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Nipple play for Orgasms

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I've have been reading about nipple play within an aneros session and how they become more sensitive through time. My nipples are not that sensitive to the touch, but tonight I want to try it out for first time.

What are some good techniques for nipple play and sensitivity?

And I've have also read that strokes with your fingertips should be light like a feather tickling you. What's your take on this as well?

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Hi Org......!

>What are some good techniques for nipple play and sensitivity?And I've have also read that strokes with your fingertips should be light like a feather tickling you. What's your take on this as well?

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I finally had a nipple session last night with my aneros inserted in me and I personally find that one nipple is more sensitive then the other and which is normal from what I've had read about. Nipple stimulation seems help me with my erections and arousal level as well, but I had also read some were the more you play with your nipples the more sensitive they become is this true?

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I can confirm what @mog stated! Yes, the more you tease yourself on your nipples, the pleasure can increase dramatically! But, just like your aneros, eliminating expectations and enjoying what you feel, no matter how small, is the mentality that worked best for me! My left nipple is more sensitive, although both are coming along nicely! So much fun!


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This has been an interesting thread. Thanks for the advice even though not meant for me. My nipples are not sensitive at all. I didnt know you can increase them. My wife trys to play with them and it is equivelent to kissing my arm. Nothing. I will start exercising them. :-bd

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I definitely play with my nipples during sessions...there isn't a right or wrong way per se...just whatever works best for you. It took a while for my nipples to become sensitive to play but when they did it brought my aneros sessions to a new level!

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Absolutely continue to play with your nipples they should be 'rewired' as so are the nerves around your prostate. I have found that my nipples have become so sensitive that they are integral to my 'a-less' sessions. I also have found that if the nipple complex were looked at head on like a clock face that the very tip and the area from 3 to 9 o'clock ( the under and outside of the complex) including the segment of skin just beneath are very very sensitive more so than the top. Perhaps that is just my 'wiring' but thats were I seemingly get the greatest arousal. Also; I fully agree ,very light touch.

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Nipples = turbo buttons.
Time it right and they can send your orgasms off the scale. I like to keep them in reserve for the big moment because prolonged stimulation during a session can desensitise them temporarily.

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I found that using a nipple vacuum device increases the size and sensitivity of my nipples; that, and gently exfoliating them every time I shower. Afterward, I massage in a skin-softening moisturizing cream on my nipples, especially when I have a session. It really adds to the sensations.

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>I had also read some were the more you play with your nipples the more sensitive they become is this true?

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I am seriously thinking about buying me some Supple Nipps - Tit Suckers from amazon to increase the sensitivity and size of my nipps. Thanks for all the comments I really appreciate it and yeah @mog could you send my link to that thread your talking about?

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Supple nip tit suckers? What?

I'm quite pissed off with mine, they are super sensitive for about ten mins then they feel uncomfortable and it can be so much so that it ruins a session.

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My nipples are very sensitive. Am still in the process of rewiring but think I'm closer to the end of the process than the beginning. once I'm in a session and aroused I begin to touch them. It sends shivers in my body, makes some muscles start involuntary light quaking. If I keep stimulating my nipples my ass starts quivering and the Aneros goes into autofuck mode. I think once the rewiring is complete the nipples will become linked with the prostate and bring on orgasms. Or so the theory goes....

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If I don't touch my nipple I really don't feel much down there... They are sensitive enough as to feel really light touch but stay that way for as long as needed.For me, nipple play kinda electrify my pwaves and make em noticeable.
They can also start off some involuntary aless while rubbing on various things... (securitiy belt, shirt…)
I don't know if I'm totally rewired or not, or if I had or not a super O already (think I did), but my nipple are definitely linked to my prostate.
I don't see any sensitivity difference between left or right, but different effect that can be combined.

Hardest part was and is always finding a suitable arm position in order to stay relaxed, the best I came (no pun intended) up with is right hand on left nipple and left hand on right.

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>Hardest part was and is always finding a suitable arm position in order to stay relaxed, the best I came (no pun intended) up with is right hand on left nipple and left hand on right.<

I presume that flat-on-your-back is not your regular position. I find that the FOB is the most totally relaxed and effective position for caressing the nips.

>I don't know if I'm totally rewired or not, or if I had or not a super O already (think I did),

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I'm still here, amazed, that people can play with their 'super sensitive' nipples for more than a few minutes, if they're so sensitive then surely they can be overstimulated easily. I have always had sensitive nipples, no matter how un aroused i am if someone touches one, or licks one i get an instant hard on, and its as stiff as an ironing board.

I realise were all different but its BS that were all *that* different. BS!

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When something surpass all expectation and leave you crying in awe and joy I think you are free to believe it was a super O, at least I do. However I truly believe that my perception of things will change and improve, I'm still at the beginning of my journey.

Flat on my back is something I do, however without pillow to hold my arms up I find nipple stim to be hard.


Try some lub on your nipple, it helped me a bit at the start although now I do prefer them as dry as possible.

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Key to nipples is SLOW.

Really slow.

The slower you stroke over them the more pleasure you get and the anticipation grows as you feel your finger getting closer and closer to the tip.

Start on the outer edge of the nipple and slow as you can drag the tip of your finger across and over the nipple.

Again so slowly you are barely moving.

Use lube/vaseline as it helps.

And keep relaxed and breathing;

After a few strokes you'll start to feel some really nice feelings in your belly (or at least that's where I feel them) and then if you continue you can build these into orgasms.

Remember - really slow.

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i have tried all your suggestions in the past and nothing works, lube numbs it a little but i find it doesn't work

i AM slow.

I use a hovering technique too, literally no/little movement

It STILL gets over stimulated in the same amount of time. There HAS to be others out there that experience this. Fact.

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Key to nipples is SLOW.

Really slow.

The slower you stroke over them the more pleasure you get and the anticipation grows as you feel your finger getting closer and closer to the tip.

Start on the outer edge of the nipple and slow as you can drag the tip of your finger across and over the nipple.

Again so slowly you are barely moving.

Use lube/vaseline as it helps.

And keep relaxed and breathing;

After a few strokes you'll start to feel some really nice feelings in your belly (or at least that's where I feel them) and then if you continue you can build these into orgasms.

Remember - really slow.

This works really well for me. Takes me a good minute to do one stroke (both nips together), by which time I am highly responsive.


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My nipples are very sensitive and responsive also. Few minutes are enough to get waves and waves of pure pleasure. I can't distinguish if this pleasure is in fact orgasms, but feelings are very powerfull.

My nipple stimulation sessions are 'a-less', and my penis is flacid during most of the time. During the sessions I find myself urinating in small amounts, when I'm 'orgasming'. Is this normal? The first time I got scared...
Thanks in advance
P.S - I'm not an english native speaker, forgive any mistakes.

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Having your nipples pierced is said to increase their sensitivity - if you can stand the initial pain. I had mine done, not with sensitivity in mind but as a bet with myself to see if I was man enough to take the needle. The pain was indeed excruciating, but only lasted a couple of seconds. After that I think my nipples were marginally more sensitive, but not to any marked degree. After a few months I had to remove the barbells which although made of supposedly inert titanium and initially quite comfortable were starting to be rejected by my body - blood on my t-shirt was the warning sign. The nipples healed extremely quickly and with virtually no trace of what had been done to them. They remain as sensitive as they were before the piercing and seem to be hard-wired to my prostate, just a light touch will set off the contractions.

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In my observations, much like my prostate awareness, I believe it's not about making your nipples more sensitive, it's about your awareness of the nerves and how to sense how they are being stimulated! That said, I used a liquid hairspray, containing alcohol, to increase my awareness of the nerves all around my nipples. Now, after a few months of focused attention, my mind has become fully aware of the nerves around my nipples, without using anything, except some occassional saliva during one out of ten sessions, and it's an exquisite addition to my prostate sensations! Touching my nipples lightly like a feather is one of the most erotic things I can do during an A-Less session. So nice! My nipples are so soft and sensitive, if someone flicks them with their tongue, it totally takes my breath away...they are so intensely wonderful! My left nipple is still more sensitive, and touching it with my fingers on my right had is totally sublime! Mmmmm...p-waves abound just sitting here in a Sushi Restaurant writing about it! Ahhhh!


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Nipples = turbo buttons.
Time it right and they can send your orgasms off the scale. I like to keep them in reserve for the big moment because prolonged stimulation during a session can desensitise them temporarily.

This is exactly what I do! Turbo Buttons, hell yah I love it!

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I touch my nipples throughout my entire session. I wear a thin shirt or wear silk under gloves. This always accelerates my sessions. I also use extremely light strokes very slowly. I also find that similar light strokes on my lower belly gives me similar good results.

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I have gyno my nipples are sometimes super sensitive sometimes not sensitives at all, but during aneros sessions slightly touching them do send electric waves straight to prostate, however I can't do it for long or I'll get super sad

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Following my use of Aneros and subsequent "rewiring" I have found that the sensitivity of my nipples has increased considerably and a light touch is enough to launch me into an A-less session with repeated mini and dry Os. After even the briefest of these sessions I find that my prostate has been "primed" for more and that as soon as I insert the Aneros I immediately start to experience orgasms without the need for any initial waiting period.

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just one tweak of my nipples, even while standing up, makes my hips buck uncontrollably and my prostate fire off a few rounds of wonderful feeling! having a major session tonight and I look forward to some nipple love 🙂

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Aneros use has caused or help develop a high degree of sensitivity in my nipples. Basically, they are prostate superchargers. They are so powerful, that I sometimes avoid stimulating them to see what else might happen. As soon as my wife found out how sensitive they are, there has been no rest.


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direct electric current from my nips to prostate and cock. touch litely or pinch, wet them with spit or lube. experiment. there was a guy on here a couple years ago who had a website on nipple orgasm, folks who could have orgasms just from nip stimulation.

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