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Always a good sign... 🙂

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So I am so lucky and excited. I met with the girl over some food and we chatted. Then when we were both comfortable with each other we went and bought a strap on together! Like total fantasy for me haha. And so we are getting together sometime next week to play together! Thanks Ruby for your advice it worked fantastic. Im going to give her the link to your website for her to read. Anything else I should send her way for her first time pegging someone?

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So i have talked to my wife several times and she refuses to peg me. She said it demasculates me. But i can have a toy in while im with her and she is okay when im alone. At least its something. She sees that my orgasms are more powerful and she likes that. My strategy is to leave her alone about it but let her know when i have the toy i so she can see the results.

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She said she likes manly men. I think she will come around. Eventually

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So I am so lucky and excited. I met with the girl over some food and we chatted. Then when we were both comfortable with each other we went and bought a strap on together! Like total fantasy for me haha. And so we are getting together sometime next week to play together! Thanks Ruby for your advice it worked fantastic. Im going to give her the link to your website for her to read. Anything else I should send her way for her first time pegging someone?

Kandink! I must have missed this notification in my email somewhere and then got busy. So sorry that you never got a response from me. I was just thinking today that it's been some time since anyone has posted on this thread.

So how did it go??? Do tell, if you will!

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What am I missing about Pegging? I tried a pretty big harness compatible dildo from BS Atelier solo, with a tantus suction cup to see how it was.
I didn't get much prostate stimulation, but it was a fairly full feeling.
Does a good deal of the enjoyment from pegging come from having it done with a partner?

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@sjenz -
Some men seem to need to have their prostate woken up a bit. This is common for women and their G-spots as well. Initially I didn't find much to get excited about with my G-spot until my geek BF researched how to stimulate it on the internet. He's really the one who introduced me to my G-spot pleasure.

I'm sure it is more exciting when you have a partner stimulating your prostate, but unless you are one of the very few men who just get a mediocre response from prostate stimulation, more exploration is warranted. Try more firm pressure on your prostate, perhaps with a curved dildo or a vibrating toy like the Vice. Or - the toy everyone raves about - The Njoy Purewand - which can be used solo or with a partner, and is amazing for G-spot as well as prostate!

Next time you do self-exploration, abstain for a few days before, and edge up to orgasm but don't come on those days. That will set your prostate up to be the most sensitive.

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I like the looks of that toy! Might have to think about one myself...

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I have the pure wand, I couldn't figure out what people must be doing with it to rave about like they do.
I get a fantastic response with the aneros, and pretty good things with the Loki Wave toy.
I must be missing something with pegging and pure wand

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That's a puzzle. Sadly, there is no one size fits all as far as toys, vibrations or the lack (thereof), ease of use and response are concerned. If the Aneros gives you a better response than the Loki Wave - you might have a sensitive prostate that responds better to subtle stimulation?

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I have the njoy pure wand and I'm a big fan of it. I also have various aneros products and think they are great as well. But it is a matter of apples versus oranges. The aneros is meant to be controlled with the mind and the rectal muscles. The njoy pure wand is a hands on tool and you need to get it in the right spot. Plus, expectations cannot be the same. The njoy pure wand is not for super Os or anthing like that. It is a milking tool, and it simulates things like dildo use, pegging etc. fairly well, but with a gland specific twist. Depending upon positioning, you might be targeting your prostate, seminal vesicles, or something else. It gives me that incredible "at peace" sensation I experience with a good milking.

I'm also going to weigh in on pegging in general. From my perspective, pegging is the ultimate prostate experience that a heterosexual male will experience, just as anal intercourse is the ultimate prostate experience for a homosexual male. Of course, bisexual males can choose either or even have both. In the scenario of a heterosexual marriage, pegging is not a matter of rejecting or abandoning one's masculinity but rather surrendering oneself to one's wife for each experience. How often is up to the couple.

Society tends to assume that a male is 100% representative of masculine traits and a female 100% of feminine traits. This shortchanges men and women alike. Modern males sometimes need to utilize nurturing / mothering skills just as modern females sometimes need to utilize protective / fathering skills.

There is no reason why a man cannot submit to his wife one night, while she submits to him another night.

My wife as well is against pegging, which is a dreadful shame. I would enjoy it and I am confident she would as well so long as she could get over that intangible factor.

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I love your description of the Njoy Purewand being a penetrative tool with a gland-specific twist. Perfectly described.

I also appreciate your take on masculinity/femininity, that of it being a balance instead of 100%. Seeking balance allows us to fall away from the prescribed roles a bit, which usually brings a great feeling of relief and increased authenticity.

Sad to hear that your wife is against pegging. At the risk of repeating myself - have you listened to podcast #112? I recorded it specifically for women, for the situation where the man has broached the subject and she's not sure or resistant. If you are interested, please listen to it yourself first because only you can determine whether it is appropriate for your wife.

Good luck to you!

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@Ruby Ryder thanks for your comments 🙂 I am hopeful that as the years go by, pegging will become more mainstream. While it would be a great activity in any sense, I think it has extra-special benefits for older, monogamous couples - where factors such as erectile dysfunction, peri-menopause, menopause and andropause are present, either singularly or in combination.

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The video "My Hot Wife Pegs Me for the 1st Time" might be of your interest.---Perhaps some members already posted it.

The gentleman's response looks so genuine and his moaning so real! He enjoyed pegging very much.
The lady in this video appears to be SO experienced and knows exactly what she is doing: stimulating / making love with her man from both the front and the back. She is very professional. I suspect that this is not really "the 1st time."

The gentleman and the lady are a pair of hetero couple. Perhaps their video could inspire other couples to open up the discussion and to explore & experiment. Our culture defines "penetrate" & "thrust" as manly and patriarchal; being penetrated as not. This needs not to be the only view. We could replace the word "penetrate" with "serve." To penetrate your sexual partner is to serve her/him and we want to serve well. So, the question is not necessarily "are you being penetrated" but "are you being served well?" Just my 2 cents!

Otherwise, whatever we do or not do, it is always up to the individuals to make our/their own choices.
No rush!

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How lovely to see someone posting on the pegging thread! That's a hot video, indeed - not her first time but maybe his?

Much time has passed. And there are some new developments.

I now teach regularly scheduled pegging webinars for anyone curious to learn. I ask for a $15 donation but please do not let funds keep you away - all you need to do for a free ticket is shoot me an email.
That link will always take you to the upcoming webinars.

Also - I recorded a podcast for women to listen to after introducing them to the idea of pegging.
It address all the usual fears and misconceptions, offers accurate information and emphasizes the *relationship*, not trying to convince. You need to listen to it first because only you can decide if it is appropriate for your partner. So far, this podcast has gotten rave reviews!

Please let me know if you have any questions. That's my mission - to spread the word about pegging and normalize it.

Two websites: is pegging information and kink as well (BDSM) is pegging information only with no kink.

Lots of Love,
Ruby Ryder

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Wife and I have agreed to give it a try. Haven't made that move on it yet, but we shall see. Super hot to consider. I love to have the wife's breasts bonding on my back. Recently, she rode me doggy style....bumping and grinding her wet cootch against my rosebud. We then changed it up to me on my back and her bumping my hole while doing my nipps. I am very much interested in getting busy with her sending me over the top via my prostate!

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@me want tools - Congratulations! Always exciting to explore new territory, and it sounds like you are inspired and primed for a good time!

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@me want tools - Congratulations! Always exciting to explore new territory, and it sounds like you are inspired and primed for a good time!

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I took the plunge and brought it up with my wife and she was totally cool with it! In general, talking about what pleasures both of us has brought us much closer together. Our sex lives and our relationship in general is so much closer and intimate.

We haven't tried pegging yet... everything is on the way in the mail. It was exciting to her for me to pick it all out. I couldn't decide on what to pick so I got a whole bunch of stuff!

To all who are hesitant: don't be ashamed! I was that way about expressing my feelings and desires and that is just no good. Expressing things like this opens up a lot of doors in my opinion.

Looking forward to the experience!

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Awesome "AmazingAneros"! Hit us all up and share your experiences. Or, you can send me mail here and tell me all about it!

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I took the plunge and brought it up with my wife and she was totally cool with it! In general, talking about what pleasures both of us has brought us much closer together. Our sex lives and our relationship in general is so much closer and intimate.

We haven't tried pegging yet... everything is on the way in the mail. It was exciting to her for me to pick it all out. I couldn't decide on what to pick so I got a whole bunch of stuff!

To all who are hesitant: don't be ashamed! I was that way about expressing my feelings and desires and that is just no good. Expressing things like this opens up a lot of doors in my opinion.

Looking forward to the experience!

Yay just one big ole YAY!!
Pegging is awesome. I take it you already use Aneros, so you are familiar and comfortable with anal play. So here's how my wife and I get into pegging play when we do (not as often as we'd both like, it takes extra time and prep, but man, worth it!!):

I usually start out solo with Aneros. I treat it like any normal session and make sure I start small-ish and then move up to a bigger toy, usually the Maximus. She starts to get ready. We make sure I have at least 15 minutes of solo time before she engages me at all; this really relaxes me beyond my already relaxed anal-state. Then she joins me and we touch and caress and she's very loving as I continue my session. But no cock play at all! I usually swell a bit and start to get hard, which makes things change in my ass a bit, which makes me even more turned on.

Then two things can happen. 1) I take the toy out of me and we begin our normal sex play (oral and penetration) and I get her going big time for a bit. We do this for a while so she's vaginally ready for a strapless strap on (which she prefers!). Now that I have the Helix Syn Trident, I have put that in while we have sex during this stage of play because it doesn't ever fall or shoot out of me like other Aneros models; this just makes me even more ready for "her" cock!
2) Or, she's not going to use the strapless strap on and just a panties harness and external dildo, which if she does choose that, she'll just start going to town on my ass!

We need a certain kind of harness for her strapless strap on. Its not really cumbersome and doesn't bother her at all, but assures the toy is really in there and will not under any circumstances fall out. This is key! If it feels like it slips for her, she doesn't let loose and loses confidence in her humping/fucking ability, and it limits positions she wants me in. With the other thing, the panties harness, it doesn't matter and she has full control the whole time. Only she doesn't feel as "connected" to the dildo, and can't feel what she's doing to me inside of her (hard to explain, but that's how she's told me it works).

After I've had more Os than I can possibly ever fathom and handle, and she has too (especially if wearing the strapless!!), we'll go back to traditional sex and have at it as long as we can both hold out. Last time she pegged me I put the Helix syn trident back in me for a turbo finish and winded up spraying cum everywhere! I came so hard at the very end I thought I was going to have a heart attack, I needed way more than a minute 😉

Such a fun adventure to embark on, just make sure you plan extra time for all the extra stuff that pegging involves. Also make sure your dildo is heated up a little, we soak ours in really hot water prior to use. Enjoy and have fun! You'll become closer to each other than you can possibly imagine.

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We need a certain kind of harness for her strapless strap on. Its not really cumbersome and doesn't bother her at all, but assures the toy is really in there and will not under any circumstances fall out.

Great description of your sexy times. Thanks for sharing. What harness do you find to be the best and what double are you using it with?

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Great description of your sexy times. Thanks for sharing. What harness do you find to be the best and what double are you using it with?

Ruby, first off, I totally admire your work and seriousness on this form of sexual exploration!! Thanks for the comment and for asking this!
For the panties one, it's the one Liberator makes. It has a cock ring sewn into the front with a piece of fabric behind it that allows a "pass-through" dildo; you can slip your finger under and around it to access the vulva. Unfortunately, strapless strap ons don't really work with this panty harness because the cock ring sits a bit too high, so it doesn't really fit or work well at all.

So we got a totally barebones harness from Sportsheets. It is literally just black nylon straps with the plastic buckles for attaching and tightening, with snaps at the front to support whatever size cock ring you want. It's two straps that go around the waist and a third that runs from the bottom of the cock ring up the crack of the ass to attach to the waist strap. It's as minimal as you can imagine, but it works so damn good! It kind of rode up on my wife a bit and started to irritate her anus, so we got a little piece of soft fabric and wrapped it around that bottom strap to cushion and soften this issue. It worked so good!!

We have the original Feeldoe, the Tantus (can't remember the name, but it looks like the Feeldoe), and what we find best and actually still use, the Share. The Share, while having the biggest vaginal bulb, is the absolute best because once its in her, it's in there good. And the cock part is nicest: it is a good size, it is the soft silicone finish, the cock head shape is perfect for prostate stimulation, and the weight of it, while a bit heavy, mimics more of the real thing for the length. The Feeldoe and Tantus models are just a bit too heavy and quite frankly a lot larger than the prostate needs. We've seen the brand new strapless strap on that has an inflatable bulb for insertion, which sounds really cool! Small going in, enlarged once in for secure fit, small going out! Costs a bit, more than we want to invest in since we don't peg even once a month. However, I brought up to her that I was in a thread here about pegging and she said "OMG we totally need to do that again, and more often!" Going to start working it in more now!

I guess my wife and I have been into pegging since 2003/4 and the Share/Sportsheets harness set up is the very best set up we've ever used.

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Well @techpump @me want tools , I had my first pegging experience and it was incredible! One of the most powerful sexual experiences of my life! (I seem to keep saying that this summer).

We started with some normal foreplay and oral, but no toys at first. We weren't sure what would work best so we got a vibrating share vibe and a larger tantrums vibe. We pretty much went straight for it, but I was totally aroused just at the thought of this so it wasn't a problem. ​​​​​I also bought a liberators wedge which we used and I would recommend that for pegging and regular sessions too; it just props you up it exactly the right place!

We got started with the share vibe and I was on my back using the liberators wedge. Being on my back like that with all the lights on watching it all happen was extremely arousing, and emotionally charged. The emotional connection that pegging can give is amazing. The angle of the share vibe hit my spot perfectly and it didn't take long for me to have my first orgasm. A second came when my wife began to play with my nipples too. Oh my god was it good!

We moved to the bigger vibe and my asked /commanded me to get on all fours. At this point, she was really into it as well. The tantrums was bigger and a bit difficult to handle, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I had amazing sensations from this one and both my wife and I finished with an orgasm from this one .

Looking forward to the next time!


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Well @techpump @me want tools , I had my first pegging experience and it was incredible! One of the most powerful sexual experiences of my life! (I seem to keep saying that this summer).

We started with some normal foreplay and oral, but no toys at first. We weren't sure what would work best so we got a vibrating share vibe and a larger tantrums vibe. We pretty much went straight for it, but I was totally aroused just at the thought of this so it wasn't a problem. ​​​​​I also bought a liberators wedge which we used and I would recommend that for pegging and regular sessions too; it just props you up it exactly the right place!

We got started with the share vibe and I was on my back using the liberators wedge. Being on my back like that with all the lights on watching it all happen was extremely arousing, and emotionally charged. The emotional connection that pegging can give is amazing. The angle of the share vibe hit my spot perfectly and it didn't take long for me to have my first orgasm. A second came when my wife began to play with my nipples too. Oh my god was it good!

We moved to the bigger vibe and my asked /commanded me to get on all fours. At this point, she was really into it as well. The tantrums was bigger and a bit difficult to handle, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I had amazing sensations from this one and both my wife and I finished with an orgasm from this one .

Looking forward to the next time!


Awesome hell yes way to go!! So glad to hear all of this, have all the fun you can! I love that your wife is into it; my wife is into her thrusting skills a bit more over the last year or so, that in of itself is really really fun. Thanks for the news!

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@Ruby Ryder. I was wondering if you have any advice to give on a harness and general techniques with the fun factory share vibe. My wife seemed to have difficulty using that one. I was hoping for much more out of that product.

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@Ruby Ryder. I was wondering if you have any advice to give on a harness and general techniques with the fun factory share vibe. My wife seemed to have difficulty using that one. I was hoping for much more out of that product.

While I don't have the Share Vibe (I passed on it because they made you use their proprietary-sized minivibe, which cannot begin to compete with the We-Vibe Tango), I'd love more specifics. What difficulty is your wife having while using it? In general, with doubles you want a harness that can really be cinched down to keep it inside her, so panty-style harnesses and elastic harnesses will be less satisfactory because they have more give. Leather is the best for doubles, and a properly sized O-ring to further insure a snug fit.

Techniques in what category? Fit? Positions? Her pleasure? Your pleasure?

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Hi Ruby,

Mostly fit. We cant really seem to get it to work well when my wife and I try to use it together. It just seems to keep falling out either side. I read some reviews after the fact and there are many similar stories.

I thought that perhaps I was missing something.

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@Ruby Ryder I noticed is now password protected. I really enjoyed that site and the information on it was super helpful. How can I get access to it again?

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@Ruby Ryder I noticed is now password protected. I really enjoyed that site and the information on it was super helpful. How can I get access to it again?

Just a bit of patience.
The good news: I outgrew my server.
The bad news: Migrating to a new host was a clusterf**k
Within about 24 hours all should be well - totally accessible and back to normal.
So glad you found my offerings helpful!

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