Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

1st Year Report
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1st Year Report

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Hello all. I've been lurking on the forum here for about a year and I'm posting this to document my experiences over my first year of aneros use in hopes of helping other aneros users and would appreciate any advice for me. I'm writing this in a chronological order to give a sense of the sequence of events and how long it took me to progress.
I believe all our bodies, while very similar are unique and respond in unique ways to different stimuli. What worked for me at a given point in time will not necessarily be the same experience for someone else. (You're mileage and results will vary! ) Sorry for the long post.

My Background- 48 years old. Happily married for 20 years with healthy sex life. Had some limited experience in anal play, dildo play with wife. - not a regular thing, probably only handful of times a year...
Bought 1st aneros 1 year ago. I ended up getting a progasm jr based on some online reviews.
I was a little skeptical at first of some of the claims of what could be achieved with aneros, but after I had read many of the posts on this forum and the detailed accounts, I bought into the idea that this was real, and I decided to give it an honest try. The most intriguing thing for me was the idea that orgasm and ejaculation were separate events and one can learn to separate them and orgasm without ejaculating. That was something that I wanted to test out and see if it was possible for me.

I started using it and was having a session about 3-4 times per week. I told my wife about it soon after taking delivery of it. She was supportive, but not too interested in it at the time.
The first 2 months, my sessions were mainly some pleasurable feelings, especially the first few minutes of a session, where I often got a nice erection, but not much happening as far as orgasm during these sessions.
I had read about kegels and how they can help, so during this time i was practicing them pretty much daily. I noticed over the couple months that the muscles strength gradually improved and I could feel the separate muscle groups and slowly the kegals became more pleasurable.
These first 2 months, the sessions mainly consisted of trying to concentrate and do manual kegal contractions. I followed the forum advice strictly and avoided all penile stimulation during sessions. The sessions at this point were not sexually satisfying and it was difficult to keep my mind from wandering during the session. At the end of some sessions, I would edge or have sex with ejaculation if my wife was available.
I would sometimes get a little sore back there from a session, so after a couple months, I wondered what the other models were like. So I bought the 4 models of the trident line to see how they felt. I found the helix and the eupho models very comfortable in comparison to pro jr., even with a long 1.5 or 2 hr session. The maximus was more filling and still comfortable, but moved less. The mgx was actually quite uncomfortable for me and i don't use it. In hindsight, the progasm jr wasn't the best starting model for me.

Around month 3, i experienced a session (eupho trident I recall) where I experienced what felt like a deeper, harder, and longer contraction. My body was apparently figuring out what to do with these new sensations. I could feel it contacting my prostate harder, and it felt really good. I didn't achieve this by squeezing harder, it was my body involuntarily contracting, apparently reaching for more or the pleasure i was feeling. These harder involuntary contractions - now learned, slowly became a regular part of my sessions now. It felt pretty amazing at the time. My reaction was like - "wow, look what my body learned to do!" It was my first taste of aneros progress and i was eager for each next session.

With my body now doing deeper involuntary contractions, the contractions would come outside of sessions and at random times during the day. These feel good, and if I don't concentrate on them, they pass quickly. If I happen to be where i can focus a little, they are quite enjoyable.
I remember a change that occurred with my body around this time. I recall turning on some porn one day and instead of getting an erection, i started involuntaries. I felt my body was really starting to rewire and find a different pleasure pathway, even with a long ingrained habit of viewing porn. At this point my porn viewing was way less and only sometimes before a session, because i found it too distracting during a session.
Since I was enjoying the sessions alot now, I would have aneros sessions pretty often 4 or 5 times a week. Sometimes I'd have a morning and an evening session. I found that the more often i had a session, the better it was. If I took a few days off, I felt like it set me back. So for me, as long as i wasn't getting sore back there, I would always be up for a session. I did, and still do, rotate to different aneros models. Usually no more than 2 consecutive sessions with same model. I don't believe I've experienced the desensitization that is sometimes talked about, but I'm sure its possible.

It was about this 3 month time i began to experience one major side benefit of aneros use. Ejaculation control. I was able to have intercourse pretty much as long and as hard (no pun intended) as I could ever remember having before- ever. I could go until my wife was asking to stop. We were like teenagers again. She couldn't believe it. I explained to her, this was one of the benefits of using "the massager " as I would refer to it. She began to take more interest in it at this point. However, it seemed she wanted to have sex way more often, so I remember it was hard to find time for a session! Great problem to have! Lol.

So by month 3, my sessions were a mixture of voluntary and involuntary contractions,. Now at about month 4, i was focusing on being more relaxed and let involuntaries take over. They were getting more pleasurable with each session. Taking advice from the forums here, I see how it felt better to relax and let go and not reach for it. I remember reading an oft repeated advice on this forum that helped me at this point in time; concentrate intently on the physical sensations you are feeling in your body and nothing else. This really helped stop my mind from wandering which was an issue in the first few months.
Sometimes the involuntaries would completely take over and I felt like my body was in charge, and I was just a passenger just along for the ride. I honestly didn't know what was coming next!
My first dry Orgasm. I remember the session well, (helix trident) my wife was I the bedroom at her desk not paying any attention to me while i was laying on the bed. (I enjoy having a session with her in the room, or at least telling her I'm going to have a session when she is home. it is more arousing and no distracting thoughts of sneaking off or being interrupted). I was starting the session with some light voluntary and slow contractions. Then my body took over and the voluntaries became involuntaries and each one successively faster. Then it hit, I felt a strong wave of pleasure in my groin area and it radiated up through my chest and to my neck area before dissipating. It probably lasted about 10-15 seconds. I had never felt anything like it. I was able to share and describe it to my wife after the session ended.
I spent many many sessions for months trying to recreate that first dry orgasm. I would use the same helix, same position, same everything. No luck. To this day, i haven't felt the same type of orgasm. The lesson here is enjoy your sensations during rewiring because you may experience things that you cannot recreate because your body continues to rewire and change. I still hope to feel that type of orgasm again but I stopped trying, because it only led to dud frustrating sessions.

Around 5 months, after reading so much about nipple stim, i started to give this a try. During sessions i would stimulate my nipples dragging my fingers or knuckles over them or a light pinch. It probably took a few weeks or more to get gradually more and more pleasurable feelings. One thing i noticed early on, was when I got pleasure from nipple stim, I would feel it in my prostate and on my frenulum. All 3 seemed to be wired together. I would feel this whether I was erect or completely flacid. This nipple stim proved to be a big step change in my aneros pleasure. My nipples could now turn any dud session into a highly pleasurable one. Game changer!

The next big personal milestone happened when my wife got involved in my sessions. I remember i was in the bathroom after i had showered and was getting ready for a session. She was in there and saw me pick it up. She said with interest 'why don't you show me how you put that thing in". So i proceeded to show her how to lube up then bent over right in front of her, and popped it in and out again to relube and back in. It felt very sexy.
So now she wanted to join in my sessions. Therein lies a triumph but also a dilemma. I explained to her that we're not supposed to touch my dick during the session. She was not too keen on that idea because she really likes to get me off. We had a few sessions where she would use her vibrator, a mutual self pleasure session. Very arousing. We also had sessions where i would give her oral. That is good but, harder to focus on aneros sensations. So at this point during my sessions one thing would lead to another and I would have my session sabotaged by finding my dick inside warm vagina or warm mouth! 1st world problems! I know. Lol. I'm not too fond of super-T's (almost too intense to feel pleasurable) so I would usually end up taking aneros out and having a wife sex session. Great for sex, but aneros would have to wait.

My next (and biggest) breakthrough came during one session I remember well. I was having an aneros (Helix syn) session with my wife. i was still struggling with the aforementioned dilemma and asked her to be very gentle on my dick; " just licking and gentle sucking. Absolutely no jacking motion with your hands, or it will end quickly ". This went on a while and as you can imagine, i was struggling to stay relaxed and not ejaculate. Eventually the pleasure was overwhelming and I just let go, I didn't care if I ejaculated or not. I felt an ejaculation building sensation and my pc muscles tensed up. To my amazement the ejaculation was completely dry, but it felt nearly identical to a wet ejaculation! I was completely blown away! I did feel a nice sensation of release also and no refractory period. The best part of this is I found this was REPEATABLE for me.
In subsequent sessions my wife would gently lick and suck my frenulum and dick, I found the feeling of the aneros in me and having my penis and frenulum licked and gently sucked to be the one of the most pleasurable sensations i have ever felt. (By this time, the aneros has definitely made my penis much more sensitive than it was before.) The buildup up in pleasure with this new form of stimulation building in me was pure bliss, I began moaning- a higher pinched moaning, sounds that I never made before in my life. I lay on the bed, arms and hands over my head, completely letting go with my wife and aneros sending me to the moon. My dry orgasms developed into what is probably best described as what i read in the wiki as 'pleasurable convulsions'. My whole groin area and legs convulse almost like a seizure, sometimes when its a stronger one, my whole body is convulsing. They can last a few seconds or up to a few minutes! Most are probaby around 15 to 30 seconds.
I realized at this time, this broke the conventional wisdom of aneros use that I had been following well up to this point- no penis stimulation. Perhaps i had followed that rule long enough to rewire sufficiently to avoid ejaculation? Was I now rewiring through my penis? Then I realized, but never really gave it much thought before, when receiving a blow job from my wife all these years, I remember when she would just lick and suck my dick (not use her hands to jack me off) i would feel a build up, but i remember having to tell her "pull it" if I wanted to ejaculate. I realized I already previously possessed the ability to avoid ejaculation while having my dick gently sucked and licked. As long as i wasn't jacked by hand I was good. This ability continued with my aneros use! I don't know how rare or common this physical attribute is in men, but If you possess this ability to not ejaculate so easy while getting sucked, I highly recommend exploring this with aneros use. Most likely best results after some rewiring is already in place. Consider it an advanced technique.

So at this point, i felt like I found the holy grail, it was life changing at this point. We had sessions that go 2 to 3 hours. I get rolling dry orgasm after dry orgasm. It went on until we have lost count of how many orgasms, 30, 40,+ I'm moaning and whimpering uncontrollably like a female porn star, often panting and dripping with sweat. Eventually completely exhausted, physically, mouth parched, needing a water break.
My sessions at this point; wife will alternate between sucking my nipples and back to my dick and frenulum. Ill have a dry orgasm, a little precum will flow, she will drag her finger along the underside of my dick to get all the precum she can on her finger and lubricate my nipple while she stimulates it with her finger while at the same time sucking me. Then switch and suck a nipple while tickling my lubricated frenulum. Amazing feeling. My dick will alternate between erect and flaccid just like during an aneros only session. There is a thread on the forum that talks about the penis as a capacitor. I definitely relate. When I'm getting my nipples stimulated, the buildup in sexual energy in my penis/frenulum is immense and soon becomes almost unbearable. Then my wife will put my dick in her mouth and swirl her tongue around it. I feel a huge sense of relief when she does that as the energy slowly draws down - this usually triggers a dry orgasm. Such a wonderful feeling. She can cycle this over and over by alternating between nipples and dick.

A note on enhanced penis sensitivity- I feel this increased sensitivity whether my dick is erect or completely flaccid. I feel it on my penis skin and especially on frenulum, 100% flaccid or erect. I have discovered one of the most pleasurable new feelings for me is having my flaccid penis sucked. It feels absolutely amazing. Being flaccid, I get the entire penis in her mouth with her tongue contacting more surface area and part of my balls too. When her tongue moves it around in her mouth, i feel the same increased sensitivity that aneros use brought on with my erect penis.. I dry orgasm consistently when she does this. I usually add some light nipple stim to keep the orgasms coming. After a dry orgasm or a minute or 2 go by, i become erect or at least semi erect. She will then move to my nipples or I can focus on her body for a little bit. When I get back to flaccid in a few more minutes, she starts all over again on my flaccid dick. These are my favorite sessions! Who knew so much pleasure could be had from a flaccid penis?!!

I'm about 6 months of dedicated use into the journey at this point. My outlook on life has improved, i feel much closer to my amazing wife. I'm seriously looking forward to retirement and thinking of all day long sessions of bliss!

Another discovery that i stumbled across, I didn't read about until afterwards on the forum. I had a solo aneros session one day and felt intense pleasure in the area right on top of the base of my dick, right between pubic bone and base of shaft. It felt amazing. I stuck my fingers in there and felt intense pleasure. I found a few threads in the forum about it, they call it vagus nerve. I read these nerves are connected directly to the prostate. I told my wife about it, and she tried to stimulate the area, but while i found this area is very intense when stimulated on the right spot, it's very fleeting. You have to press just the right spot, often needing pinpoint accuracy and just the right amount of pressure. Usually less is more here and and very light pressure feels better than harder pressure. But sometimes I need to press harder in the beginning to find the right spot or nerves. So this is something that requires self stimulation to get it dialed in. If I find myself alone and feeling the urge, but i know i only have a short time, I will reach down and stimulate this area with my fingers. Usually with some nipple stimulation and this, I can induce a good dry o within 2 or 3 minutes. After a few o's the whole area on the pubic bone can get very stimulated and it feels amazing to rub it back and forth. I can only imagine what this scene would look like to someone unbeknownst stumbling upon it. There I am, reaching down pretty much in the same spot that a clitoris is on a woman, and I'm moving it side to side with my fingers just like a clitoris is stimulated, and I'm moaning and orgasming! It feels amazing and provides great possibilities of mental imagery to imagine you have a clitoris. My advice is be gentle there in the soft tissue area. at first, I poked in there a bit too hard and was sore a few days.

Next big step change. I had read here about forum members here were practicing semen retention to increase their arousal. I was being very satisfied with dry orgasms at this point, so I found it an easy thing to try out.
After about 4 or 5 days in, i noticed a increase in arousal and I found I have greater prostate sensitivity and general horniness. This keeps increasing and seems to plateau out for me at 2 weeks. At that point, my nipples are super sensitive, my prostate feels very tingly and swollen and ready to explode. I haven't kept a specific day count, but I think my record is about 4 weeks. This was another game changer and I get more pleasure and more orgasmic the longer it goes. After a few weeks, my sessions (w/wife helping) so far are guaranteed multiple orgasms for as long as she's helping.
The only downside to SR longer than a week has been I lose the great ejaculation control I had with intercourse. Combine that with my improved penis sensitivity, i cant last long in there. With some experimentation I found that i still have decent control in the traditional missionary position with me laying completely on her, my head right next to her head. In any other position I've tried, it wont last long. So I would start "edging " in my wife. Go for a few minutes, stop just before PONR, wait a few and then restart.
When enough time has gone by, and I want a break from the tingly swollen prostate feeling, I will go for an ejaculation. I've had some of my longest and most intense ejaculations. I had 1 that went with a normal burst and i thought was done, then it built up right on top of that and exploded again. It felt like a double orgasm. It was amazing.

Approximately month 7 or 8 now. There isn't always time for a session, sometimes my wife and I start playing around and i dont want to go grab an aneros and get lubed up. So i would feel I'm missing out with no aneros stim. So that leads to the next step change on my journey. Aless. With what my body has learned so far plus the added semen retention, I found that when I didn't have time for an aneros session, but my wife would start licking me, The dry orgasms now started coming even WITHOUT ANEROS IN PLACE. They became just as intense and some even MORE INTENSE. At this point, my MIND WAS COMPLETELY BLOWN. Does this mean i don't even need aneros anymore? How far does this rabbit hole go?

Month 9 or 10. The next development is that after about the 2 to 3 week mark in semen retention, when having a session with my wife, I have had a few mild ejaculations, although not sure they warrant that title. They build up with the feeling of an ejaculation, but the pc muscles don't quite tense up completely. As i ejaculate into her mouth, she says it feels like its just slowly oozing out, not shooting like a normal ejaculation. And the volume is less. It definitely doesn't give me the full pleasure and release of a typical ejaculation.
Another time, I believe it turned into what is called a ruined orgasm. The weak ejac started, but stopped before any liquid came up. My wife said she could taste it, so something was there, but no detectable amounts of liquid.
These mild ejaculations have happened with aneros in and now once even aless. This development is fine with me, i was worried at first, but so far has not drawn down my sexual energy like a full ejaculation normally does. Perhaps this is akin to a milking of my prostate? I do feel slightly drained for a short time after, but by a few hours i am reenergized. In the next session with my wife, the dry o's are rolling in and that feeling of nearing ejaculation is gone. So it definitely doesn't feel like a full reset to day 0 of semen retention- more like resetting back 1 week from where i was at.

I had a session about this time where my wife was out of town for a couple days. It was helix syn which I hadn't used in a while. This session, I don't know if it was just a good morning or I got the lube just perfect or what. But i put helix syn in, and laid down on the bed. I was quickly getting deep involuntary contractions, it was auto-f*ck and off to the races. It didn't matter what position I was in, i was just doubled over in pleasure and repeated dry orgasm after dry orgasm. I truly felt like a passenger here while this thing auto-f*cked the hell out of me. I was not in control. It was one of my favorite sessions. I didn't need to or even have time to think about touching my nipples or anywhere else on my body. I'm not sure how long this session lasted, an hour, maybe more. At the end of the session , I got up and walked into the bathroom to remove helix. As i walked in, the auto-f*ck kicked in hard again. It stopped me dead in my tracks, doubled over in pleasure and I had to support myself on the shower door. It was not done with me! This went on for a few more minutes and i managed to end the session. The afterglow of this one lasted all day. It was a great day!

Ok. That's my report for my first year of aneros use. Sorry for the long post. I wanted to document my 1st year, and I'm not sure I'm going to continue writing about my journey, so I wanted to capture the whole year. Thanks for reading.
Notice i didn't use the term 'super-o' even once? I believe that term has become somewhat of an enigma. For many new users, I believe it leads to unreasonable expectations. When someone refers to super-o, i just read it as dry-o. Unless there is more description around it to clarify- that's it for me. I can see how the term got latched on to for marketing purposes, but for practical descriptions in this forum- its just not that helpful.
The name I've chosen here ;'the passenger', fits with the approach I've taken with aneros. Let go and let your your body and subconscious be in charge. Intensely concentrate on what you physically feel, but don't try to force it. Just go along for the ride!
One question i have at this point is; my orgasms are very quaking and seizure-like. They feel amazing, and i enjoy them like nothing else. However sometimes they are like a workout and leave me sweating and physically tired sometimes. Has anyone primarily had these types of orgasms and then later been able to add the ability to also have a more peaceful orgasm, more like my first dry orgasm I experienced? What is the path?


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@the.passenger that was a great report, thank you so much for the detailed chronology. It's wonderful you have an enthusiastic, supportive partner to enhance your Anerosessions. It's great you did your due diligence reading and learning to incorporate the numerous techniques delineated on this forum to suit your particular body, kudos to you.

I realized at this time, this broke the conventional wisdom of aneros use that I had been following well up to this point- no penis stimulation. Perhaps i had followed that rule long enough to rewire sufficiently to avoid ejaculation? Was I now rewiring through my penis?

Yes, IMHO, you have sufficiently rewired yourself to incorporate penile stimulation into your sessions. You've learned to limit the stimulation to keep from triggering the ejaculatory reflex which has thus allowed you to experience multiple orgasms. This is a kind of discipline that Tantric practitioners strive to master and you are well on your way to doing the same.

... the next step change on my journey. Aless. With what my body has learned so far plus the added semen retention,... The dry orgasms now started coming even WITHOUT ANEROS IN PLACE. They became just as intense and some even MORE INTENSE. At this point, my MIND WAS COMPLETELY BLOWN. Does this mean i don't even need aneros anymore? How far does this rabbit hole go?

You've developed what has been termed 'muscle memory' but it is really more than just the muscles recalling their training. This is part of the synaptic rewiring in your brain, which, when combined with your mind's intent recreates a virtual reality from perceptual memory of past realized events. Your reality is really only your mind's interpretation of perceptual events, if you can vividly recall those past perceptions you can recreate a virtual reality for yourself. This is what you have done and as you continue this practice it will become even more natural to your existence. I don't think anybody knows just how far down this rabbit hole you may go.

... after about the 2 to 3 week mark in semen retention,... I have had a few mild ejaculations, although not sure they warrant that title. They build up with the feeling of an ejaculation, but the pc muscles don't quite tense up completely. As i ejaculate into her mouth, she says it feels like its just slowly oozing out, not shooting like a normal ejaculation. And the volume is less. It definitely doesn't give me the full pleasure and release of a typical ejaculation... Perhaps this is akin to a milking of my prostate?

That's exactly what it is, a prostate milking. This is a technique often used in BDSM relationships where chastity devices are used as part of Tease and Denial play with the intent to keep the male at elevated arousal levels without invoking a refractory period due to a full traditional ejaculation.

Notice i didn't use the term 'super-o' even once? I believe that term has become somewhat of an enigma. For many new users, I believe it leads to unreasonable expectations. When someone refers to super-o, i just read it as dry-o. Unless there is more description around it to clarify- that's it for me. I can see how the term got latched on to for marketing purposes, but for practical descriptions in this forum- its just not that helpful.

You may not have used the term specifically but from your descriptions of events you have quite obviously experienced Super-O's, so Congratulations ! .

One question i have at this point is; my orgasms are very quaking and seizure-like. They feel amazing, and i enjoy them like nothing else. However sometimes they are like a workout and leave me sweating and physically tired sometimes. Has anyone primarily had these types of orgasms and then later been able to add the ability to also have a more peaceful orgasm, more like my first dry orgasm I experienced? What is the path?

What you are seeking is the Calm Seas of Orgasm, this is obtainable when you get to deeper levels of physical relaxation. When you start experiencing your initial orgasm in a session take note of the physical tension building in your muscles, at this point you need to exercise your intent to relax those muscles while still focusing on the pleasure being generated. This will most likely avoid the spasming, enabling you to prolong a pure blissful pleasure period of orgasm(s).

Good Vibes to You !

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All I can say is WOW! Hope to get back involved with my sessions, now that kids are back in school!

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Rumel, thank you for your reply. I have been reading your posts for a year now and do appreciate all the insight you bring to this forum. Its been very helpful.
I will work on the intent to keep my muscles relaxed while staying focused on pleasurable feelings and see where it leads me.

Thorny, thanks for your reply and description of where you're at in your journey. That is great you have been able to have calm seas type of orgasm. I will try to focus on the buzzing and energy movement technique you described. I am interested in the clicking techniques you refer to, i recall reading a thread about it a little while back. It sounds very fascinating and i will explore it. Did the clicking technique help you with your calm seas orgasms or had you already been able to have them without it?

Hopefully you can instill more interest from your wife in the future. I think a major factor that helped keep her involved was that as my body learned to have dry orgasms, when she helped me, she would feel that she was the one responsible for it. And I tell her she is! And give her all the credit. ( i suppose she is in a large part, but aneros probably gets a big chunk of the credit, but i don't t tell her that.) There were many times i was having a solo session, and I could see she was not too interested. I would just politely ask her without any pressure, "would you do me a favor and lick my nipples for a few minutes "?. For me, this is like rocket fuel for a session. This would often get her into it, and a few minutes would turn into an hour or more. It does take time and treading carefully i know...


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@the.passenger Excellent post. Your thorough and detailed account of your first year was inspiring. It took me some time to experience prostate orgasms. My first one was a surprise since I had not had success previously. I felt the p-waves and the build up to a very powerful dry-O. I had to cover my mouth to muffle my screams of ecstasy. It was weird but wonderful! It took quite a while but I eventually learned to relax more and began to experience calm seas orgasms. My best one lasted approximately 40 minutes. It doesn't happen all the time but I savor every moment when it does occur. I find listening to music helps me. I wish you all the best in your second year.

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thanks for your reply. I also have and still do have sessions where i have to muffle screams into the pillow. sometimes the pleasure is just so intense - it can't be helped.

I am encouraged by your report of getting to calm seas orgasms. Also heeding advice from @rumel In my sessions now, i am actively trying to prevent my pc muscles from tensing up which leads to a seizure like dry orgasm. I'm finding that i can relax these muscles for a while under the extreme pleasure of being on the edge of orgasm... what happens is it prolongs the buildup time to the orgasm all the while ramping up the pleasure and intensity.
I do feel im making progress. I had a session last night with multiple orgasms, but i derived most of the pleasure from the buildup, i did have some quaking seizure like finishing, but they were shorter in duration. I felt most of the pleasure in the buildup rather than the release, if that makes sense...
The session left me highly satisfied and I wasn't left dripping in sweat. So it was definitely progress.

Good luck on your journey as well.


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