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[Just for advanced users!] Penis as a generator and capacitor for sexual energy?

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Today i had an epiphany. 🙂 Most guys (including me) are ignoring their penis because they think that it could trigger an ejaculatory orgasm and hinder them in their aneros-journey. In most threads i read that you should ignore your penis in your aneros-journey. But i don´t think that´s true, atleast for advanced users. The main-cause why men don´t make any progess with aneros or a-less orgasm is because of lack of arousal. I thought of a way to generate arousal and sexual energy (because mental stimulation isn´t working in every situation) and found a simple and effective way: Edging. Most of you will think that´s the wrong way to approach the aneros-journey but that´s not entirely true. Look at your penis as a generator and capacitor for sexual energy: You generate sexual energy with every edge and save it (that´s why you will get hornier and hornier with every edge) but if you´ve saved to much sexual energy your capacitor will blow up (you will ejaculate). But if you generate enough sexual energy (which was absent at first but you need for a successful aneros-session), but not too much that your capacitor blows up and send it to your aneros-processor ((which is your prostate, brain or whatever makes the aneros-multiple orgasm) which can handle much more energy without blowing up and multiply it) you will have a successful aneros or a-less session. Another example: Just see your penis as a pump on a spray bottle: You will generate pressure (sexual energy) with every pump (edge). If you don´t let the pressure out the bottle will burst (ejaculate) after some time and all your pressure and sexual energy will be gone in a matter of seconds. But if you generate enough pressure and let it out before it bursts you can give your flowers water (sexual energy) so they can grow (multiplying of sexual energy) and bloom (multiple-orgasm).

Can you follow? Maybe we can use the penis to generate enough energy and use it for our aneros or a-less sessions. Maybe our penis is actually a nice little helper for our aneros-journey and not the devil like everyone told us. What do you think?

Because that i will start an experiment: Whenever a aneros session is unsuccessful (trust me, most of the time it´s because of lack of arrousal) i will start a edging session for maybe half to one hour. I will masturbate over and over again just before the "point of no return" to generate and save enough sexual energy. When i feel it´s enough (that´s when the feelings are overwhelming and you want to cum) i will stop this edging session, wait until my penis calmed down (so it won´t trigger an ejaculatory orgasm) and then i will start my aneros-session again.

I invite all (advanced) users to participate in my little experiment and give feedback. 🙂

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There's nothing wrong with using the penis to generate sexual energy, in fact it's much more reliable than the prostate, just that stimulation more easily leads to ejaculation. If you can control the urge to ejaculate (by relaxing, focusing the energy into the perineum and abdomen, and practice) then it gives you a dry orgasm/super-O orgasm exactly the same as prostate stimulation. Depending on my mood I can dry orgasm by penis stimulation, if I'm feeling brave I can go on and orgasm further with penis stimulation or swap to breathing and/or perineal stimulation.

I don't think I am the only person to use penis stimulation to build an orgasm further if I feel it fading as well. At that point it rarely leads to the feeling of needing to ejaculate.

I think that learning to control ejaculation and using penis stimulation as another avenue to build sexual energy is a useful tool to have in your array of ways to build an orgasm. I agree that ignoring it is a mistake, and learning to use it can lead to way more pleasure.

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I think penis and prostate is similar to clitoris and g-spot. It's a case of outer-inner of the same thing. This is why it's easier to stimulate the inner prostate after the outer- has been stimulated.
Rewiring is for the most part becoming aware of the inner and this is often easier when stimulating outer, but ultimately it depends on if you truly understand what rewiring means.
I agree that outer stimulation when jumping back and forth and staying for the most part outer focused is a (sexual) energy that builds fast and will lead to ejaculation if you don't switch to inner focused, this will give the illusion of a type of sexual energy generator but is really just the blending of the quick with the slow which one experiences as a jolt of sexual energy.
To me the only real increase in energy comes from using rewiring to transform drugs into orgasmic energy.
So for example a good strong strain of cannabis that would seriously comatose an experienced user will only strengthen the orgasm of a rewired user as the strength of the drug is converted to more orgasmic energy.
And it's not just cannabis.
I used to think cannabis gave the very best Super Os, hand in glove fit, now I realise stronger drugs actually give stronger orgasms when rewired.
For example there's initially an even stronger arousal impetus with magic mushrooms. If you know about a-less orgasms and how to use energy to enhance orgasmic potential mms are actually even better than cannabis. And like the effects of strong cannabis generally scare people, the ability to transform the energy into orgasm has a pleasant effect on mental state.
Likewise a strong psilocybin content without rewiring can unsettle even experienced users and may lead to many a bad trip....not so when used as an orgasmic energy generator

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I wholeheartedly agree. For the last couple of months usually following a dud session I have been stimulating my penis head (front and back), usually with the intention to have a ejaculation, however a few weeks back l was doing just that but I was kinda tired at the time, anyway I was about to give it up for lost so stopped stimulating my cock and suddenly felt like I was about to ejaculate, however it faded within five minutes. It felt really good. So I started lightly rubbing my cock head again, but concentrated on totally relaxing, taking slow breath's and concentrated on the feelings coming from my prostate. The next thing I remember is a fantastic none ejaculation orgasm, cock twitching, prostate pumping, heart racing, groaning etc. In other words the whole works. Subsequently I continued and had several more great prostate orgasms. Will try this before a session and see how it goes. Plus the best thing about it is I can fit my sessions in between my work, family responsibilities. Without having to spent so much time trying to relax. No more disappointing sessions for me. Just for the record I've been using my Aneros for over a year now and am familiar with what a prostate orgasms feel like.

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One more thing. I'm not trying to rubbish the whole do nothing approach as this works really well for me and I fully intend to use that method as and when I have the luxury to afford the time.

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Great Thread

I have had many A less dry Os with penis stimulation edging only the shaft and relaxing focusing on the buzz in my prostate and letting it build enjoying the build up of pleasure going from one nipple to the other stimulating my nipples. A nipple does get desensitized. Switching to the other nipple while stroking is refreshing and allows my arousal to build as I switch back and forth between nipples, stroking until I dry O. The nipple-prostate connection is amazing.

The focus clearly is on my prostate and what it produces in buzzing, P Waves, build up and arousal. At several times, I have felt a wave of shivers in my legs which I can draw up to my upper torso. I believe if I had time to work and relax into it, I could have a super O A less working my shaft only and focusing on inner feelings my prostate is generating into my dick, my abdoman, my spine orbiting the energy, and eventually all over my body.

I want to do exactly what the Original Poster suggests when I get time. Get myself so aroused with prostate/shaft edging, have dry Os, then pop my helix syn in and relax with nipple stimulation see where that goes.

So glad to see this here. The do nothing approach for me is exactly that to me.........does nothing whatsoever in aneros work moving me to orgasm.

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I do not think using the penis as a generator of arousal is a good idea. You must find other avenues to increase arousal.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

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So I would postulate that Mantak Chia and keepitupjohnson, both of whom have set out use of the penis to bring on Dry Os and super Os, are all washed up in their approach ???????

I'm no expert, but scads of men on many forums have learned to have MMOs by penis stimulation, Thundersplace, PE Gym, and the Male Multiple Orgasm forums, just to name three.

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We all know the penis is the quickest and strongest builder of arousal but that is not what we want....we want to learn to build it slowly and be able to arouse ourselves in other ways. This is your journey so please enjoy every minute and I am not an expert by any means.

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Interesting topic. Since I had my first Super O years ago, it has been a personal goal to incorporate dry O's and supers into traditional sex. Obviously the penis is involved in traditional sex, so this exercise will be good "practice".

What has worked on occasion in traditional sex is to get the prostate good and warmed up with a couple of dry O's first, all the while leaving the penis alone. Think of it as foreplay.

For me, once the prostate is "in the game", I can last a lot longer than normal, and having involuntaries kick in during traditional sex drives the Mrs. wild.

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Sexual energy can be generated anywhere. The penis is the best generator, it needs to be controlled, hence why learning dry orgasms is best done without it. But once you have got the hang of control why not use it? What's wrong with fast arousal and getting to the O quicker? It's just a matter of being able to move the energy around and controlling it so you don't ejaculate. I think it's a really useful technique to be able to use in addition to everything else, and the orgasms are just the same.

And... as @Heizen suggests, it opens up a whole world of possibilities when you are having sex.

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Most sessions I use the do nothing technique. Always with no results. Last night I tried DarkOrb's suggestion of introducing some penis play and edging. I made some interesting observations:

First, I immediately discovered that massaging the base or shaft of the penis caused the aneros to move in such a way as to hit a very sweet spot. OMG it felt good. I thought I was going to have a traditional orgasm because the aneros felt like it was tapping the prostate and creating a buzzing.

The p-tab was hitting a sweet spot like never before. I couldn't tell if the good feelings were coming from the p-tab or if the aneros was hitting the prostate. The weird thing about it was there seemed to be a direct electrical connection between the p-tab sweet spot and the spot that was being hit on the prostate.

I tried edging six times and on the seventh time I decided to go over the edge just to see what my limits were. I've experimented a lot over the past few months and I can say that, for me, massaging the base and shaft of the penis moves the aneros in a way that I have not experienced before. Wow! Thanks for posting this.

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Interesting topic. Since I had my first Super O years ago, it has been a personal goal to incorporate dry O's and supers into traditional sex. Obviously the penis is involved in traditional sex, so this exercise will be good "practice".

Very good point - that's my goal too. I want to develop to the point where I can avoid triggering the ejaculation reflex and build only full body arousal with the penis. Not quite there but I made promising progress in the past.

Some things to notice from my side which I find, are overlooked quite often:

You don't have to avoid the penis in general, in fact there is only one specific spot that is hardwired with your ejaculation-auto-pilot... and that is the frenulum. Touching it leads to tension around the seminal vesicles, which leads to the urge to ejaculate. Generally you can rewire the penis and build full body / Dry-O arousal with classic wanking. The catch is, that the tension around your seminal vesicles normally just builds way faster than your deep mmo-arousal.

So, easy workaround: avoid touching the frenulum and also avoid moving the foreskin in a way that it transfers sensation to it. Best for me is touching the glans with just two fingers in a pincer-like way and then knead, roll and pull it.

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Interesting topic. Since I had my first Super O years ago, it has been a personal goal to incorporate dry O's and supers into traditional sex. Obviously the penis is involved in traditional sex, so this exercise will be good "practice".

Very good point - that's my goal too. I want to develop to the point where I can avoid triggering the ejaculation reflex and build only full body arousal with the penis. Not quite there but I made promising progress in the past.

Some things to notice from my side which I find, are overlooked quite often:

You don't have to avoid the penis in general, in fact there is only one specific spot that is hardwired with your ejaculation-auto-pilot... and that is the frenulum. Touching it leads to tension around the seminal vesicles, which leads to the urge to ejaculate. Generally you can rewire the penis and build full body / Dry-O arousal with classic wanking. The catch is, that the tension around your seminal vesicles normally just builds way faster than your deep mmo-arousal.

So, easy workaround: avoid touching the frenulum and also avoid moving the foreskin in a way that it transfers sensation to it. Best for me is touching the glans with just two fingers in a pincer-like way and then knead, roll and pull it.


These are my experiences 100%/ totally like yours. No frenulum action and no foreskin action on the frenulum. Keep all movments lower in the shaft and concentrate not on the penis but arousal buildup in the prostate and wherever else the P waves are proliferating pleasantly. Relax to the max. Relax into the orgasm. Dont overheat the penis or you will have a wet ejaculation. Wonderful stuff.

On your glans pincher work, are you touching/pulling/kneading your glans at the three and nine o clock position? Are you involving your coronal ridge? I assume that you are not touching or kneading or pulling your frenulum from what you said.

Thanks for posting. Tell us more about the glans kneading, etc.

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I don´t have my frenulum anymore but i can say that overstimulating the glans will trigger the ejaculation.

Last night i´ve tried to masturbate and move the arousal i feel just before the edge to my perineum while i continue to stroke slowly. I was really close to a dry orgasm but then i just wanted to cum. Really interesting stuff.

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Appreciate the post!

Totally agree with judicious penis stim. Ditto experiences with @unfug & @turnrow.

I've been able to enjoy O's generated by all parts of my dick, but every time I try using the Frenulum, I've gotten just what you're talking about. Thanks for the explanation of why it leads to ejaculation.

I've used it to quickly arouse my prostate, then go on to other things. But I totally agree that I need to really get my prostate hot before I go to town with touching all over my penis for & during orgasms. I used to have to do a number of nipple stim prompted orgasms first till the prostate warmed up, but I think I rewired my dick or something because now, it just takes a short time on the dick to do it!! Literally 5 min or less, even of light fingering it before I start to orgasm...

Something else with my dick, I started out with and prefer holding it and tapping, repetitively pressing on the pee-hole. If I hit the right place, some muscle in my groin near my prostate "jumps" or thumps....in time with my finger. I did that a lot several days ago (maybe for 30-45 min?), and my whole groin/abs area started feeling the thumping. I just kept it up to see if it would grow to a Super-O or what, but it just kept growing and I had a final intense Dry-O, but then a minute later ejaculated (hard).

Anyway, I've also noticed that when stimulating my dick, if I focus the pleasure mantally down to my spine or lower groin, that 1) the orgasms increase to super intense, and 2) it turns the pleasure toward MMO type pleasure and away from ejaculatory ramp up pleasure, if that makes any sense...

OK, so don't want to interrupt the conversation too much. But I agree from my exp that penis stim is a valuable tool that you have to use the right way according to what you want.

Man!, but when I use it for generating intense Dry-O's my prostate seems to just stay hot for a long time (like 24 hours depending), moreso if used with aneros inserted...! A week ago, I wondered if I broke something, because my prostate just kept staying hot...

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On your glans pincher work, are you touching/pulling/kneading your glans at the three and nine o clock position? Are you involving your coronal ridge? I assume that you are not touching or kneading or pulling your frenulum from what you said.

Thanks for posting. Tell us more about the glans kneading, etc.

Yep, three-nine position. I discovered it just recently, because my partner did it on me when I gave her an extensive genital massage (btw: it was fantastic). I esp. like it, when I pull a bit (like with a nipple) - that triggered some big Dry-O's last time.

Before that discovery, I usually used my thumb. I grabbed my dick an put the thumb on the slit. Then applied some pressure and dragged the glans around in cycling motions. Another method is to cautiously use your foreskin and pull it over the coronal ridge only on the upside (belly side) with the thumb while leaving the foreskin of the underside under the glans totally. These grasps are pretty handy when surfing porn and having only one hand available at the time...

I agree, that penis-play works best when you are already "hot" respectively already in the o-zone...

Anyway, I've also noticed that when stimulating my dick, if I focus the pleasure mantally down to my spine or lower groin, that 1) the orgasms increase to super intense, and 2) it turns the pleasure toward MMO type pleasure and away from ejaculatory ramp up pleasure, if that makes any sense...
That makes a lot of sense! The PC is attached there to the spine/coccyx over the anococcygeal ligament (god - i hope i did not misspell that). That area is a hot zone which can be an epicenter for orgasms. There are even some techniques that target that area exclusively like "anal breathing" from Mantak Chia.

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Thanks unfug and all.

Keep posting your comments regarding penis play discoveries. Cant wait to try these techniques.

B Mayfield
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In 2005 I posted on the need to avoid penile contact, direct or indirect during Aneros sessions. This information was later reiterated in the WIKI and integrated into threads started by others including one entitled "Penis Not" . To be clear, at the time that I first posted on this I had already read the "Multi-orgasmic Man" a book that (among other things) espouses an edging technique for achieving non-ejaculatory orgasms. While I found Chia's work compelling on so many levels (particularly with respect to his ideas breathing and mental focus) I was never able to achieve success as a newbie with his edging method. Ironically it was that lack of success that led me to the Aneros in the first place.

The unique quality about the Aneros is that it provides a form of stimulation disconnected from the dominant arousal pathway...the ejaculatory pathway. Noting that penile stimulation seemed to derail my best efforts at finding and mastering MMO I determined the simplest method was to disengage from penile contact entirely, embracing anal, perineal and prostate stimulation exclusively as a means of arousal (a backdoor method if you will ). Over the years the record has been fairly clear, this has proven to be a valid approach for thousands of new users. Still, I wouldn't necessarily discourage anyone from trying Chia's edging method either. However, in all the years I've been around these parts I've only known of a handful who've crossed over like this. For that reason I still maintain that avoiding penile contact is the way to go for the new user.

That said, the situation is quite different once one has some experience with MMO. The truth is, with practice one can use almost any kind of stimulation to initiate a Super O....including penile stimulation. It's even possible to use all types of penile stimulation, including contact with the frenulum to this end. Doing this involves changing your perception of this kind of pleasure and the way that you experience arousal. For example, when I was in my twenties, I was aware of arousal on one level and tended to experience it in one way....in my penis. When I was aroused I developed an erection, it was as simple as that. Once I started having Super O's I became aware of a different level of arousal but continued to experience it (predominately) via an erection. Over time things evolved further until I was primarily experiencing arousal in my prostate! My erections are far less reflexive and more elective now. Ultimately it boils down to the way that you manipulate erotic energy and the arousal that arises from it.

BF Mayfield

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Guys I've found something interesting regarding this! I've found that it works really well, using penis head pleasures, really works! Then the week after it stops working! thus far it hasn't returned. Its a real roller coaster this whole ride!

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Hey @B Mayfield,

thy for the plenty background-infos! That really put things into perspective. I think, the key-statement is, that things change after one mastered MMO's and that it's reasonable to avoid penis play until then but consider integrating it after achieving mastery.


Your journey seems to be a rollercoaster-ride indeed... Happy to hear you discovered something new that might help to boost things in the future.

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Hey @B Mayfield,

thy for the plenty background-infos! That really put things into perspective. I think, the key-statement is, that things change after one mastered MMO's and that it's reasonable to avoid penis play until then but consider integrating it after achieving mastery.


Your journey seems to be a rollercoaster-ride indeed... Happy to hear you discovered something new that might help to boost things in the future.

sadly i was being sarcastic, all i want is some level of consistency in my sessions, but its something that just can't happen.

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The foreskin over only the top of the coronal ridge with no stimulation of the frenulum is dy-no-mite. It is instant prostate arousal and connection.

Thanks for sharing it. One day when I retire and have time on my hands and not pressed by the clock and overextended in personal, professional, and civic matters, I will have time to take on the joys of the aneros.

But for now, all I can say in respect to "THE GREATS" on this website, is that I seem to be rewiring and having dry Os with the penis stimulation described herein by several guys. I know it can happen because I have seen penis methods of rewiring out there on the net. For the limited time I have, I am thankful that at last I can feel what men describe here as chairgasm/cargasms, swelling of the prostate, a heightened sense of sexual aliveness with genital tingling thru the work day, and a day by day growth in prostate rewiring. I am thankful to the masters on this site who share so unselfishly and who lead the fray in helping men reach states of bliss in the one areas of our lives as men which we treasure so deeply----and that is orgasmic pleasure.

Thanks ALL

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The foreskin over only the top of the coronal ridge with no stimulation of the frenulum is dy-no-mite. It is instant prostate arousal and connection.

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It is understandable that guys stay away from their penises in their Aneros sessions as given in Aneros Directions for Use as given on the web site. Yet, we are bidden to stimulate it delicately, especially the Glans, when we are advanced Aneros users.

Personally I think most guys consider the penis as a totem of sexual power. But for most guys who use the Aneros realize their prostate is a "generator and capacitor for sexual energy." . 🙂

Some years ago, I came across a telling illustration of the sexual energy force field radiating around a guy masturbating his penis given in the article, Why masturbate? at the Jackinworld web site. You can see that there is intense sexual energy radiating from the guy's penis, especially his glans.

Of course, guys who are advanced along in their Aneros journey experience sweet, radiating sexual energy in their perineum, at the root of their penis, if not their entire sexual apparatus. This has been my experience for the last couple years, but has intensified after experiencing my first Super-O on July 4. For me, it is even wonderful to revel in this energy in Aless and to manipulate it through meditation and relaxed breathing.

Typed while in Aless,


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I think most of us have experimented by jacking with the Aneros in us. Should guys use there penis to amp arousal...most definitely not.

I do not want to crap on anybody's journey but you should not use your penis for arousal unless you know from your experiences that orgasm and ejaculation are two separate things.

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sadly i was being sarcastic, all i want is some level of consistency in my sessions, but its something that just can't happen.
@Sorena. Really? Try being genial instead, nobody in this discussion is deserving of sarcasm.

Honestly, I think this is a great discussion. Thanks to all who posted with information and suggestions!


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I have followed the Aneros Directions for Use and the Wiki very closely from the start. I have never masturbated with Aneros inserted, nor have I touched my penis until rather recently. But the directions did say that we could stimulate or tease the glans when we reach the "Penile Stimulation" and "Euphoric States" stages in one's Aneros journey.


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I think you shouldn´t use your penis if you´re still a beginner in your aneros journey, just because you still didn´t really understand the concept of arousal. Before i had my first dry orgasm i thought i understand the concept of dry orgasm, but i was wrong. For example, dry orgasms feel different, beginners would think that it wasn´t a orgasm yet even though it was, simply because it feels different (more a overwhelming tingling sensation than a tingling pumping sensation). Beginners should use their nipples as a arousal generator because they´re linked directly to the prostate and you can´t trigger an ejaculation with it. Nipple stimulation is a awesome way of arousal generation too but the negative side is that you can overstimulate them very fast. If i think about it i prefer nipple stimulation but there are many men who don´t have prostate-wired nipples. I was one of them but i was able to link sensitive them and link them to my prostate. If you want i can make a new thread with an explaination how to do that.

@B Mayfield

"Ironically it was that lack of success that led me to the Aneros in the first place. "

Haha,the same for me. 🙂 I´ve tried out almost any technique, PC muscle training to disrupt the ejaculation (didn´t worked after long time because my PC muscle wasn´t strong enough), "Maxwell multiple climax" (didn´t worked because i ejaculated everytime (but now i´m experienced i see how it could work)), the only thing i didn´t tried was the KSMO because you have to make sounds but i have housemates. The aneros was the only thing that worked for me, that´s why i´m more then grateful. But not just that: It was one of the cause that my nipples were linked to the prostate (a thing i really desired back then) and the main cause for awesome a-less sessions (i see the aneros as support wheels for a-less)

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For all the naysayers out there, DarkOrb is right. Its all about nipple-prostate connection, at least for me.

I had my first dry Os with shaft and nipple stimulation only connecting profoundly with my prostate, leaving my frenulum alone as Unfug sets out.

One day, I will master the aneros connection. But for now, with limited time and privacy, I am having too much enjoyment in what I have discovered to back off ...And to boot, the experience grows more profound and pleasurable. I really think that someone needs to set out a more nipple centric, prostate centric approach with dick centric measures. It has worked and is working for me with my personal constraints. I have a gymbag full of aneros toys and paraphenalia and dont intend to discard them. In retirement or a slower day in my life, I hope to get to them.

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