• floating bliss

    I went to bed a little early last night and I managed to get myself into a nice floating bliss state. I remember that it felt awesome but some of the details are fuzzy. Unlike other times when I've had a session before bed, it left me relaxed and at some point I fell asleep. I think I was slipping in and out of sleep while in this state so I lost track of when the floating bliss and sleep began or ended. I do remember that I had a few intense orgasms along with a constant background of contented pleasure.
    This morning I woke up and managed to get into the same state after about 1/2 hour. I stayed very relaxed and let mild sexual fantasies run through my head. Once I reached the floating bliss state, I was able to stay there for about an hour. Like the previous night, I had a bunch of what I would call orgasms. The intensity of the feelings would build and stay at this increased level for a bit, the slowly subside. All the while, there was still the background bliss. I just laid there and let it all happen to me. Throughout the entire hour, I didn't have one anal or PC contraction. Towards the end I did feel what I'd call "phantom" contractions. I wasn't sure if they were really happening or were just imagined. If they were happening, they were incredibly subtle. The experience left me feeling really relaxed and peaceful. I didn't feel the need to increase the sensations or to stroke myself.
    I know what I experienced has been called many things: floating bliss, mitochondrial orgasm, etc. I think I've probably called this "contractionless orgasm". Whatever it's called, it's clear that the feelings are not the result of anything physical. There's no stimulation of the penis nor of the prostate. There are no muscle contractions that could be pushing or moving anything around. All of the sensation seems to be coming from the nervous system itself. I find it fascinating to realize that such a thing is possible. We're so conditioned that orgasms are a result of physical stimulation of some type. Even with aneros use, there's still something rubbing and pushing on a part of the body. To be able to create sexual pleasure without any physical stimulation is mind-blowing to me.
    I can't help but wonder how these orgasms and floating bliss feelings are connect to emotions. We can feel love, happiness, anger, etc without any physical stimulation. It seems to me that what I'm experiencing has as much in common with emotions as it does with orgasm. At the very least, it seems to blur the line between the two.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/18/2010at12:43 pm

      What should I expect? I have had this inserted for about half an hour so far and have been waiting for some sort of sensation and I am not sure I am working this right, I feel nothing.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/20/2010at6:39 pm

      Hello Provideguy, 🙂
      Generally these type of questions are best asked in the "General Discussion" area of the Aneros forum.
      I encourage you to randomly browse and read through the different threads or use the search function to find specific topics. As you'll find that a lot of questions like these have been asked over and over again by new users. There is also lots of good information to absorb in the Aneros WIKI.

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