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Im very new to the delights of prostrate massage iv bought myself a Aneros Helix Syn V and have tried it a couple of times after a lot of reading but with no success!

Please could i be given some tips to what i might be doing wrong as i would really like to really enjoy this amazing feeling iv heard so much about


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Hey and welcome. Reading is good. Keep reading and trying different techniques. Most people don’t have success right away; it can take anywhere from weeks to years to attain orgasmic pleasure. In the meantime, don’t let yourself be frustrated. Take each session as a meditative experience in which you gain more and more awareness of your body. If after several more sessions you are really lost, then come back and explain exactly what you are doing so forum members can guide you better with new ideas.

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Posted by: @rusky

Please could i be given some tips to what i might be doing wrong as i would really like to really enjoy this amazing feeling iv heard so much about

@divine_o gave you some good fundamental advice. This practice is a journey without a particular destination. If you try to make it a goal oriented practice you may be repeatedly frustrated about lack of progress. Please read the thread Introductory Message to New Members which has a few hints and tips to facilitate your learning journey with the Aneros, the Aneros WIKI especially the Getting Started section and veteran member @B-Mayfield 's classic collection B's Keys & B's Best.

Good Vibes to You!

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Welcome to the forum,read up the wiki,ask questions and have fun! 🙂 

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My advice is to think of aneros or any prostate stimulation play as not your regular masturbation time. This is different time. Since its not penis-oriented, try to think of prostate play as not just a part of your regular masturbation repertoire. For instance, if you spend a certain amount of time pleasuring your penis to completion, don't give yourself the same amount of time: you may need less or more time. Also, all of the stimuli you rely on for penis pleasure needs to be removed, too. For instance, if you watch or listen to anything pornographic when you pleasure your penis, remove those same things from your time pleasuring your  prostate. I found I was not orgasmic, for years, while watching porn during Aneros and prostate play. As soon as I ditched porn with prostate play I became multiorgasmic regularly.


There is no magic formula to this! Keep reading the forum that's my best advice! But, don't devote too much of your experiences to what users here on the forum say and report. We're all different, all of our journeys are too. It took me from late 2004 to early 2014 before I had definable prostate orgasms, but other members on the forum report it took them less than a month, or even a week, or even just the first day of trying, before they had a prostate O!! What unifies us is that we have these kinds of orgasms and experiences.

Lastly, I want to share this for everyone reading because it puts anal and prostate play into a different light for me. The anus is "yin" oriented, meaning it is more related to feminine energy: accepting, receiving, allowing something to move into from outside. Males are "yang" oriented: poking, prodding, inserting. To allow the Aneros into your body, be thinking about your accepting it, receiving the toy into an orifice, and to do that, you have to relax that orifice (the anus), sexualize it, make your anus erotic. Make it hot for pleasure; get turned on by your ass. Really try to imagine being turned on and hot and bothered for something to enter you there. To get there, get in the mood. (And you don't have to rely on your standard "get into the mood for penis play" material, although if it helps, dabble in it gently, but try to find ways to feel erotic and sexy for anal play in ways that is not how you get ready for penis play. Aneros and prostate pleasure is generally and usually a hands-free activity, but your body and mind can become eroticized through related, or even completely different, stimuli from the outside.) I just read about anal play being yin-oriented and it makes a lot of sense and how my body and mind get ready for and then engage in prostate play is right in line with yin energy and a yin mindset.

Good luck with your journey and travel well! We are here for refreshments, light reading, and breaks along your way 😉

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Here my input as a relatively new user myself. After great success within the first 10 days of trying, I'm back to wondering how in the world I did those things. Two "dud" sessions in a row, it's difficult again just like the first times. This whole journey is so unpredictable. I've totally stopped expecting anything by now. Maybe it suddenly happens again sometime soon.

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The Forrest Gump expression certainly applies, "Aneros is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gunna get" All I can say is pack your patience for this journey. I personally am almost a year in and I'm just beginning to to feel some of the things described in this forum. But I can tell you you do become aware little by little the changes taking place in your mind and body. When you read about people who have been at it for years without an orgasm, it doesn't mean that they aren't getting a serious amount of pleasure, during there sessions.

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Posted by: @tbob

When you read about people who have been at it for years without an orgasm, it doesn't mean that they aren't getting a serious amount of pleasure, during there sessions.

I am one of 'them'; almost 6 years in with no SO but damm, I'm enjoyng myself!  Every single session is great including the Aless version.


I love my box of chocolates!

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what you guys say is the best toy for a beginner

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i dont know its related but how can i put it iv been very windy since iv been trying this new pleasure

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@rusky I started with a helix trident, and I frequently go back to it. I had a couple weeks of virtually nothing until it just clicked. @techpump's entry is very good advice. It's hard to envision the anus as a sexual organ, undoing years of taboo driven into the normal hetero male psyche. That seemed to open a door so to speak. Best of luck on the journey. 

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Posted by: @techpump

….Lastly, I want to share this for everyone reading because it puts anal and prostate play into a different light for me. The anus is "yin" oriented, meaning it is more related to feminine energy: accepting, receiving, allowing something to move into from outside. Males are "yang" oriented: poking, prodding, inserting. To allow the Aneros into your body, be thinking about your accepting it, receiving the toy into an orifice, and to do that, you have to relax that orifice (the anus), sexualize it, make your anus erotic. Make it hot for pleasure; get turned on by your ass. Really try to imagine being turned on and hot and bothered for something to enter you there. To get there, get in the mood. (And you don't have to rely on your standard "get into the mood for penis play" material, although if it helps, dabble in it gently, but try to find ways to feel erotic and sexy for anal play in ways that is not how you get ready for penis play. Aneros and prostate pleasure is generally and usually a hands-free activity, but your body and mind can become eroticized through related, or even completely different, stimuli from the outside.) I just read about anal play being yin-oriented and it makes a lot of sense and how my body and mind get ready for and then engage in prostate play is right in line with yin energy and a yin mindset.

Wow!! What a great idea that anus is yin oriented. You can not just rush this pleasure. It takes time. Thanks.


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@techpump I’m gay bottom so used to anal pleasure so I’m hoping when I get my first Aneros in the mail probably tomorrow, I’ll be at least halfway to pleasure. Do you have any advice on first steps? Is patience the most important thing?

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