Aneros whats to hear from you. Answer the poll, post a comment every bit counts. Thank you for the support!.
Aneros Team
Sexual health is gender neutral. All should have the chance to be all they can be.
I agree with @LearningToLive - it's also another thing that we can share with our better half, to help us to better become one.
The poll is geared towards women and their personal preference.
It'll also help men understand what we as woman like.
-Aneros Staff
Short answer: YES!
I'm at the point were I generally masterd the super-o (with help of the aneros products ofc) and I want to share that experince with my wife. It's quite difficult to inspire her though. So anything that may light her fire is more than welcome. The EVI was a good start - I still consider getting one, but I fear it will just land in the drawer
Do you already have some concepts for a new toy or are you just testing the water? Will you consider taking suggestions from the community?
I got my wife an Evi, she tried it twice and never again because she said it was boring. She didn't have the patience that Aneros takes. She like her rabbit vibe, but doesn't use it but maybe once a month or so.