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100 Orgasms a Day Man

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100 Orgasms A Day
If the link fails 'google' "man has 100 orgasms a day".
Two areas fascinate me about this phenomenon.

1). Does his experience imply all men are capable of the capacity of orgasmic expression daily, given particular triggers?

2). How much does, a 'normalised' cultural mindset of man's way of having an orgasm and the quantity, count towards his distress with the condition. If say he had been an Aneros user for the last decade would he be less mentally debilitated at least?

He says at one point that his muscles between chest and above his knees are contracting in waves - and pulses his hand - reminds me of a jellyfish moving through the water - is perhaps all movement orgasmic at some level - I know some rewired guys here report they sub-orgasm when running and / or walking.

Extreme examples of phenomenon often offer potential for deeper insight, would be great to have other members views on this - thanks.


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1/ yes.

2/ no idea what you mean.

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It has been said that when we peel away all the layers of bullshit and conditioning we're ecstatic at our core.
Some claim all that's needed is(a prolonged) present moment awareness to be in sync with this true ecstatic self. Or keeping one's awareness in the body(away from the mind) as one does when amplifying orgasmic sensations.
So I think orgasm awareness is a possible precursor to ecstatic awareness. That is like prostate awareness enables whole body orgasms by taking away the focus from the (primary) sex organ in men the penis...the point where man breaks with nature. Man's awareness is a mighty thing and just focusing on orgasms seems a waste

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This poor man is clearly suffering acute distress, from no fault of his own.

Let us pray that someone can come up with a cure for him in the very near future.

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@pommie, agree. I'm guessing that the back injury caused trauma to his sacral root nerve where orgams are triggered. (see TED talks about orgasm myths) The"sex therapist" was particularly unhelpful wondering if he was faking it. I'd like to know what treatments the doctor has in mind and why he hasn't pursued them.

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By the way, I posted about that a few months ago.

It is called PSAS for persistent sexual arousal syndrome it is a rare condition. First time i hear about a male case. Though extremely rare female cases seem more common. Doctors seem extremely unefficient at treating, let alone understanding, the condition.

It seems to me as related to what we do here and the milder cases of non-stop lesser orgasms for a few days some of us here have had on a few occasions. Though pleasurable at first, I did found it pretty invasive myself and would have been pretty disturbed, I suspect, if it simply lasted for a few weeks.

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