day 5 here I fell and had to start over doining ok now gave in
Day 6: even more interested in my partner. She is amused. All okay so far.
End of day 5 as I post this. A bit more energy than yesterday, not in that "do nothing" daze. Still a bit lazy, but I'm not too tired to do stuff such as take Mom for a car ride and play some games. I don't have any urges to masturbate, still not much libido. One of my goals I'd really like to meet is to get a job, so that I can save up some money, then build a beastly powerful gaming computer and get a new monitor. So after a google search I found out about something I didn't know about before: the department of labor. So tomorrow I plan on checking that out.
Start of day 7.
Yesterday was okay. Woke up a couple of hours into sleep feeling sexual energy spread out in various areas of my body. This was interesting and felt nice, but was keeping me from getting to sleep. So I got up for an hour or so, and getting up seemed to settle things down. I had another problem though. Felt like testicles and prostate were kind of backed up or something. I could deal with my testicles being a bit achy by leaving them alone, but I had some discomfort and even a bit of pain for a second from my prostate. I tried having a short session with the aneros, and that seemed to do the trick. I was able to fall asleep after that. Maybe my body will adjust to these things, maybe aneros sessions will become more important to keeping my prostate from bugging me, I dunno. I hope things like this don't end up becoming a problem again, or at least that if that problem does arise again that I can find relief from an aneros session again.
End of day 7.
Looking back I probably would normally feel really tired and a bit irritable considering I slept for about 2 hours, woke up, then slept for only 4 more hours. Today I've felt okay, awake enough to drive, and still have the energy to stay awake watching a movie later in the day with my friends. I do feel a bit tired, but have I'm not in that tired "no motivation" mode. I hope after a full night's rest tonight I'll be full of energy!
By the way, anyone have advice regarding feeling pent up, or as though the "pipes" are a bit backed up? I assume I should just have aneros sessions to help with the latter, and that with time my body will adjust. Not that I've had trouble with feeling pent up yet, or at least not much, but I appreciate any nuggets of wisdom I can acquire. Maybe that's not so much of a problem now that my sexual energy isn't confined to just my genitals anymore, and can circulate through the rest of my body. Do many people here have to learn how to sleep with this rather stimulating energy?
Start of day 9.
Things are going pretty well. Not too much to comment on. I seem to have plenty of energy to get me through each day now. As for my libido, I think it's slowly building. My aneros sessions are still mostly me just relaxing and feeling a bit aroused and leaking a few drops. Still, my sensitivity is increasing. I'm not normally horny as I'm just going about my day. I can get a good bit of arousal though from nipple stimulation.
By the way, I did a bit of searching online, and it would seem that the body does indeed adjust to not ejaculating for long periods of time. Semen and dead sperm cells will also at some point be broken down and reabsorbed for their materials.
Day 11.
Experiencing dry wet dreams without waking up (a first for me).
Urine seems to be infused with a good amount of prostate fluid.
Feeling chaotic, energy levels seem to be even at all times.
My routine has been to listen to the ecstasy cd while massaging my balls (and the male deer exercise)for about 15-30 minutes every day. Every other day I do the ballmassage etc. then do the ksmo for 20 minutes and then jerk off for about an hour without ejaculating.
21 days without ejaculating is the norm for me, more often a month to 6 weeks. In the past I've gone without jerking off until I'd have my mj induced Super O and then I'd have to coz otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep..But I found not jerking off over long periods of time actually make you less horny and consequently you probably produce less testosterone, not good....jerking off without ejaculating and the ballmassage makes you horny as hell.
Now before I start fapping I'm already having ksmo orgasms and then when I jerk off I'm circulating energy from my groin to my belly button and having continuous dry orgasms while the orgasmic energy spreads thru my body. For me ejaculating is a messy hassle, but when you've followed this routine and been jerking off for hours before ejaculating, the release feels almost as good as a Super O and certainly worth the hassle of cleaning up
Today energy levels seem to be higher than normal, and I'm more enthusiastic and driven today.
@Ehm With the exception of the male deer exercise (because i don't utilise it) i have found all of your claims align with my own personal experiences.
I'm on day 14 today. Last Friday(day 11), I had one of my best sessions to date! Super O's at will for about 4-1/2 hours. Not sure if it's because of the Challenge, but it certainly didn't hurt to be so horny.
Start of day 10.
I don't feel pent up or backed up since that one day or two, so I must be adjusting well enough. Yesterday, late evening, my energy levels dropped quite a bit. I thought about having a session with the paredise, then thought I'd just take a nap. Then I decided to just pop it in since it would be healthy if nothing else, and proceeded to take a nap. I woke up after about an hour I think, feeling nice things from the device. After I decided to end the session, I got up and noticed the quick nap had my energy levels back up. Pretty nice nap
Getting into the second half of my day, I've slipped into that "don't feel like doing anything" mood. Also, at the end of a session I feel kind of backed up again. I think a little of the fluid even showed up in my urine. Also I had an erection that had persisted a bit too long, and my penis was a little uncomfortable. Also, from what I've read, that kind of pressure in the pelvic region occurring for too long is the cause of "blue balls," rather than congestion. I'm not uncomfortable, but my testicles are a little tender to the touch.
10 days is a new record for me, and I'm confident that I'll finish the 21 days. The way I see it, ejaculating won't make me feel any better than I do now. Even if I feel backed up, I know it'll pass with time. Once I finish, maybe I'll experiment with masturbation without ejaculation to cultivate arousal. Maybe I won't need to cultivate it that way, and will be able to practice circulating it.
on day 12 have learned to to get to precum stage with out touching penis.what a wonderful feeling.I then stick in the helix classic. nipples and tesicles are very touchy got one of the hardest erections I have ever had It is nice to have the enegry boast. I have a lot more postive attutide about my sexual well being. Mood control is fine I masturbate a little but with helix c out of rectum Hole seem a lot more sensitive when Helix is inhad my first O last week thought i messed up only precum Jspad nipple---lightly circle navel do abut four spots right above penis with a firm touch than ball that will bring the precum for me I am going to play with my hole for next experiment befor inserting and a couple of light stokes
Back to day 1.
I ejaculated this morning, just before I woke up. I've learned quite a bit along the way, so I'm not considering it a loss, just a set back. Hopefully I won't have another accident while sleeping this time.
Day 13
-Aneros sessions have taken a big hit and isn't as pleasurable as before even nearing on the "dud" end of the spectrum.
-At the end of a urination period i had a string of prostate fluid hanging from my penis.
-Feeling very chaotic and grumpy alot of the time in a subtle way, the backed up feeling of the penis has subsided but I feel very pent up sexually.
-I feel overall far less sexual and less sexually open. I can't seem to unleash my sexuality easily, and I’ve grown a slight aversion to things that are sexually related.
+Energy levels have remained even to very energetic, something that I definitely didn't feel whilst on the energy roller coaster of masturbating.
I'm going to try some masturbation without ejaculating. Even if I end up feeling backed up again, from what I've read online the body will adjust so that it doesn't happen as often. I'm thinking kegels should help if I'm feeling backed up, so I'll try that next time. I think increasing circulation is what will help.
Here's one for @Aneros2 or @Anerosx2,
There seems to be a number of posts turning up recently with no text, like the one above from @Trei.
Are you able to tell us whether this a glitch in the software that runs this site or is it a problem with the person filing the post?
@Jspad, I would not really count a body generated Ej in you sleep as any form of failure. It was probably the very best thing. Just make a note of it and carry on regardless. Well done.
I'm on day 16 now. Don't know that I have any more energy than normal, but I think it has helped in my rewiring. As of this morning, my A-less sessions have reached a new level. I've had several Super O's that have rocked my entire body!
@Pommie I accidentally re-posted my "Day13" post and had to erase it. Eventually blank posts get completely deleted either by a mod or a system.
@isvara The point of the challenge is to get over a 17 day "ejaculatory hangover." Also, I don't see a nocturnal emission as a failure, but the overall experience as great success. I normally go for orgasm, but I am learning to not crave it so much. Also, my body is adjusting to not ejaculating so much. It's not so much the goal, but rather the act that brings success.
Anyway, I'm on day 3 now, and although my mood seems to be down, (yesterday anyway, might not be as down today) my energy levels seem to be better than they would be normally. Part of this might be from saving energy up that previous 11 days, part of it might be from cultivation through masturbation. I kind of like masturbating again, but rather than edging like before, I try to stay away from the feeling of orgasmic/ejaculatory buildup as much as possible. This way, I believe, I won't be feeling pent up and as though I need to ejaculate. Also, I think it will not cause as much fluid to go into there and make me feel backed up.
This makes sense to me, since the ejaculatory reflex is triggered by a certain amount of fluid pressure in the prostate.
I once went without ejaculating for around 6 weeks, i was single at the time and doing lots of work outs/martial arts etc then i got the offer of a blowjob from an ex and took her up on the offer and when i came it was like blowing 2 loads and 2 orgasms one after the other in her mouth, very nice!
Day 18:
*Body not looking as vibrant as when I was masturbating.
*When I see sexual things i feel a sort of disconnect with them and I’m generally uninterested in the sexual thing (this has been waxing and waning lately).
*Libido has dropped considerably and has effected my aneros sessions, i even put my toys away for a while as they where having very little effect on me. I feel as if I lost most of my sexual charge but I still feel sexy.
*energy levels have astoundingly never gotten to a low point this entire time, it's truly amazing how consistent and stable it is, I like this.
*Now here is the kicker guys and it is the series of dry wet dreams I’ve been having, early this morning i had a what seemed like an hour and a half long second for second sex orgy in my dream i have never experienced such a consistent non-vague dream in a very long time. Over an hour of sex!
*This has happened while on masturbation too but lately i've been waking up with my entire body and matress vibrating as if i'm lying in a pool of energy this has happened consistently these passed couple of days.
@Trei Wow. That's sound's pretty cool. Vivid, dry orgasming orgy dreams?
Start of day 6.
I believe I've figured out how to stop the late afternoon drop in energy I usually experience. I've been dieting, so lately I've tried putting off breakfast for a few hours. Instead of that, now I'm having a really big breakfast, waiting as long as I can before having a regular sized lunch, and then light dinner.
My mood's been pretty consistently "ok" lately. A couple days ago I think I was a bit moody at times, felt like I'd be more content being left alone. But yesterday I enjoyed the company of my friend while we took a walk.
My libido's been lackluster lately, but then again when hasn't it been? The point here is to get past the hormonal roller coaster of regular ejaculation in order to get to a higher state. One of much higher energy, more libido, and generally more happiness.
Maybe a couple weeks in my sessions will finally start to take off consistently rather than rarely. Then again, no expectations, but at least I still get to masturbate a little. Even without ejaculation, I believe this provides at least some satisfaction, and raises my libido for a while. Normally I'd feel pressured afterwards to ejaculate, but I feel like I only need to be careful while masturbating so I don't go too close to the edge. Afterwards, I believe the energy cultivated will sometimes produce pleasure waves. I should be past the low point now, so things should slowly get better and better.
Day 18:
*Body not looking as vibrant as when I was masturbating.
*When I see sexual things i feel a sort of disconnect with them and I’m generally uninterested in the sexual thing (this has been waxing and waning lately).
*Libido has dropped considerably and has effected my aneros sessions, i even put my toys away for a while as they where having very little effect on me. I feel as if I lost most of my sexual charge but I still feel sexy.
*energy levels have astoundingly never gotten to a low point this entire time, it's truly amazing how consistent and stable it is, I like this.
*Now here is the kicker guys and it is the series of dry wet dreams I’ve been having, early this morning i had a what seemed like an hour and a half long second for second sex orgy in my dream i have never experienced such a consistent non-vague dream in a very long time. Over an hour of sex!
*This has happened while on masturbation too but lately i've been waking up with my entire body and matress vibrating as if i'm lying in a pool of energy this has happened consistently these passed couple of days.
Hi @Trei,
Do not despair in your 21 Day Challenge Journey. You are getting into some serious, yet exciting territory as regards your erotic "dry" wet dreams.
Same for you, @Jspad.
Some weeks ago early one morning around 4:30 a.m., I had what felt like a wet dream. The last time I did have some wet dreams was in the early years of my adolescence! I am now 65. But this "wet" dream was filled with delicious, sweet sexual energy. When I awoke, it was only a "dry" wet dream.
I rarely have wet dreams, but they involve an extremely quick buildup to ejaculation. Quick as in a second or two. I have had at least a couple of dreams, since starting practice with Aneros, where I had what felt like a normal ejaculatory orgasm, but when I checked my underwear they were dry.
From what I have read on 90 day nofap challenge posts, people usually adjust to not ejaculating and wet dreams become less frequent. Luckily, I very rarely have wet dreams to begin with, so hopefully I won't have another accident.
@Pommie seems it wasn't removed this time, it usually gets removed from what i've seen in the past.