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Intercourse after session?

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I'm wondering if my husband and I have intercourse after every session (while the aneros is still in place) will this hinder progress? I mean if you're not supposed to touch your penis during sessions is this still considered part of that? I have been so extremely sexual lately, which is the reason I purchased the aneros for him to begin with and don't want to hinder the process but also can't hardly help myself. LOL

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I'm wondering if my husband and I have intercourse after every session (while the aneros is still in place) will this hinder progress? I mean if you're not supposed to touch your penis during sessions is this still considered part of that?

As I mentioned in my response to your initial thread posting, "That's totally up to you two. The Aneros massagers can certainly be used during intercourse and most men who do so report their ejaculatory orgasms are more voluminous and intense with it in situ." However, the training to develop multi-orgasmic capability necessitates learning to separate ejaculation from orgasm. In most cases intercourse leads to ejaculation and with the Aneros in situ this may only lead to reinforcing the ejaculation reflex which leads to the male refractory period which pretty much shuts down male arousal and ends a love making session. This may be perfectly fine for the both of you but it may limit his future progress and ability to achieve multiple orgasms and Super-O's. answer to you question, Yes, IMHO it will hinder his progress but there are a multitude of alternate practices which may mitigate this conundrum.

Here is but one set of suggestions you could follow :

Step 1.) Allow your husband to have some regular solo time with his Aneros, enough so that he starts experiencing some dry orgasms. (This may take awhile, probably about a dozen solo sessions ±) Then after such sessions, remove the Aneros and go ahead and have whatever forms of sex play, including intercourse, you typically engage in.

Step 2.) You participate in his sessions by adding erotic physical stimulation such as kissing, caressing, stroking, pinching (gently) but avoiding penile stimulation. Help lead him into dry orgasms in this fashion, which will also double as foreplay. Add verbal encouragement/support to his non-ejaculatory orgasms. Then after such sessions, remove the Aneros and go ahead and have whatever forms of sex play, including intercourse, you typically engage in.

Step 3.) Once he has achieved the ability to consistently have non-ejaculatory orgasms via Aneros, have him perform cunnilingus on you to orgasm whilst his Aneros is in situ. These sessions will help reinforce the non-ejaculatory pathway to mutual orgasmic pleasures. Then after such sessions, remove the Aneros and go ahead and have whatever forms of sex play, including intercourse, you typically engage in.

Step 4.) Since he has now achieved the ability to consistently have non-ejaculatory orgasms via Aneros use then try intercourse with the Aneros in situ and having the intent of achieving multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms during intercourse. By now his rewiring should be sufficiently developed that he will have increased stamina and ability to have much more control over the ejaculatory reflex, thus extending your lovemaking time dramatically.

It is important to remember this is a journey of learning for a man and time to absorb the lessons is needed, the process can not be rushed.
Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel, I did see your response to my original post and understand that of course everything we do is up to us as it should be. That being said, this response is more clearly defined as to answering my question. Thank you much!

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@rumel : Thanks, Rumel, for that well written and clear "guide". I agree with it from my own experience, as well. @Wife_frend : Your husband is indeed fortunate that you are part of his "journey". I have read of several Anerosers who cannot tell their spouses about their use, not to mention, have it become part of their mutual sensuality.

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Your post reminded me of some really great playtimes my wife and I had while using toys. And, when memories are all that's left, it's nice to have them. Your husband is a lucky man! :)~

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