Would be at day 4, but I had another nocturnal emission. I hadn't even done any edging since the last emission. Maybe this is how my body is adjusting. Dunno whether to stop trying this or not. At least my body is ejaculating according to it's own schedule I guess.
when you guys have a nocturnal emission, do you notice you're doing so? if you do do you find that the orgasm is absolutely amazing? i had one last night and it was a super orgasm, perhaps not a prostate one but one that i find hard to believe can be topped. ever.
In the past when I had wet dreams the orgasm was always very powerful i'd always awaken as it started or a little after. It usually occurred when i was doing something sexual in a dream. But I only had them about once every other month to three months.
I'm back, went on a trip on Thursday to attend a wedding
also back to day 1, another nocturnal emission. For me, nocturnal emissions always involve an extremely quick buildup to an orgasm that's not so great. I'm thinking about starting small, like two or three days before purposefully ejaculating, then going one day longer at a time.
@Jspad........ "I'd give my eye teeth for a nocturnal emission, well, one at least". ......
Guys, I haven't had a bona fide wet dream in years, at least since my adolescent years! But it doesn't bother me now since I have found Aneros!
I personally find wet dreams to start and end within seconds, and that the orgasm is not very good, but then again, everyone is different. Interestingly enough, I in my sleep last night I think I half consciously said no to penile stimulation, since I'd ejaculate, and ended up with someone licking my butt instead. Felt kinda nice if I remember correctly, though nothing big. Still, kind of interesting as I kind of like the idea of at least once getting a rimjob I'm sure most of you can sympathize.
Anyway, I'm wondering if maybe the wet dreams were from the lack of stimulation over the past week or so. I wasn't masturbating at all as I wasn't feeling all that sexual, and during my trip I didn't have an appropriate opportunity. I'm going to make sure to masturbate regularly without ejaculation and see what happens. I'm thinking once every couple of days. I'm also going to see if I can manage going 40 minutes at a time like I did a few hours ago. I made it about 20 minutes before needing to slow down, and the last 10 minutes were when I needed to be careful. I kept my breaths slow and deep, and that had to have helped quite a bit. Last night I masturbated to ejaculation to let my brain know that it's getting stimulation without dreams, and the orgasm felt superb, but today's session wasn't so much about stimulation as it was about cultivation. I didn't even feel like looking up porn. The idea was to breathe slowly, pace myself, and keep going as continuously as I could without going over the edge. I'm feeling a nice thing or two occasionally after that, and I'm glad I still have that "don't need to finish to be satisfied" mindset. I still feel a little sleepy though, maybe the hard time I had sleeping during the trip is still effecting me a bit. At least now that I'm home I can take a nap or sleep in.
Day 3
Since edging last night, I've felt quite a few nice sexual feelings in many areas. Not too much else to comment on at the moment. I'm going to keep doing the challenge normally, and perhaps if I have problems again I'll consider starting out a few days at a time and slowly building up to 21 days.
Day 1 again
Last night the pressure in the pelvic area got to me. I ejaculated to relieve the pressure. Not sure how to go about things now. Maybe I should take things very slowly? Edging for only a few minutes at first, and only going for a few days without ejaculating? Maybe my body will have more time to adjust and the pressure will not be such a hassle. Or maybe that just happens if I edge. Maybe I shouldn't edge without ejaculating anymore. Maybe I've been edging too long and should go for shorter times at first.
I need more time to experiment and see what works and what doesn't. I'm thinking about edging for 10 minutes at a time at first, and ejaculating after 4 or 5 days and building up from there. Even if my body won't adjust to where the pressure doesn't get to me, maybe I'll find out where my limit is before experiencing that pressure.
That sounds tricky with the pressure and all, it's like your body is making you build up ejaculate but can't push it all the way out unless you do it manually or let your guard down i.e. sleep. Maybe your subconsciously pinning for a release and pushing these fluids outward during the day, i'd practice holding in the ejaculate even while not edging.
Anyways since i've stopped masturbating my body has went into full rebellion mode, in the last week I had my first nipple orgasm (and it was powerful), my first throat gasm (this was very very strange), a wet dream, powerful p~waves all over and a series of sexual related coincidences. All of this was involuntary and i actually tried to stop them but the feelings just grew stronger and stronger.
The flames of my body's rebellion has died down for now but it really blew me out of this world and was enough to put me back on the fence. My body’s aroma has changed as well as my appearance I can tell that abstaining is likely having a negative impact on me.
Despite this, I’m still in abstain mode (also from aneros) just because I don't know what else to do at this point. I thought i had it locked down but then my body flipped out on me.
@Trei I feel for you. Would you wan't to start a different thread where we can talk these issues in general and how to lower arousal or deal with high arousal? These thread here is mainly about rising it. Both valid, useful but totally contradictory subjects.
I give you the example that prompted my reaction. Wouldn't some interspaced traditional masturbation be actually useful for your goal (considering you really do it traditional, which since rewiring is becoming increasingly difficult for me)? What about the chemistry? Are there some natural products or activities that would reduce muscle twitching in this area and or excessive hormones? I know some meds do it for the muscles, such as meds based on Phloroglucinol ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phloroglucinol) or Mephenesin ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mephenesin). I am pretty clueless on the subject of hormones.
@Jspad - I have discovered that it is possible for me to ejaculate non-orgasmically, and I wonder if that is something for you?
I too love to edge, and I also practice temporary ejaculatory abstinence. Even, if I don't edge, I find I can get REALLY excited after a period of days, and there is a danger of blue ball syndrome, or "backing up" as you describe.
I find that if I let myself go completely flaccid, go and make myself some tea or something, and then come back to masturbation later (say 15 minutes to several hours later) - I try not to get too excited, and just wank myself, breathing deeply, and relaxing. As I get harder, I get a sense of being about to pee. If I follow that, and stop masturbating when there appears to be a flow - I can ejaculate (without orgasm) - 2 or 3 long shots. I shoot further than I usually do for a wet orgasm, and it consists of a LOT of precum or similar.
This is actually more pleasurable than it might sound, plus there is an instant release from all that pressure, and if you are so inclined you will still be horny and you can have fun eating it - lol I find that my ability to dry orgasm SUDDENLY increases after such non-orgasmic ejaculations. I am suspicious that this backing up of fluids can suppress multi-orgasmic responses (not eliminate them entirely).
Since there is no refractory period, there is no loss of sexual energy.
Hope this helps
Very interesting, that's worth a separate subject I think.
Thanks @Canacan for the reference to the medicines, i have never heard of those, however my post was not off-topic as those body reactions where the direct result of abstaining which stemmed from this challenge. This thread is about abstinence and the 21 day challenge, not increasing arousal. I thought it'd be a good idea to let people know that they're body may do some bizarre stuff if they properly keep up with the abstinence.
@Trei Strange indeed. Can't find meds with this in US, while they are extremly common in Europe.
In mexico for the first : http://www.igenericdrugs.com/?s=Panclasa
See if anything rings a bell fir the second : http://www.igenericdrugs.com/gd.cgi?notran=1&s=Mephenesin+&search=SEARCH
Day 1 again since I had a wet dream again.
I'm starting a different approach though. I'm trying out the 90 day nofap challenge. You don't reset after wet dreams with nofap, only if you masturbate or use porn, depending on your goal. I'll likely do neither. Anyway, somewhere along the line I may make it past 21 days without a wet dream. Then again, I might not. Either way, I'm sure to learn more along the way. I've also heard of the benefits of going an extended period without masturbation or porn, even if one does ejaculate with wet dreams.
If this where nofap i'd be on day 35 All bragging aside, wet dreams are normal and cannot be stopped, however the frequency at which you are having them seems to be very abnormal as they don't occur so frequently in most people. Correct me if I’m wrong.
In regards to the extended benefits of nofapping, I’d say the benefits I’ve gotten so far is seemingly lowered arousal and better ability to lock away my sexuality. Also stable energy at almost all times, but the negatives are very harsh. My constipation issue is even returning, but that may be because i haven't used aneros in a while. I want to add though that i have not been masturbating my whole life as i started only last year so the benefits for others will likely vary greatly from that of my own.
Who knows what'll happen around day 90. Perhaps you should start a new thread to rally others who may be interested in this challenge.
Yeah, I probably should start a new thread, though I don't feel like abandoning this entirely. I guess I'll keep track of how many days since starting as well as last ejaculation via wet dream on the new thread.
OK, I've started a new thread for NoFap challenge
I am a student of Tantra, and I generally do not allow myself to cum when I orgasm. I am still working on going longer between masturbatory sessions, but I usually only cum once a month now.
A student of Tantra? Cool! I have a question, if you don't mind me asking.
Do you ever have problems with pressure in the pelvic region? I end up with this if I masturbate without ejaculating. Sometimes it's even a bit painful. Also, do you know how to remedy something like this?
@Jspad, there is a possibility that you are having retrograde ejaculations where as the ejac gets rerouted into the urethra it can be very dangerous.
This is a common thing amongst those who try to orgasm without ejaculating in a penile fashion.
I’ve even unknowingly had a few when i used to practice penile orgasm without ejaculation leading me into the false belief that i was successful.
I hadn't been doing it to the point of orgasm though.
I see, hmm.
This is what I do:
First I put my mental focus on my prostate, when I feel I'm close to ejaculating I put my focus on my coccyx, let the pleasure build in that spot, again when close to ejac. I move my focus to belly button and go back and forth. It works a bit like the Aneros like this, subtle sensations that build the whole body orgasmic feeling. Once I've got this route going I can edge much closer to the point of no return then contract anal and back pc muscle which gives me nice dry orgasms. I was at it yesterday for 1,5 hours this morning I feel a similar throbbing sensation in my prostate as with the Aneros.
So to answer your question Jspad about pressure in the pelvic region, I think it has to do with keeping your focus in the groin and without ejaculating that pent up energy's got nowhere to go, the belly button is the most safe place and also gives a really nice feeling as well.
I used to get this as well, or blue balls as some call it. Mantak Chia's method of bringing it round the microcosmic orbit never really worked for me, perhaps coz it was too fast from balls to belly button(also some points couldn't store the sexual energy like the points I mentioned and mental focus on ALL these points is just too much for me, but I still get the benefit of all these points coz that's just how energy travels in the body) and I'd still sometimes get what you describe. Now like this I'm basically still using the same mco but with this slower method I can get the hang of it
I've tried circulating the energy along the micro cosmic orbit before, to make sure the energy is circulated. Either I'm not good at moving the energy yet, or it doesn't have much effect on the swelling of blood in my pelvic region. I'm getting along a lot better in the 90 day nofap challenge anyway.
Well I just signed up.
Day 1 = 24 May 2016.
I am not expecting much from this. It was suggested by Aneros veterans.
I am scared I will not be able to sleep.
I am scared that I will snap at co-workers or relatives or be too moody.
I am scared.
I am not expecting much from this.
Good! Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed by unmet expectations.
I am scared I will not be able to sleep.
You will be able to sleep, you've been practicing that activity all your life, you don't really think your body will, all of a sudden, stop that practice now do you? When you feel your energy level start to rise then take a quiet walk before bedtime to give your muscles a chance to dissipate some of that new energy.
I am scared that I will snap at co-workers or relatives or be too moody.
When feeling new energy levels, look for ways to reframe your responses into positive, helpful, supportive actions, a simple "How can I help you?", with a smile on your face, can do wonders for co-workers, relatives and yourself.
I am scared.
To paraphrase FDR - 'You have nothing to be scared of but being scared itself'
Good Vibes to You !
Almost at the end of day 1. Not feeling any different, other than being annoyed that I am not allowed to use Peridise after it has become a bit of a breakthrough.
Bit sleepy.
Almost at the end of day 2 (or maybe day 3 because I started this almost 24 hours after I last ejaculated).
No real difference to previous day. This sucks.