Haha, didn't notice people were doing a 21-day non-ejaculation challenge.I'm doing something similar, difference in that I'm abstaining from anything sexual as a whole - including seeing anything pornographic, personally erotic, using Aneros, touching etc. Think I've done three weeks so far, which is where I was originally the goal, but figured I'll extend it by another two weeks — making a month.
Mostly to help focus on life, good luck all!
@DarkEngine,you realise that just visiting this site could be construed as a sexual, (personally erotic), activity?!
@DarkEngine,you realise that just visiting this site could be construed as a sexual, (personally erotic), activity?!
You're right, I contradicted myself there! But as you say, it could be! ;PI dropped by to try and vent some sexual tension from abstaining. Helps ease the mind, without doing anything to set off the horny vibes. Saying that, yesterday and today my body has decided to just spurt out p-waves seemingly without any provocation. Hell, 30 mins ago the p-waves kicked up a storm, yikes.
@DarkEngine, why just a month? Why not 2 months? LOL Isnt anticipation half the fun?
Day 21: Challenge Completed.
I still may not masturbate for some time though.
Congratulations, @Trei!
It would be interesting to hear from you what aftereffects or developments you may have received from this challenge.
Start of day 10.
Things seem to be going ok all around, plenty of energy throughout the day. Masturbation and edging doesn't seem to make me feel backed up lately, so I must have adjusted pretty well to this. I probably need to be more careful when edging though, I end up going pretty close to the edge. I read somewhere, though, that when you eliminate orgasm as the goal, eventually masturbating starts to feel really nice all around, not just when close to or at the edge.
@Jspad,great to know that you are having success with edging.
Up to a point, you're right; edging is really all about all about avoiding ejaculating. Ultimately IMHO, edging is aimed at achieving an orgasm WITHOUT ejaculating. Successful edging gets you so close to an orgasm and remaining there for as long as you like, without tipping over the edge into an ejaculation. Much more rewarding than straightforward masturbation to ejac! BTW, avoiding ejaculation does become easier.
Takes time and plenty of practice though. Keep it up and Good Luck!
@DarkEngine, why just a month? Why not 2 months? LOL Isnt anticipation half the fun?
Thought about reaching two months max, with this month being the minimum. The whole focus for me is to overcome the lust for orgasms and Aneros, rather than build anticipation; maybe because there's more to life that I should focus on (outside of work too, ofc), and orgasms shouldn't be at the centre of it all.
I only use the device once every few weeks, though, but p-waves & dry-Os I would try to brew almost every day. Besides that, refractory periods would make me feel incredibly fed-up and depressed, albeit briefly, so there's a hint that things needed a switch up.
@Pommie I know some people can get into orgasm without tipping over the edge, but to me getting that close is scary, and I have to completely stop ALL MOTION and relax my PC muscles to ride out what almost was an ejaculation. With the path I'm taking, the idea is to no longer crave the orgasm, but enjoy everything else. For all I know, orgasms may come from elsewhere, without ejaculation. But in the meantime, I'll just enjoy whatever sexual feelings I get
Day 11.
Day 21: Challenge Completed.
I still may not masturbate for some time though.
easy peasy, I once went without masturbating for more than a year, but then maybe I am a no-fap Wunderkind. How about something more challenging like no shitting for a week?
@DarkEngine, joking aside thats a very admirable reason to abstain. Good luck.@Ehm, wow thats pretty amazing, one year! I guess anything is possible if you put your mind to it,except for the no shitting thing for a weak. That would probably just make you sick if you could even pull it off LOL.
Thanks @BigGlandsDC I have somewhat learned to subvert the horny adrenaline surge but this is worrying me as if i don't know if i keep going on with this will i not be able to get aroused in the future?
@Ehm Try not masturbating for 23 years : ) Also, before aneros i suffered from severe constipation and have went for an entire week without a BM.
I've actually been abstaining since before May but i couldn't remember which day it was on so I started from May 1'st. I feel that i have acute control over my horniness as of this moment, but like i said above i hope the situation doesn't reverse and it becomes difficult to become aroused in the future.
@Jspad,seems to me that you have exactly the right approach to this and I love the way you are going with it. If I were you, I'd stop feeling scary when you get close. Eventually, you should be able to remain that close without stopping all motion. Then you will have complete control over when you would like, or not like, to proceed to an ejaculation.
I believe that Mantak Chia's advice is that we should all have sufficient control over whether we ejaculate or not, is simply a matter of choice and that, as we grow older, we should choose to do it less and less. By practising edging, I am teaching myself just that lesson.
I agree with you - just enjoy whatever sexual feelings you get whenever you can.
I did a 15 day challenge and it was very intense. I played with my cock a lot, even pumped and did PE exercises, got lots of teasing blowjobs from my wife (she loved it so much, the precum omg) and had my best Aneros sessions ever, including my first and still only Super O on Day 8 (to which I wrote a huge post on here back then). But when we could finally have sex (she was on her period, that was playing into the challenge: we were both going to cum together) it wasn't as great as I thought. I was way too overly excited to finally be able to cum, so I could hardly get an erection. She teased me intensely for about 30 minutes leading up to it and I was a solid rock, but as soon as sex came in, I was a softie. I finally could do it after relaxing and the build up to orgasm felt so unusual and "off" and when I pulled out to cum on her it just poured out, loads of cum, but it didn't feel as powerful and wonderful as I expected. I should've masturbated and made it happen on my own, I think being with her psyched me and my cock out too much. The next day after we got it on and I REALLY came like a supernova, that was the one that felt like I had waited over 2 weeks for!
I really want to embark on a challenge again. I've been reading this with so much anticipation!!! @Trei are you going to cum and when you do are you going to share it with us all here???
@techpump, It doesn't look like I’ll be cumming any time soon. I feel that I have my sexual urge on a leash now, I’ve even managed to will away the dry wet dreams. But if I do cum then I’ll share the experience here I doubt it'll be out of the ordinary for me though.
My reasons for taking this challenge are very different from others as i want to decrease my sexuality, i know that sounds weird but it's a personal issue.
Hi @Trei, I can understand your reasons from pulling back. I just hope you can continue to enjoy the Aneros!
Day 12.
@PommieIt's not that I'm scared when I'm edging, it's just a little bit of a thrill to have to stop when it feels like I've gone over the edge. I do my best to avoid getting that far, and I believe I'm getting more and more used to doing things this way. When close the the edge, I slow down or stop if need be, and although it'd be real easy, I have to try my best not to squeeze my pc muscles, because that ends up making things go fast when I need things to be at a certain pace. Forces me closer to the edge, so I concentrate on relaxing rather than squeezing and knowing when to slow down. It's easy for me to tell how close I am to the edge, and when I need to slow down. I think I may be improving my capacity for keeping the stimulation going, and maybe not as slowly as when starting out.
Come to think of it, I have a TON of experience edging from back when I'd look at porn and go for an average of 40 minutes. (Then again, back then I'd ejaculate almost daily. Might be why I'd last so long.) That may be why I know so well how close I am and how fast further stimulation will bring me to the edge at different times. The difference is that now I know that it's much easier to keep going if you don't squeeze the pc muscles. It's a bit hard though, and I find it near impossible to not have at least a bit of movement down there when there's practically any stimulation to the head of my penis, but it still helps and I'm probably getting better at it.
I seem to be stuck again though, as far as Aneros sessions.
Lately I haven't had many if any p-waves from anywhere. I wonder if maybe it has something to do with my diet lately. It's a bit hard, but I'm losing weight again thanks to a calorie restricted diet. I've had a lot of highs and lows the past several days. I'm hoping my keeping my meals/snacks evenly spaced, that I can avoid the lows, or at least lessen them.
Nocturnal emission, back to day 1. (is it really nocturnal if it's almost noon?)
Oh well. I'm just gonna keep on truckin'.
Many medical terms use the word "nocturnal". I've always taken issue with that term as it is false and erroneous in many cases.
True lol
Technically false, but something that you'd know the meaning of anyway. Is there a word like nocturnal for sleep that would be more suitable?
I just searched google and couldn't find any, but where getting off topic here haha.
P.S.: I think they should just call it sleep emissions or resting emissions or maybe even dream emission.
Nocturnal emission, back to day 1. (is it really nocturnal if it's almost noon?)
Oh well. I'm just gonna keep on truckin'.
To be fair, aren't nocturnal emissions outside of your control? You didn't consciously demand for it, so it shouldn't set you back imo
The chemicals from the orgasms where released, so the challenge for him is null.
It was probably the edging that brought on the wet dreams.
@techpump, It doesn't look like I’ll be cumming any time soon. I feel that I have my sexual urge on a leash now, I’ve even managed to will away the dry wet dreams. But if I do cum then I’ll share the experience here I doubt it'll be out of the ordinary for me though.
My reasons for taking this challenge are very different from others as i want to decrease my sexuality, i know that sounds weird but it's a personal issue.
I sincerely hope you get the desired result.
Yes@ Canacan I still haven't masturbated and I now have my urge under strict control, i haven't even used my aneros tools for almost a week and I’ve managed to will away the dry wet dreams and prostate fluid that came out with my urine. The cause of the fluid was the urge to release.
I have gotten exactly what i desired out of this challenge but i'm not sure if it is the right choice. I feel that i can, if i wanted to at this point, i could go back to my old ways of no masturbation that resulted from my insensitivity issue due to my botched mandatory birth circumcision.
I feel as though I’m at a crossroad..
I don't think nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) or spontaneous emissions (oozing or dripping) during the day cause the same hormonal shifts that an induced ejaculatory orgasm causes. I don't have any substantiating data for that speculation and can only judge from my own experiences, so if you experienced such an event I doubt it set you all the way back to refractory period status. Occasional spontaneous emissions are not uncommon for men, especially for those suddenly withdrawing from frequent ejaculatory behavior, it's nothing to be concerned about, your body will adjust. It seems to me a spontaneous emission is more like the effects of prostate milking (without orgasm) in that it relieves the immediate fluid pressure within the prostate without triggering the hormonal cascade a full ejaculation causes. This is why prostate milking is used for health maintenance where couples are using tease & (orgasm) denial to heighten arousal and erotic pleasure.
Good Vibes to You !
@BigGlansDC Thanks BigGlans it's been really tough lately with me and this sexual issue. You are a good friend.