In my last blog entry I described my "pegging" experience.
A number of questions were asked which I feel are best answered
on the open forum.
A Classic model Feeldoe was ordered at my wifes insistance.
I can accomodate but I find it rather large.(a big mouthful)
Yes I would have prefered a Slim.
The vibrating model is worth the extra money.
The Slim is 1 1/4" diameter by 5 1/2" long.
The More is 1 5/8" dia by 6 3/4" long, too big for me so start off smaller.
My Classic is 1 1/2" dia by 6" long. Plenty of length believe me, it goes in a long way.
Plenty of girth too.
Breathe in boy !
Compared to the Progasm at 1 1/4 & 1.3 Dia by 4.75 long even the Slim is bigger.
No we have not tried the Missionary position yet.
We will get around to trying it and I will let you know.
If you have a willing partner try it, I am glad I did.
I sold the idea to her on the grounds of its many uses, solo and combined.
On the (w)hole a good experience with a long way to go yet.
Thanks again Voyager!
Your current blog post on your pegging initiation is wonderful and an inspiration!
This technical review is bang on helpful, so to speak!
all the best to you and Mrs. V as this dimension of your union grows
Thanks for the response Voyager!
It's all good information to have.
Now I just need to buy one and find a willing and sexy female partner...
Anyone tried the feelbuck?
It appeals to me more cos it looks nothing like a penis.
I'd like to know how much pleasure the female partner gets from using these types of strap-ons.
While I haven't tried the Feelbuck, I would point out that it is an acrylic device so it will be very rigid. My sense of it is that you would do better to start with something that has some give to it. There are a number of harnesses out there that will accommodate any number of different devices that may be used for pegging. There are some of these that aren't anatomical in design as well. I would suggest staying with silicone if at all possible. Avoid vinyl and jelly types (may contain pthalates).
BF Mayfield
I did it friday night and it was great. The wife bought a strap on (only a little one but we will progress) it was such a great feeling and for me, as a hetrosexual male, i think the people who have issues with anal toys are missing out BIG TIME
Hi Guys.
Hoow many of your pegging experiences have involved your wives having G-spot/vaginal stimulation in too? A strap-on equivalent to the Feeldoe for example?
Ohmy06, your comments reflect my early responses to receiving anal intercourse. I wonder if it is possible to have the aneros effect with a slow, gentle, anatomically designed double ender for m/f couples?? HINT Aneros, hint, hint, (again....)
Anyone here besides Voyager who has done the Feeldoe (or Share) with your wife?
I bumped the "gay/bi question" thread since it has some relevance to the whole pegging range of possibilities and categories of sensations and interpersonal responses in pegging in some ways.
ever curious and experimental attitudes all
I did it friday night and it was great. The wife bought a strap on (only a little one but we will progress) it was such a great feeling and for me, as a hetrosexual male, i think the people who have issues with anal toys are missing out BIG TIME
I can only wish my wife would do something like this!!!!!! Count your blessings if yours is open to such things!!! Mine is pretty much closed minded to about anything.
I really feel sorry for you in your situation. Fortunately, my wife is helping me with my sexuallity. She also seems to enjoy watching my reactions. I really think you and your wife need to get therapy. It has really helped us and made us communicate so much better.
I have had the great experience of being bent over a few times by my wife. Actually one time on a cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico.
My experiences have been very positive, probably more for me than for my wife. We haven't had one of these sessions for a couple of years now. It appears that this phase has passed for us; although I wouldn't mind going down that road again. I just can't help wondering how close it could be to the "real thing". My aneros sessions have provided me with more intense sensations than the 8" of rubber she buried in me.
Just sharing this feeldoe clone I saw online.
It has the vibe at the front of the dildo so I guess it'll vibe the prostate directly
I have had the great experience of being bent over a few times by my wife. Actually one time on a cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico.
My experiences have been very positive, probably more for me than for my wife. We haven't had one of these sessions for a couple of years now. It appears that this phase has passed for us; although I wouldn't mind going down that road again. I just can't help wondering how close it could be to the "real thing". My aneros sessions have provided me with more intense sensations than the 8" of rubber she buried in me.
Sounds like an unforgetable experience ! you definitely inspired me on this one
So I'm getting close to purchasing a double dildo and harness, and found that there are even more options out there than there was before. My initial choice was to buy a Feeldoe more, and a Spareparts Joque harness. But I'm not sure if that is the final decision yet. So I thought I would pass along some of the other models I've found.
It turns out that Erogenics, Inc., the company that makes the Feeldoe, is now making a model called the Realdoe. It's a realistic like flesh toned and softer Feeldoe. I'm not sure why they hide it on their web site though. I've visited there a number of times and have never seen it. And for some reason there is no picture of it. See the link below.
Her Story
You have to start reading after the rainbow arrow on the right which almost halfway down the page.
A company called "Happy Valley", makes a double dildo called the Tango.
I watched a video on about it. It seems quite flexible though, so I wonder how effective it would be for anal penetration. Matter of fact, it turns out that there are quite a few videos on about double dildos. Just type in the particular model name you are looking for in the search box on their web site. It can give you a better idea of what it is like if you can't see it in person at a local sex toy store.
Here's a different looking one. This one is called the "Duetto". And perhaps is more for women that like more of a thrusting feeling inside them? Hard to say.
Duetto Dildos at Tulip
Fun Factory is making an extra small model of the Share, which looks pathetically tiny. Perhaps for the anal beginner? LOL
And they also make an extra large Share, which as someone else commented here looks more like an auger! Me thinks the regular Share is more my speed if I went that route. LOL
SHARE XL - Dildos FUN FACTORY Dildo SHARE XL Stubs - offizielle FUN FACTORY Homepage - Dildos im Shop online bestellen
Also, Spareparts has also come out with a new thong style harness called the Theo. I like this company's ethics of how and where it's made and the materials choice.(Have a look in the "About---> Our Philosophy" section if you're interested.) This new harness is also a bit more feminine looking than the Joque model, and no straps. And already has one user review about it that seems promising. So I'm also considering this model harness over the Joque.
..:: Spare Parts Hardwear ::..
I also found a lot of helpful user information on the following thread.
Feeldoe question - Pegging Is For Everyone -
Hopefully bringing this information together is helpful for someone.
Nice post Love is!
On my wish list is the Australian made Sax leather harness especially made for the share.
That spareparts stuff looks great too!
Thanks Sky_Walker!
That harness for the Share looks interesting. That's nice that someone thought to make one for the Share in particular. Check out this custom made one that a user at made for their Feeldoe.
Colin's Photo Album -
And the related thread:
Harness for Feeldoe - Pegging Is For Everyone -
If you click on the picture on the right, it blows it up and he gives a little description. I like the idea of the harness just holding the underside of the Feeldoe. Although I can't personally say which approach would work better. Perhaps the woman gets more control from having the dong end held at the base by a ring? Hard to say.
good responses to this thread, so far. Now let's hear more from the ladies, did you enjoy it, what did you do, would you do it again, etc.
I just read your message about your wife not being interested in anything anal, and her thinking that it is related to homosexuality. Unfortunately this is an opinion of a lot of women. Since I am an XX chromo, I would like to elicit my opinion if the men's locker room doesn't mind. Since many women feel this way (I am an exception), you may have to overcome years of mental barriers. If you have not read this book already, I suggest you buy Tristan Taormino's latest book The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. I'm not pushing for you to start trying to encourage her to go all out for anal sex, but Ms. Taormino does explain in this book that "pegging" in NOT a homosexual element. It is related only to stimulation of very powerful nerve endings and is an enjoyable sensation for everyone that is open enough to give it a try. It would also explain why you would want her to try this with you, especially in a loving relationship. I guess that I am a rare female. I have always been into anything involving sex and the ass. Whether it is mine or his, I GO for it in a big way because of the pleasurable feelings. If my husband asked me to this (he would be hesitant), I would accomidate him in a heartbeat. Don't give up on your wife, yet, but go slow. Buy this book, read it and leave it out where she can find it when you go to work. With this title, I can almost guarentee that she will read it, probably only when you are gone from the house. Just give here time. She has a lot of years of negative attitudes to overcome.
Well, you guys can have your locker room back. I will sign out and good luck to all of you guys.
Linda (aka Midnitebelle51) and wife of JurysStillOut?
Linda, Thank you for your post. Personally I think it is very refresing to hear from a woman's point of view on these things. I hope more of the ladies will share their feelings on this subject. Speaking for myself, and others I am sure, you are always welcome in the locker room.
Linda, thank you ever so much for posting a female point of view here and the bits of wisdom passed along. We always welcome having women post here as they are far and few inbetween.
big jimbo,
Hey, thanks for the warm bunnie fuzzy. I really enjoy reading all of the postings on this site. I got started because I bought the MGX for my XY about 2 years ago. He tried it once and wouldn't use it again. I was somewhat mystified because he enjoys having his P massaged. I think that he gets a little paronoid about having anything in his ass for an extended length of time, ie, the "homosexuality thing" kicking in. Some guys can be such a kick about the ass at times, for this reason alone. If it is between a man and his wife or girlfriend (any female), how can it be homosexual?
When he and I first we got together, he asked me about anal sex, and when I responded that "I loved it", he was like a kid at Christmas. He remains very interested when it come to this, or anything else that I enjoy anally. He even enjoys having me use a small vibe to massage his prostate, but when it comes to using the MGX, I get stonewalled. Maybe I need to leave my copy of her book out for him to see if it works for the Aneros. When I explained that it was good for his prostate health, he looked at me like I was crazy and said "Right, it's a sex toy, that's all." I will also start leaving all of the articles that I have printed off on this subject close by for him to read, because this site has proven my theory correct. I am an RN and have been since 1974, so when I first saw the adds for the Aneros, it made sense to me that frequent massage would keep the prostate emptied out on a regular basis, which would keep men from getting prostate infections or prostatitis (not including the feeling good part). I have even told one of the doctors that I work with about the Aneros when we had a man come in for prostatitis. This MD would not even discuss this as an option. I guess that patient will have to come in 2 times a year because of the infections he gets because when an MD gets closed minded about this subject, we are in trouble. Just goes to show that any male, or female for that matter, can be closed to the subject. It's just up to us to try to improve their way of thinking. I have retrieved my husband' s MGX from the depths of his sock drawer, and intend to "gently" broach the subject, complete with visual documentation on the positive aspects of its use. Wish me luck and thank you again for the use of the men's locker room. You guys are great and, again, I really enjoy reading the postings.
Big Jimbo, I hope you don't mind me responding, even though the previous post was directed at you. I'll keep it short.
Hello midnitebelle51,
And welcome to the Aneros forum. We, as in us men here, very much appreciate women posting their experiences here. So thank you! Not to get us too far off topic from this thread... But you might want to think about directing your partner, and also any MD's you mention this to, to the parent company of Aneros, which is called High Island Health. Their focus is on the health properties of these prostate massager's, versus the pleasure aspect on the Aneros side. The information and presentation there may be more acceptable to certain types of people. See the following link:
Prostate Massage, Prostate Massagers, Prostatitis BPH Treatment
Hello Folks,
I just received my Feeldoe more double dildo with vibrator bullet today.
They ship fast! I ordered on Friday, and they attempted to deliver on Monday early in the morning while I was sound asleep. So I had to go pick it up at the post office today. Thank god for nondescript packaging and no company name on it, just the “From” address. Although it gave me a secret delight to know that I'm standing at the post office counter with people all around me, a pretty post office lady serving me, with a sex toy in a box on the counter that I'd soon be going home with, and nobody knows! LOL So anyways... For those of you that remember that horrified feeling upon opening the Progasm you ordered because of its shear size... Well that's what I got opening the box for the Feeldoe more. It's not the length that scared me, it's the girth on this monster! This thing is bigger than my own erect cock in both length and girth, and I'm going to take this in my ass??? LOL All I can say is that I'm glad I did NOT order the stout model, and perhaps I should have ordered the slim model! LMAO!!! This is where going to your local sex toy shop to see it in person is helpful to get an idea of size that numbers can't necessarily give you. Unfortunately, my local sex toy shop only sells the cheap imitation that is obviously a patent violation. So that was not an option, assuming I could get past the embarrassment of telling the sales clerk I would like to look at double dildos. That's what ordering anonymously from the Internet is for! LOL And much like Aneros, I want to support the company that created it.
Well you've heard the shocking part already. Now here's some other observations without having actually put it in my ass yet. (Maybe tonight?) It's quite heavy, particularly in the horse end. In contrast, the pony end is quite flexible. Meaning the thin shaft that connects to the bulb of the pony end flexes very easily. Where as the horse end is a lot more rigid but still has some give. So I can see now why when inserted in a standing female that the horse end would hang down horizontally. I'm not sure if a females PC muscles could make it “stand up” so to speak in the standing position. I'm guessing now that the position the two people are in will dictate whether the ridges are in the right spot for clitoral stimulation. I certainly can see how a harness would help a woman who does not have strong PC muscles to keep it in. But also to keep it right up against the clitoris. It seems it's angle between the horse and pony end was designed for a face to face position, or face to back position for the ridges to be up against the clitoris. Even though they claim it has no smell, I smell a slight chemically odor from it. Nothing terrible though. I just have a really sensitive sense of smell. Never having had an all silicone toy before, I find the material is quite sticky in it's clean state. But I experimented with rubbing some water based liquid lube on it, and it smooths out immediately. You definitely don't want your lube to go dry on you with something like this. Yikes! Shea butter to the rescue! The vibrator seems really strong. Although it makes sense seeing that it has to get through all that silicone. I can't imagine a woman putting this bare vibrator against her clit! LOL
Unfortunately, Erogenics, Inc., the company that makes the Feeldoe does not have their own quality forum on their web site like Aneros does here. So they use a yahoo group to serve that purpose. It's not great, but it is better than nothing, and answered a lot of questions for me as I laboriously sifted through the message posts. You'd think it would be simple enough to enable a way for all replies of a thread to be within the thread like is done here and in many other forums. But there, each reply is a separate thread, which makes for a mess, and is a pain to read an entire thread. Anyways, I can't remember if the link was posted earlier in this thread, so here it is:
That's all I can think of for now. I'll post more information as I practice with it by myself. And hopefully someday have a pretty lady to peg me with it. Friday my Spareparts Joque harness comes in and I should be able to comment about its build quality. In hind sight, it's hard to believe I'm writing about this and Aneros usage in a public area for people to read. I guess I've made some positive progress in how I feel about sex and sexuality in general.
Hello again,
So last night I tried the Feeldoe more on myself. Sadly no nice gal to try it on me. And that was probably a good thing considering the difficulty I had. Basically this double dildo is a beast to get in! It's quite large in diameter, and the head is larger in diameter than the shaft. I got myself good and aroused before hand looking at porn, rubbing my nipples, and not touching my penis, just like I would before an Aneros session. Then I pre-lube with two small chunks of shea butter, and then rubbed some shea butter all along the head and shaft of the Feeldoe more. Then I tried to insert it in me. Errr... Houston, we have a problem... LOL
Either I've got a really tight end, or this dildo is just really large. Perhaps a bit of both? It took many many tries to get this inserted. I kept getting stuck on the inner anus ring muscle that just didn't want to let this monster of a dildo in. LOL So I figured I'd try and stretch myself out with my Progasm which inserted very easily with out any problems. Left it in for a bit, then removed it and tried the Feeldoe more again. Still no luck. I kept trying different positions, and adding more lube. What it finally came down to was laying on my side much like I insert my Aneros, one leg over the over so they both were on the bed. A lot of deep breathing and consciously relaxing my anus and body as much as possible. Mind you at this point I've been doing the insertion with the pony side towards my penis as if it was being used in a face to face position. Finally I slowly and somewhat uncomfortably got it past that last anal ring muscle, and jolted in surprise as that muscles snapped back down on the smaller diameter shaft after the head went in. LOL I was able to get it pretty deep in, not all the way, but found that it went in deeper when inserted the other way around with the pony side facing my buttocks. I think I may have taken it in enough for use with a woman on the other end. Subsequent insertions were easier, but still required a fair amount of focus and breathing to relax enough to get it in.
Now the interesting thing is that I did not find much pleasure in this act. I don't know if having a woman do the insertion and pegging part would have changed that, or if it was just because it was my first time and it was difficult to insert and somewhat uncomfortable because I was so tight around it. Perhaps learning to find pleasure out of pegging for the man requires practice and persistence much like the Aneros journey. I found that even though the Feeldoe, my anus, and rectum were very well lubed. My anus, and I'd assume my rectum had a very tight grip on the Feeldoe. It was not easy to move in and out. So I can see where a dildo harness for a woman would be very helpful to overcome that "death grip" so it stays in her vagina. I do know that with my Aneros toys they move very easily in and out of my anus with shea butter lube. So it has to be my tight anal grip on the toy. I'm guessing that over time with practice I'll learn to relax more and likely loosen up with this. Moving it in and out felt like it was making a suction as I was so tight. A strange sensation to say the least. I found the vibrator helpful to help relax the muscles on insertion, and sometimes during pumping. But unfortunately there was not much pleasure so far. And has ruined all those wonderful fantasies I had of being pegged. Needless to say my anus is a bit sore today from all the stretching it took! LOL I probably need to take a day off from any anal play.
So here's some questions that occurs to me:
As a man, does finding pleasure in being pegged, or inserting dildos anally take practice much like the Aneros toys? I had thought that this toy would rub and stimulate my prostate, particularly because it is so large. But nothing of the sort seemed to happen that I could tell no matter which direction it was inserted. I didn't even feel any increased arousal.
Can a man experience pleasure and have super-O's from anal dildo penetration? Is this a different process of learning than from the Aneros prostate massager's?
Also, I get the feeling that anal dildo insertion and Aneros usage are at two opposite ends as far as their effect and what they do. The former loosens up your anal muscles, and the latter strengthens them. Particularly if you are like me and have graduated to the smaller Helix and MGX models, I seem to have some mighty strong anus muscles. Does anyone think these two things are incompatible practices? Or do I just need to separate them in their own sessions and practice both? Thanks.
I'd appreciate any thoughts based on experience.
And feel free to ask questions if you have any. I'll do my best to answer.
Ah ha Love_is, A new toy, the Feeldoe more is not for the beginner you "size queen" as you were described on the Feldoe Yahoo group to your very good question about male pleasure! LOL size queen!
Looking forward to hearing about your new journey. Unfortunately I cannot offer much wisdom as I've only enjoyed a few sessions of pegging, all I can say is each one is better than the last and just like my fist time of using an Aneros I was left wondering if it was a good idea. Good luck with your quest for an open minded female to indulge your fantasy with.
Oh, the feeldoe more, you were warned!
Feeldoe® MORE are
Not for beginners!
If you already "feeldoe",
then you know what you're
getting in to
(or what's getting into you...
with a horse of this magnitude!
Hello Sky_Walker,
Thank you for your response. Yes I was warned. And actually I don't consider myself a size queen. The recommendation came from members of the "peggingisforeveryone" group at that felt there was some length lost between the man and woman pegging so that the classic was a bit short. So I assumed these were experienced people that knew what they were talking about. But perhaps they are too experienced! LOL The other thing being that I didn't think the 1/8 of inch larger in diameter, and 3/4 of an inch longer than the classic model would have been that much difference. Maybe it is though, but I guess I'll learn to live with it. And perhaps once I actually try it with a woman after "more" practice it will turn out to be alright. LOL
Hey Love_is,
The following text is written by a woman as an instruction to other women interested in pegging and femdom. You may want to print it out and laminate it for your sexy friend!:)
To a lot of us Aneros users this is common knowledge, but here goes..
How to strap on
A Strap-On
a users guide for women
Okay, before the lesson begins, lots of women are going to be wondering – ‘So what’s in it for me exactly?’
Using a strap on is a very aggressive and dominant act. Almost the entire history of female physical sexuality is one of passivity and submissiveness. So when women first consider the idea of using a strap-on they generally come to it with no precedent or understanding. I suppose the best way to explain it is that using a strap on is an acquired taste. At first you are not sure if you really want to try and even when you do you’re not really sure if you like it or not – yet afterward you start to crave it and within a short time you can’t get enough of it! So why not keep an open mind - you might really enjoy it. By strapping on a huge cock you may discover a whole new erotic personality that is just waiting to come out and play.
Firstly, there are physical reasons as a woman you can enjoy using a strap-on such as the rubbing of your genitals, which can be very stimulating. However, one of the most arousing and unexpected pleasures of using a strap-on will be the psychological power and control both wearing and using one brings.
For a woman it is a powerful, aggressive, taking, dominating act. You are breaking open, entering, overtaking and existing inside someone else’s body. A man becomes vulnerable both physically and emotionally. It is an ultimate act of submission and complete surrender where he is sexually overpowered and penetrated. Basically, he is being fucked - a sensation alien to men and the whole precedent of male and female sexual relations. So with this in mind girls, with every thrust, remember it's history you’re changing - that women can enjoy and relish in all the emotions and power associated in fucking.
I personally just adore strutting round wearing a huge phallus it feels so horny and powerful. For me a big turn on is having a man handcuffed and bent over the kitchen table, his trousers down round his ankles. He so wonderfully vulnerable. I’m going to fuck him to give me pleasure. Let me assure you girls your sex life can take on a whole new dynamic.
So, are all the men reading this hurriedly crossing their legs or running off to hide - all under the apprehension that having a silicon cock shoved up their bottoms is really going to hurt? There certainly seems to be a lot of fear and apprehension associated with any kind of anal play. So is it painful for the recipient? Well, with relaxation, desire, patience, communication, and lubrication – it shouldn’t hurt you at all. In fact the anus and rectum are full of sensitive, responsive nerve endings which when stimulated through penetration can be immensely pleasurable and even orgasmic.
The physiology
Our back passages, or to be more precise our arses can be one of our most sensual erogenous zones, but it is one too often feared, forgotten or left unexplored. All right, yes, the arse was not designed for shagging. So it’s important to remember that it’s very delicate and easy to tear. The arse has no natural lubrication, as unlike the vagina there are no lubrication glands, so it’s very easy to rub off the protective mucus membrane and damage the underlining tissue.
The anus is the small, puckered opening controlled by two rings of muscle, an external and internal sphincter. This opening leads to the anal canal and rectum. The walls of the anal canal comprise of tissue similar to that of the clitoris and penis, it becomes engorged from increased blood flow during arousal. Rich in blood vessels and nerve endings the tissue of the anal canal is incredibly sensitive and responsive to touch and stimulation. If it’s relaxed it will stretch, if tense it can tear.
When you anally penetrate a man, the dildo will inadvertently simulate his prostate gland. The prostate gland can be found beyond the anal canal and toward the navel. This is the gland that produces seminal fluid that carries sperm into the penis at ejaculation. The prostate contracts to release the fluid, which may explain why many men find it an amazingly pleasurable sensation to have it stimulated. You can also stimulate it with a finger, I can usually only find it when a man is really turned on or before he is about to come. Just place one or two fingers in his anus while he is wanking. Move them up towards his penis until you find a largish soft fleshy ball, which you can partly touch only, this is the prostate gland, which you should rub gently with circular motions. (Just in case your wondering women don’t have prostate glands so don’t bother hunting round for it.)
What you will need:
Latex gloves
A good quality Lubricant (and lots of it)
A Strap On
Staying power!
Dealing with a tight or virgin anus – If you’re really having problems with a tight little hole that just can’t seem to take your cock I would suggest putting it into a training program. Instruct your partner to wear a small plug for a set period each week. Gradually increase both the size of the plug and the period of time it is worn until you have gently persuade the anal muscle to relax. I went shopping with one of my slaves and together bought a beautiful pink silicon butt-plug from BabesHorny. I placed him on a regime of 4 hours a week, after three months I reduced this to 2 hours. He now has a lovely willing little bottom always ready to service my needs. Although I am not a great lover of Amyl Nitrate, a small amount administered to the recipient immediately before penetration dilates the blood vessels and thus relaxes the muscles helping the anus to open up. You can also buy a number of other anal toys that will all help both eroticize and relax your anal passage. Such as anal beads that can be pulled from the anus at the point of orgasm and vibrators that are excellent for stimulating a prostate gland.
Some men are very apprehensive about having their arses fucked as they think it won’t stretch or will remain open, leaving them incontinent. Be confident with lubrication and patience the anus easily stretches open, it’s quite amazing what it can take. And be assured that afterwards it will always close properly.
Obviously with such a potentially messy part of the body it’s essential that the submissive try to ensure that they empty their bowels before engaging in anal sex. Firstly having a nice clean back passage is much more appealing to your partner and will make the whole process less messy but it will also make the experience feel more comfortable once the dildo is inside you. To be really confident you can suggest that your partner has an enema or give them one yourself an hour or so before your session.
How to actually get started:
Angle of entry – finding the angle of entry into the anus varies from person to person and depends upon the position you are fucking in. Physiologically speaking, the rectum and anal canal tilts forward slightly towards the navel then back again towards the tailbone.
Remember a bad experience will spoil further exploration, so always take it slowly to begin with. Be aware it may take some time to fully penetrate your partner. Aim to achieve this over a number of sessions starting with smaller attachments. Don’t expect to push a huge 9-inch phallus up a virgin bottom on the first session. Once your cock is inside keep in mind you have access to you partner’s genitals, which you can simultaneously wank or play with while you fuck them.While I’m fucking a guy from behind I love to grab his cock and squeeze it hard or even wank it until he comes while I’m fucking him.
Shopping tips
Buying a Strap On This article is basically written for women who want to use strap-ons anally on male partners. This advice is therefore with this in mind. The back passage, unlike vaginas, can be pretty messy even with lots of preparation. So I would only consider using a completely rubber harness so that it can be properly washed afterwards. Strap-ons usually comprise of a harness that straps round the groin with some kind of O-ring where different sized dildos may be fitted. They are also available as a one piece where the harness is permanently attached to the harness. For beginners I would recommend buying a strap on that has interchangeable dildos so that you can start with a small size and work up to a full cock size. You can also obtain hand held dildos for fucking and strap-ons that attach to the knee, which allow for more vigorous fucking.
Lubricants For anal play you really need to invest in a good quality water based silicon lubricant. KY Jelly is absolutely rubbish as after about a minute it dries up. To test a lubricant just rub a small amount between your fingers for a minute or two and see how slippy it stays. One of the best lubes is Wet Platinum, which is the slipperiest and longest lasting lube I have ever come across. Its only draw back is that it’s so good it takes ages to wash off anything it come into contact with so be warned. So for practicality I recommend Elbow Grease Gel, which has all the slipperiness without the mess. Also excellent are Probe, Body Glide and Liquid Silk.
Gloves I recommend buying a box of latex gloves, as you get through loads. Once they’re all yucky just take them off by pulling them inside out and throw them straight into a bin, this way no mess gets anywhere. Don’t try and reuse or wash them, once your hands have made them wet from sweat they’re almost impossible to get on again. They are obtainable from any large chemist at about £9 for 100 and available in small, medium or large. To be effective gloves really should be the correct size and tight on your hands. I’m allergic to the powder in latex gloves and some people are allergic to latex itself, so you can also buy vinyl or powder free gloves. Safety considerations for anal play.
Both faeces and the back passage contain bacteria that can lead to stomach upsets, yeast and bladder infections, conjunctivitis, many other complaints and more seriously Hepatitis A and B. Therefore it is essential that you protect yourself from these bugs. Always use gloves and never touch your mouth or rub your eyes accidentally. Always use a condom on every dildo or butt plug (unless it’s for your personal use only.) Absolutely never put anything used anally into a vagina. Keep all your toys absolutely clean.
Okay so using a strap-on probably isn’t going to change your life… but it is a whole new exciting and erotic area for you to explore and maybe even discover something new about yourself. So lets go girls.
I've owned the standard (purple) Feeldoe for many years. Ironically I haven't had an occasion (yet) to use it with a partner. For me it's always been another erotic tool in my kit. I've used both ends of the device, and have found it satisfying in different ways. The pony end delivers a deep filled sensation in the rectum, coupled with delightful anal sensations. I've also been able to cash in on an acupressure point on the back wall of my rectum that has been responsible for some VERY intense orgasms. As you have pointed out, the pony end does not engage ones prostate very much. This is to be expected of course, given that it's fairly straight and conical. As with most dildos and vibrators, they generally miss the prostate. This is one of the things that makes the Aneros unique, in that it is anatomical designed...canted forward to easily engage the prostate. Let's face it though, you wouldn't want to be slamming yourself with something as large as the Feeldoe if it made direct contact with your prostate wouldn't be safe! That's where a turnaround can be quite helpful.
Yes, the bulb end of the Feeldoe does indeed engage ones prostate quite nicely and can be used to generate some amazing orgasms. With the bulb end inserted one can take the pony in hand. Pushing forward (away from your body) brings the bulb end in contact with your prostate. Pulling back towards your body takes the pressure off of your prostate and brings the ribs on the base of the Feeldoe in contact with your anus externally. Moving from side to side varies the anal sensations. Once you get rolling you'll find yourself working this thing like it was a stick shift on a Ferrari! Soon enough you'll be downshifting yourself into some really nice Super O's. Since the Feeldoe is made of silicone, there is some give to it, but still and all one should be careful with the amount of pressure that is applied and not overdo this.
With respect to the article that Sky_Walker posted, it is a decent primer on pegging, although it lays the dominance aspects of it on pretty thick for my tastes, i.e. the "slave" bit. I will grant that there is some dominance in the act but I have to believe that it's possible to be pegged and not feel abjectly subjugated by it. Certainly most women don't feel this way about being penetrated by a man. Anyway that's just my take on it, each to his own.
To answer your question it is absolutely possible to have Super O's from dildo penetration. That said, I don't believe that it's the best way to cross-over to the Super O. The fact is, I played with dildos and vibrators for many years and never had a Super O from it. It was only when I discovered the Aneros and awakened myself that I was able to have Super O's with dils.
BF Mayfield
Hello Sky_Walker,
Thank you for the how to. I'll keep that in mind when ever I get a woman to try this with me. Yes, a little on the dominant side. But it doesn't offend my senses. I think to a certain extent women that try this are certainly going to feel that exchange of power in the role reversal.
Hello Brian,
Thank you ever so much for your response! You basically confirmed what I suspected about anal dildo penetration not being conducive to learning to super-O. As last night I had an Aneros session first with my MGX, which was quite pleasurable. Then afterwards, inserted the horse end of the Feeldoe more in me. Fortunately I had a much easier time inserting it and moving it in and out. I guess I had to break my anal cherry on it so to speak for the first time! LOL But anyways, I was able to loosen up and relax more by doing small and quick in and out movements. This caused my anus to relax, which then allowed easier and greater thrusting movements with it. It also made the rubbing of my prostate noticable. But when I was done, I did not have any of those leftover twinges and good feelings from my prostate and anus that I would normally have after an Aneros session for that day and into the next. I was just left with a somewhat sore prostate.
So I think that I will heed your advice and my gut instinct, and stick with Aneros prostate massager practice until I can achieve super-O's. (Unless the right lady happens to show up in my life.) Then go back to experimenting with the Feeldoe. Although, I appreciate you passing along the idea about using the bulb end anally. It was on my list of things to try, but hadn't gotten there yet. It's good to know that it is effective for prostate massaging. As I just might like to experiment with it solo that way, but also with a woman to double penetrate her. I think you may have your terms mixed up though. It's my understanding that the bulb end that the woman typically wears is called the "pony", and the cock end that the receiver (wide? LOL) takes is the "horse" end.
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
Right you are...Pony/Bulb, Horse/ No matter what you call it, it's quite a ride!
BF Mayfield
Hello Folks,
So just recently I started experimenting with using and practicing with my Feeldoe More again after a long hiatus. And I am happy to say that so far, I have had two very pleasurable sessions with it, and I'm no longer unhappy with this purchase. It very much appears that there is a practice to being penetrated with a dildo just as there is with using Aneros prostate massager's in terms of getting used to it, being comfortable with it, and finding pleasure in the practice.
Both times I started with an Aneros session using my Helix. And initially the first time was craving something larger in me anally. What I did differently, was to gently take my time slowly working just the head of the Feeldoe More barely in and out of me. As the issue for me was comfortably getting it past the inner anal sphincter muscle. So rather than just try and slowly push it in all in one go, I would push it in up to the inner anal sphincter muscle and gently press and/or rub the head all around inside by rocking the pony end all around, pull out and try again. Just this act alone was quite pleasurable after just a few tries. Something happened where it went from, “Eh, it doesn't do much for me.” To “Oh my god! This feels amazingly good!” And from there I would just keep repeating this and pressing just a little harder against my inner anal sphincter muscle each time while trying to understand what I needed to do to consciously relax that muscle. When I would experience discomfort as it would stretch open. I would pull it completely out and slowly try again. It took me quite some time to actually get the More completely in me. But it was like foreplay. Very pleasurable, and very teasing at the same time. So that by the time the head finally slipped past my inner anal sphincter muscle, it was an extremely pleasurable sensation with no pain when it did! Weeeeeeeee!!!
There seems to be a similar observation of all the subtle internal sensations that being penetrated creates much like having an Aneros session. And as I practiced I realized that using the bullet vibrator in the More interfered with feeling those sensations. There are so many different points of pleasure I found. From the sensations on my inner anal sphincter muscle, to the pressure against my prostate, to the movement of the head going going back and forth within me. And today I also discovered that twisting the More within me creates a very pleasurable and teasing/itch like sensation on my inner anal sphincter muscles. I enjoyed that very much. And it reminded me of two different threads here that I can't find to reference. One was a recent one where a man who it turns out is not an Aneros user, described the pleasurable sensations and I think dry orgasms he gets from being penetrated with a dildo. The other is an older one where a user talked about something similar, except he used a crystal wand toy to explore all the different pleasurable areas in his anus and rectum.
On top of all this is the wonderful prostate sensations created from a number of techniques. One is pulling the pony end back a bit to put pressure on my prostate. Another is gently shaking the More in and out in very small amounts quite quickly. Kind of like manual vibration. And the other is, for a lack of a better word, fucking myself with it. And the wonderful sensations both prostate and anal that come from having to completely relax all those anal and rectal muscles to allow it to move freely in and out of me. Wow!!! This is going to be a lot of fun to continue to explore. And I'm glad I tried it again and have the sense to practice and get comfortable with this toy before actually using it in a pegging session. Which I totally can't wait to do at this point!
As far as positions go. What worked best for me was laying on my left side with both legs equally pulled up like in a sitting position. This position seemed to allow me to relax the most, but also allowed easier access to somewhat comfortably reach the pony end of the Feeldoe More to manipulate it. Ideally in a pegging session I'd like to be on my back so the woman and I can be face to face. But I'm not sure how feasible and practical this will be. But it may be entirely different circumstances when I'm not the one that has to manipulate the More. It was harder to both relax and comfortably grasp the pony end in this position and when on hands and knees. Hopefully I can practice being comfortable in other positions so as to allow some flexibility in positions so to speak. It's interesting that even though there is prostate massage happening from being penetrated, the pleasure sensations feel different than what the Aneros does. So it's a real nice change of pace to feel something different.
At this point I highly recommend that Aneros users practice penetrating themselves anally with a dildo of some sort as an additional different practice. Although I don't think you necessarily need as large a model as the Feeldoe More. Particularly since Aneros sessions strengthen the anal muscles. So a slimmer model may work just as well, but I can't confirm that not having a slimmer dildo at this point.
That's all I can think of for now. Feel free launch any questions if you have any.