (Three Fun Ways to Do It)

4.) Different Male Milking Techniques for More Control

5.) A Lazy Domme's Guide - Prostate Milking

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   Looks like i have some studying too do lol , I have a Njoy pure wand but i never thought of using it for prostate milking and i’ve only used it a handful of times. I might try too give it a go tonight. I also have some questions for nipple play, but i’m gonna save that for another post since there is so much information in this one. I want too tame my time and actually do some studying when i get the chance. Thank you so much! Wish me luck with my Njoy experiment haha!


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