This is my orgasmic diet for women
I have a version for men on my messageboard and have had specific feedback that it helps with the results of using the aneros device
I'd be interested in hearing from any men who try my diet in tandem with the aneros device.
I might try that.
Thanks for the post, I'm very curious to try the diet myself. (I'm also turning my wife on to it !). One question; I can't tolerate caffeine even in small amounts (the chocolate), will the diet still be effective without it? Is there any substitute for it?
Again, thanks for your post
B Mayfield
The chocolate isn't as important for men. Its role is to increase dopamine, and generally men have higher dopamine levels than women. I'm certainly not recommending the use of illegal drugs, but chocolate has some chemical compounds similar to those found in marijuana. The primary thing is the high-dose fish oil (see restrictions about who should take fish oil on my website).
So you can leave out the chocolate. Sorry this reply is so late. I've read many of the more recent posts with interest; sounds very much like this device facilitates a man's ability to develop tantric orgasms. Men who are adept at using the device and achieving "Super-O's" may be interested in reading up more about tantra. Margo Anand has some good books on the subject. A similar device for women to the Aneros is the Gyneflex, actually looks a bit similar. Also helps a woman to develop the ability to achieve vaginal orgasms and whole-body tantric orgasms. Works especially well in tandem with my diet.
Great to hear from you! Thanks for the info., with the chocolate out of the way the rest of the diet is no problem for me. Can't wait to give it a shot.
Yes, the Aneros, has been dubbed Tantric Training Wheels by many users here in the forum. In my own case this device was the catalyst for my own personal growth and the development of a multi-orgasmic technique. Over time I've learned to achieve results with or without it. Yes, working with this energy is a very powerful experience indeed.
Please be sure to check in on us from time to time, it's so terrific to get a woman's perspective on this phenomena.
B Mayfield
You've just caught my attention in a major way. Drawback to being tantric--non-tantric sex gets to be pretty mundane. I've kind of advanced myself too far. Most men who consider themselves tantric just are handy with a couple tricks for delaying ejaculation. I want someone handy with fourth and sixth chakra energy exchange, and it's dawned on me that the most efficient way for men to develop this ability is by using this device and going on my diet. It jumpstarts a tsunami of kundalini--blows out your chakra pipes.
Here's a handy link for men who may be startled by strange kundalini sensation:
Frankly I think it's easier for women to learn how to have Super-O's because we're built for it (just like it's harder for women to have a clitoral orgasm than for men to have a regular orgasm). Super-O's in women are just vaginal orgasms, also called pelvic floor orgasms. Still, less than half of women can have vaginal orgasms and very few can have vaginal orgasms simply from flexing. This ability is dependent on biochemistry (manipulated by my diet) and extremely strong PC muscle tone. After testing almost all of the PC exercise devices on the market, the best is this
It actually works very similar to the Aneros, which made me think. The Aneros develops PC muscle tone in men--shouldn't it also be made like the Gyneflex, in varying strengths? The Gyneflex comes in six different levels. Each level is exactly the same shape and size, but the plastic it is made from gets increasing more rigid, so it takes more muscle strength to bend it. The manufacturer might be interested in taking a look at the Gyneflex and seeing if the idea can be adapted.
I very much like the thought of men going around having tantric orgasms all day the same way I can have vaginal orgasms all day. I wouldn't feel so solitary in this.
I would have to differ with you on one point. The male's ability for orgasm (of the penile ejaculatory type) is well established. I think that many (but not all) men have the ability ejaculate, any time of day or night, when angry or sad, almost under any condition (even while sleeping!) So by the time a man is in his twenties,..he's virtually wired for it. What I've found, in my participation in this forum over several years now, is that this ability cuts both ways. That is, while ejaculation is very available, men have become so inured to it that the alternate pathway (the Super O) is very obscure to them.
For many the Aneros has provided the catalyst to discovering sensation and a state of arousal that is not penile centered and to an orgasm that is much more global in nature. Add to this that the phenomena is not restricted by a refractory period and you have a much more versatile orgasm as well. Consecutive and multiple orgasms are available ( I experience both). Furthermore, the Aneros is just a departure point, as I have found that there are a multitude of experiences, just as intense, that are possible without the Aneros as well.
However, for most men it does take time to cross over. After all, most men are not about to go cold turkey and dispense with the traditional method. In reality, it's not a necessity that they do either, it's just that it means that some truly new learning must take place (new methods for generating sensation and arousal, that do not involve one's penis and are not centered on one's penis). I have encouraged all who are interested in discovering this new experience to greet the process as a sensory journey, one of body and mind. This is a journey with some ultimate goals to be sure, but one of the goals is really one's involvement in the process of exploration itself. It's all enriching and it's all fun!
Again, I'm eager to try your diet and see if it might help sensitize the prostate. If so, I will happily report on my results here. (By the way it seems a very healthy diet to be on regardless of it's other potential benefits!)
Just as an aside, I'm curious, has anal stimulation ever played a role in your exploration, and if so has it yielded any results?
B Mayfield
I'm not sure how we differ in opinion. I LIKE feeling the regular kind of guy-orgasm inside me, don't get me wrong. Also I wouldn't be happy if I had to give up clitoral orgasms myself. Of course having Super-O orgasms must feel very weird and alien to most men, although frankly I'm quite positive my diet will enhance the pleasure and enable men to have the Super-O orgasms much more easily. The fish oil especially, especially this stuff.
The reason I'm recommending a specific brand is that I've found quality control tends to vary widely among fish oil brands. I didn't used to, but now I do.
As for anal, well it just supports my theory that clitoral orgasms are like regular men's ejaculatory orgasms and vaginal orgasms are like men's prostate orgasms (called Super-O orgasms on this website). Anal for women is a fun and frisky extra, and I've had anal orgasms, but they were lots weaker and similar in kind to regular vaginal orgasms. In other words, what men can feel with the Aneros device, women can feel during regular sex (and much easier I might add) if they get their PC muscles toned enough. So no, anal doesn't add an "extra dimension". Simply waking up the vagina adds that extra dimension, although I have to say having something in both at the same time certainly can be very pleasurable.
Interesting, last night was really the first time I had tried the aneros when really relaxed, not really sleepy but getting there, the sensations were totally different than usual,and much more erotic, perhaps dopamine is the answer!!!!
I think so. I think it's the balance of dopamine and serotonin that controls the Super-O orgasmic ability. Things that spike serotonin (and will kill the ability)--antidepressants, caffeine, nicotine, all-carb meals. Things that raise dopamine--omega-3 fatty acids, small amounts of dark chocolate every day, balanced meals (protein-carb-fat). Eating transfats or lots of polunsaturated vegetable oil will block the good effects of taking omega-3 fatty acids. There are also activities that manipulate both--compulsive behavior will raise serotonin, moderate prolonged exercise will raise serotonin but it will raise dopamine more, meditation and yoga and listening to certain types of music will raise dopamine.
First, you're correct, we don't differ on anything here, Forgive me, I've been somewhat dyslexic today. (I'm still buzzed from an incredible session last night). Originally when I read your comments I thought you were saying it was harder for men to ejaculate than for women to have a clitoral orgasm...boy did I turn that around! Perhaps your diet can help with that as well. All kidding aside, thanks for the info. on the source for the fish oil. One question; what's the approximate turnaround time with this diet, long is it before one should notice a change? My body (and prostate in particular) is pretty tuned to what I consume, so I'm excited to see how this develops.
Also I'm curious, when you mention vaginal orgasms are you speaking of a Gspot orgasms? I seem to recall that historically many sex researchers maintained that there were no vaginal orgasm per se, rather it was all clitoral. Yet, a lot of that early research was before women started exploring Gspot stimulation. What's your opinion on this?
I've always believed that the Gspot and the prostate were developmentally linked (a prostate being a differentiated Gspot). The similarities are strikingly apparent, tissue/organ containing a rich cache of sensory nerves in close proximity of the urethra, etc.
B Mayfield
Women I generally allow a month for the effects to be felt on the libido because of fluctuating hormones. With men it should take a week or less. Sometimes it's a matter of hours. Both sexes for the prostate/vaginal orgasms everything depends on PC muscle strength. That's where I see the real value in the Aneros device, not necessarily as an acupuncturally correct stimulator, but as an exercise device that gives pleasurable biofeedback. A man or woman who develops strong PC muscles, works on technique with a device, and has good biochemistry will develop the ability to have Super-O's at will, just by flexing the PC muscles. That's the beginning of tantra.
Technically yes, the nerve structure of the clitoris extends back to the G-spot so in that sense all orgasms are clitoral orgasms. But in the same way, the nerve structure of the penis extends back to the prostate, so all male orgasms are penile orgasms. That said, the orgasms you are experiencing from using the Aneros are a helluva lot different than the typical penile orgasm. It's exactly the same way with women, although we have two spots, the G-spot and the cul de sac. We can have vaginal orgasms when those spots are stimulated, just like men can have orgasms with having the prostate stimulated and likewise we can have orgasms from flexing our PC muscles, just like men can have orgasms from flexing the PC muscles. Calling them all "clitoral" does a disservice to women. It has generally been accepted by the scientific and medical community in the last five years that women do indeed have two distinctly different types of orgasm--the clitoral and the vaginal, also sometimes called the pelvic floor orgasm. G-spot stimulation in particular in some women can also produce female ejaculation. Having orgasms very similar to the ones so poetically described on this site has become as natural to me as breathing, and this fact has effectively isolated me from my gender. Very few women nowadays can do this, even though in my heart I believe that this ability is every woman's birthright.
With all the recent discussions about Zane's diet, I thought I'd try it. I've been on the fish oil for only a few days now and... oh my gosh. There is already a major difference in my libido. I'd recommend the diet to anyone who wants to reach orgasms of all kinds more easily. My session with the aneros last night was incredible and I was reaching the multiple orgasms, including a big super O, very quickly. There is such a difference in a big way. I was hoping for good results, but I didn't expect them quite so quickly. I've been enjoying multiple orgasms for a few years now, but they have been on and off in cycles. I have been looking for something to "flip the switch on" whenever I wanted. This seems to be it. I cannot thank you enough, Zane. I'm in awe.
Love to hear it!
Yes, usually men respond much quicker than women. Women I say a month at the full dose. Men generally see results in less than five days at the full dose. Sometimes in just two days!
Again, I will caution that with men it can lead to premature ejaculation for some men. But I've had enough feedback that I'm pretty sure it will help with the Super-O ability in many men, just like it helps with vaginal orgasmic ability in women.
If you're really feeling grateful, buy my book and tell people about the diet!
I just wanted to chime in with my experience so far on this diet.
I have noticed a moderate raise in my libido, nothing major, but more noticiablly I feel a lot happier. I'm not sure if I was in a depression or something, but generally I feel pretty damn good since starting the diet. I'm also not as irritable as I have been lately.
I ended up buying the book, recieved it last night and have to admit it is an interesting read. I also noticed that I need to increase my fish oil and magnesium intake based upon the book.
I'll comment again later after my adjustments have had time to settle in.
Hey Zane, I've been on high dose fish oil for a few weeks now, and eating dark chocolate. I don't know how much it has helped contribute to the incredible non-stop orgasms I had recently -- but I believe it has and I don't plan on stopping with it because of other health benefits that I need.
Anyway, I had a specific question for you. I noticed in an old post you recommend against taking ginkgo biloba, and I want to know what your reason is for that. From what I understand it helps boost blood flow, which could be really helpful in any form of sexual function.
I noticed you called ginkgo a stimulant, and I understand your reasons for saying caffiene and other stimulants are bad (and I have since almost totally dropped my caffiene intake). But, I don't know how gingko fits in that category.
I am not trying to argue anything at all. I think you know something I don't and I'm just curious, as I don't feel safe taking it knowing you recommend against it.
I am glad for the feedback and am pretty sure you are right about it helping with your recent orgasmic ability! If it gets to be too much, you can always cut back on the fish oil.
Ginkgo biloba raises serotonin, I believe. If a man is only interested in regular orgasms, this will actually help with stamina, so for most men, things like ginkgo and caffeine are relatively neutral.
However, if you are aiming for prostate orgasms, it is necessary to have dopamine high and serotonin at a moderate steady level. (That is, assuming prostate orgasms and vaginal orgasms work in similar ways).
zaneblue- i cant seem to find your diet for men posted in the forum. the second link you posted in the first post doesnt seem to be active. lastly, i have omega-3 super concentrate epa 400 : dha 200. it isnt advertised as fish oil as such but reading the ingredients reveals it is in fact fish oil; would this be appropriate by your definition?
Yes, I'm sorry, my editor had me remove it from my own website (something about free milk and the cow). But I've posted it multiple times on this forum over the years, although the most recent version is over at
I do want to say I am happy to post it publicly (obviously, since I've posted it multiple times on this board) but I think that if men here go on it and see results that they should cough up the ten dollars and buy my book The Orgasmic Diet (out in paperback in January).
And that brand is fine--it is fish oil.
ah merci - oddly enough, this basically describes my already existing diet minus the magnesium and chocolate. i also consume a little soy in the morning. i actually find large amount of fish oil to be very unpleasant; it speeds my brain up substantially and i find it very difficult to sleep, concentrate or any have any degree of 'inner peace'.
That's a very odd reaction to fish oil! Usually people report the opposite, feelings of relaxation, well-being, and ease in sleeping.
I think if you have had such an uncharacteristic reaction to the fish oil, you should not try my diet.
actually, to me it makes perfect sense. omega 3s are said to enhance brain function, i think by developeing myelan sheaths. as i tend to be overly cerebral as it is, this extra energy in the consious mind is definately not needed. i guess its mechanisms depend on the mind of the individual?
Well I've got a math degree from an Ivy League school--I'm pretty cerebral as far as that goes, and it basically makes me want to screw like a bunny rabbit.
I have noticed taking fish oil does make other substances more potent in brain function--for example I get drunk much faster. Perhaps you were taking a substance that boosted serotonin at the same time you were taking the fish oil?
point taken - although i have a very abstract, unfocused, wondering mind. im a definate right hemisphere user. in terms of serotonin boosters, nothing but excessive meditation, exersize and green tea for me.
i think i might try fish oil again as ive become quite good at meditation and might be able to keep it still. we'll see!