Hey People,
I just wanted to add some interesting posts on pegging that I found on tribes.net.
What's Involved in an Anal Orgasm? - Pegging Is For Everyone - tribe.net
What she is talking about is I believe what we call the super-O here in the Aneros forums. Looks like there is more than one way to get there. But I suspect it is a lot easier to learn this with Aneros prostate massager's. But I could be biased since that is the way I started.
And then there is this thread that is about non-dominant pegging which is so refreshing to read about!
Non-Dominant Pegging - Pegging Is For Everyone - tribe.net
i am sort of in the same situation. i have gotten my wife to use a strapon on me twice and she saw how much i enjoyed it but the second time ended with her in tears and the toy going into the trash. now i have to hide everything and if i talk to her about it, it ends in a fight, her favorite saying is "maybe your next wife will be more kinky" it is very frustrating, especially since we only have "regualr sex" about one to three times a month. i wish there was something i could do it makes me feel like a creep for liking this stuff and it makes her feel bad for not liking it. lol sorry for the rambling
Hello Mikeyg,
No worries. That's a real bummer about your experiences of including your wife in your anal play. When you can't have peaceful discussions about problems and unfulfilled needs/desires in your relationship, then that's where couples counseling often becomes useful. Although both parties have to go into it willingly and be open minded to learn, understand, change, and grow for it to really work. Communicating effectively, particularly with the opposite gender is not an inherited trait. So it never hurts to get a little help if you find yourself at a standoff with your wife and the two of you are open to the idea and want to work on your marriage.
As far as having to hide your anal play pursuits from your wife...
You wouldn't be the first guy here to have to do that. For myself I never like the idea of hiding anything within a relationship. It's a bad habit that is destructive. But each person has to do what works for them. I hope things work out with all this.
It was nice talking with you in the Chat room yesterday. From that conversation, I get the impression there is a certain lack of open communication between the two of you. You mentioned she got "freaked' from the experience, experiencing some form of emotional trauma resulting in tears and now has withdrawn from any discussion of this topic. This is not a healthy situation for either of you. Honest communication is an important foundation for a lasting relationship. This Forum is not the proper venue for dealing with such issues. I would suggest you two seek some professional counseling to develop your communication skills before animosity sets in and starts to erode what level of trust now exists. Please see the Getting Help section of the Aneros WIKI for a valuable information link, it could be the best step you take at this point in time.
Good Vibes to You !
Have you sent him to the medical site, High Island Health (HIH)? They're the company that developed these products for prostate and hemorrhoid massage. So, yes, it IS a medical device with a BIG perk side-effect. Oh, and here's the website:
Prostate Massage, Prostate Massagers, Prostatitis BPH Treatment
Good luck with your husband. He's a very fortunate man.
Hello Folks,
A quick update and some info...
After some more solo practice with my Feeldoe More (although to a much lesser extent than my Aneros proactice), I actually have gotten to a point where I have gotten the same pleasurable prostate sensations (non-orgasmic at this point) as in my Aneros sessions. Two sessions back I got two peaks in pleasure where I felt my prostate swell, and my testicles and penis retract inwards. This was from slowly moving the More in and out of me for a lot of it's length. But I think the big change in this happening was I've just started to be able to relax on the large size of this dildo to allow it to move much more freely in me. I suspect this played a big part in these two prostate pleasure peaks happening. In addition, I think it is really important for the man who wants to get pegged to have this solo practice with the dildo he will be using. I've found this to be so helpful for me to learn how to take it without hurting myself and to slowly learn to find pleasure from it.
Also, there is another resource for pegging that was passed along to me from Sky_Walker (thank you).
My understanding is that this is kind of like Facebook, but just for pegging interests and information. (You can use and link your Facebook account to it, but I don't advise doing so unless you want all your friends to know what you like to do in the bedroom! LOL) It appears to have a lot more activity than the tribes.net group. But it's only downfall is that you cannot view the information without creating a free account and logging in. Otherwise I've enjoyed the information, blogs, photo's, and stories there.
Hello Folks,
I just wanted to mention that I've somewhat recently discovered that I find using one of the Peridise models after being anally penetrated with a dildo, or pegged is very useful to alleviate any anal soreness that sometimes occurs afterwards. This has so far worked pretty consistently with me in my solo explorations with my Feeldoe More. Yet another great use for this Aneros model!
Hello Folks,
I just wanted to mention that I've somewhat recently discovered that I find using one of the Peridise models after being anally penetrated with a dildo, or pegged is very useful to alleviate any anal soreness that sometimes occurs afterwards. This has so far worked pretty consistently with me in my solo explorations with my Feeldoe More. Yet another great use for this Aneros model!
Very interesting application of the Peridise! I'm thinking cooling the Tempo down with a little chilled water and inserting it might be soothing as well.
I'm curious, have you explored the pony end (bulb end) of the Feeldoe at all yet?
BF Mayfield
I am very interested in learning more about pegging. Are there any websites where more info can be found and maybe even some photos or videos?
I am a straight male and curious.
me and my gf were pegging for awhile and i have to say the whole act of pegging is hot but you will never get the orgasms like u do with aneros
Were you able to get to a level with pegging that you ejaculated (without penile stimulation) as seen in the Japanese Anal Video You Might like thread?
BF Mayfield
I'm thinking cooling the Tempo down with a little chilled water and inserting it might be soothing as well.
Mine came Christmas day, and was sitting outside all afternoon, so it was very cold. I cleaned it and stuck it in the deep freeze. I tried it out later, and discovered the cold doesn't last very long; it adjusts to body heat quite rapidly. My Hemorr-Ice works best for that.
Hello Brian,
I'm curious, have you explored the pony end (bulb end) of the Feeldoe at all yet?
I did try it once a while back. But it was prior to me developing Aneros session like sensations from being penetrated by the More. And even then it is not consistent yet at all with my limited practice. So at the time I didn't think much of it. I'm sure I'll try this again at some point. But for now I'm more interested in practicing with and being on the horse end.
Hello Jerdan45,
me and my gf were pegging for awhile and i have to say the whole act of pegging is hot but you will never get the orgasms like u do with aneros
That's a shame that that is the case for you. There are a number of men who receive a pegging and claim to have amazing hands free orgasms, whether wet or dry. I have no idea though whether or how they compare to Aneros induced dry super orgasms. I'd imagine once a guy is able to reliably achieve super-O's that it can happen with any type of sexual stim. That's speculation on my part though.
I'd imagine once a guy is able to reliably achieve super-O's that it can happen with any type of sexual stim. That's speculation on my part though
I'll be able to respond to your speculation within a week. I just took delivery of a new Fun Factory Share (the middle-size model of the series). My wife and I intend to give it a workout. My first impression of this silicone device is that it is softer than a good erection and much softer than Aneros Vice. The circumference can be compared favorably with Vice or Progasm, but it is a few inches longer.
Best Regards,
Hello Dave,
Please do keep us informed of your results and how you like the Fun Factory Share and the results. Indeed you are not the first to mention that it is a softer silicone than other types of silicone toys including the Feeldoe models, with the possible exception of the Realdoe. User comments seems to be split on whether this is a good or bad feature of the Share. Did you opt for a harness to use with it, or not? But I'll be much curious to see how another Aneros trained super-O'r is effected by being pegged.
No harness. We'll see if wife can handle it without one, at least for starters. Should be an interesting weekend.
me and the wife have just started peggiing i have been having great success with aneros and wanted to share with my wife but found erections difficult with device in so i bought a seduex corset harness and tantus acute dildo its six iches long and feels great i find it more comfortable than the progasm or eupho to insert i guess because its silicone and has some give when getting fucked by it the feeling is awesome i come many times dry and have even had a super o and shot lots of cum everywhere i would recomend to anyone game for a go
me and the wife have just started peggiing i have been having great success with aneros and wanted to share with my wife but found erections difficult with device in so i bought a seduex corset harness and tantus acute dildo its six iches long and feels great i find it more comfortable than the progasm or eupho to insert i guess because its silicone and has some give when getting fucked by it the feeling is awesome i come many times dry and have even had a super o and shot lots of cum everywhere i would recomend to anyone game for a go
Yeah, but first and foremost, your wife has to be on board with this. If she's squicked out by it all, well then, you're just SOL.
Last night, My wife and I tried pegging for the first time using a Fun Factory Share (standard model). Will take some practice to get it so wife enjoys it as much as I did.
my wife is a christian i am not i have had a tough time bringing up the subject she was understanding but it was kind of a disaster i wanted to convey that she had toys and enjoyed multiple orgasms and the pressure was on me to preform in the dominant role i just wanted to experience pleasure without the need to preform just recieve and be passive she kind of freaked but she was ok with aneros but after 2 years she must have got used to anal play as recently when having sex she asked my dirtiest fantasy and i told her it was to be fucked by her wearing a strap on her reply shocked me she said ill get the credit card you find one you like awesome
Last night, My wife and I tried pegging for the first time using a Fun Factory Share (standard model). Will take some practice to get it so wife enjoys it as much as I did.
[COLOR="blue"]hey congratulations how did it feel and did ya get any O's outta it? ...
also what's in it pleasure-wise for the wife?
... other than mebbe dominating her husband - or really turning him on 'n gettin' him off
- rip
Orgasm from pegging? Hell, yes. Dry-Os followed by huge ejac when wife gave me a hand. I was on top, cowboy style. Wife did not get off because the giver end of the Share is too big for her -- not pleasurable. She wants to shop with me on the Web for something that will work better for her.
Best Regards,
Orgasm from pegging? Hell, yes. Dry-Os followed by huge ejac when wife gave me a hand. I was on top, cowboy style. Wife did not get off because the giver end of the Share is too big for her -- not pleasurable. She wants to shop with me on the Web for something that will work better for her.
Best Regards,
[COLOR="blue"]dave happy for ya mate - wish you'da filmed the session ...
might help me get over my hesitancy to submit to bottoming for my phallus-enabled wife - assuming i could talk her into it
... seein' a level headed dude like u gettin' off to a domestic buttfuckin'!
- rip
Sex videos are out of the question for us. There's no way to ensure that they will remain anonymous.
If you and your wife are open w/ each other about toys, the double dildo is just one more. No need to talk anybody into anything.
Best Regards,
After some searching i did find a video with the feeldoe strapless in action (not pegging though)
Orgasm from pegging? Hell, yes. Dry-Os followed by huge ejac when wife gave me a hand. I was on top, cowboy style. Wife did not get off because the giver end of the Share is too big for her -- not pleasurable. She wants to shop with me on the Web for something that will work better for her.
Best Regards,
How about the Feeldoe Thin? It has a smaller bulb that might be more comfortable for the missus, but it is a stiffer dildo, meaning it is not as forgiving on your end. If you shop hard enough, you should be able to get one for not much more than your Share.
Good luck, and keep us no-chancers posted so we may experience it vicariously.
Hello, Badger.
I think you mean the Feeldoe Slim, which is 1.25 inches in diameter. The Feeldoe is harder silicone than the Share and that could be a problem for me. If my wife decides we should buy the Feeldoe, I'll ask her to be careful not to poke me too hard.
Meanwhile, it was suggested that I take the Share into my garage workshop and reshape the giver end to be smaller. I'll also weaken the bridge between the two parts so it will put less pressure on my wife due to lever action. Those mods may "save" the Share. We'll see.
Best Regards,
I used a box cutter razor knife to shave 0.5 inches off the diameter of the wife's end of the Share. Silicone is tough stuff to carve. The belt sander didn't like silicone at all. Last night we tried out the mods. Successful in terms of comfort for wife. Amazing sensations for me. Problem remains that she can't orgasm from G-spot massage without lots of clitoral stimulation. The Share doesn't engage the clit directly so we're still shopping for a better device.
Any chance you could slip a "clit ticker" type cockring onto the Share?
That's an excellent idea!
I'll look for a cock ring w/ tickler that fits the 3/4-inch "neck" of the Share and has enough reach (3 inches?) to make her happy. If you know of one, please PM me.
I ordered this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00187RBHY It may not be long enough to reach the "spot."
Hello Ten_s_nut,
Yeah, the Share is not a great model for the women driver if she requires clit stimulation to orgasm. Although I've read that she can get some clitoral stimulation by hard thrusting, assuming the man can take it. That's where the Feeldoe models likely work better with their clitoral ridges on the saddle. Keep in mind though that the bulb, which is called the pony end, as far as I'm aware of is no different in size between the different models. It's just the dildo end which is called the horse end that changes size between models. I'm kind of surprised you opted to mod your Share. I didn't think 100% silicone toys were easily modified and made smooth again.
As for modifying silicone toys, a very sharp razor blade will carve the material nicely. The ridges and dings left on the surface by "whittling" can be smoothed over with silicone sealant (GE or Dow), though it will never be as smooth as the original molded parts. Actually, my wife prefers texture on her toys as long as the silicone is soft.
I'm hoping the cock ring "rabbit" will do the clit job. Stay tuned for updates.
Best Regards,