• First test drive

    I received my eagerly awaited first Aneros, a Helix Syn yesterday. Picked it up from the Post Office so that "she who disapproves, the fun police" would not find out about my purchase. When I arrived home, I unpacked in the garage, away from prying eyes. Then I took it into the house to give it a wash before going back to the garage. I thought I would get to know my new Aneros and have a little fun before getting down to the serious business of learning how to reach nirvana and dry organs etc. Shutting the door, I dropped my shorts and underpants. Reaching for my hidden stash of Lube, I snapped back the cap and squirted some onto my fingertip. Separating one cheek from I gently touched my puckered anus with the lubed up finger before pushing it home up to the palm of my hand. Withdrawing my finger, I picked up the Helix Syn and carefully lubed it up. While it glistened and shone blackly in the light of the window I lifted my right leg and placed my foot on the workbench. By this time my previously flaccid penis was becoming interested in the event unfolding and was better than half erect. I said to myself, this is not about you cock, this is about something much bigger and better than that. ConcentrateOrientating the Helix correctly I placed my hand behind myself and gently placed it agains my anus. On recognition it was correctly placed in pushed it firmly inside of me. It slipped in easily, just as I expected. What a nice comfortable feeling. A feeling that I had been missing for so long after I had thrown out my previously owned dildos and butt plugs. Lowering my leg down I clenched my muscles and felt to Aneros move inside of me, drawing itself upwards inside and rubbing over my prostate. A few more muscle movements and my penis subsided. After about 5 minutes I decided to check for pre-cum. I found a pleasant surprise, a dewdrop had formed on my urethral opening of my once again flaccid penis. It was then I heard a call from inside the house so I had to quickly withdraw my Aneros, tidy up and go to see what I was needed for inside by my wife.
    The next day )this morning( I woke early at about 4:30am I was restless. I needed some stimulation and I knew that my Helix Syn was waiting patiently to give me some of that stimulation. Quietly I got out of bed and went into the en-suite. I had a small bowel movement, cleaned myself and the applied some lube to my finger and inserted it into my anus, twisting it as it went in to help lubricate all around. I did this twice and then generously lubed up the Aneros. Just like the first time, it slipped in smoothly, just like my passage was its own, comfortable, little home. I quietly slipped back into bed, pulling the sheet over me. I lay there on my back, feet apart about a foot. Breathing slowly I concentrated on feeling and listening to my pelvic area. Tentatively I tried some tiny contractions. I could feel the Aneros draw up into me and rub ever so lightly across my prostate. This seemed to create a tingling, almost electrical feeling in that general area. I tried bigger contractions and I could really feel the Aneros moving along my prostate. It felt good, but not as good as smaller contractions. I lay ther and experimented with different degrees of contractions to see what felt best. Occasionally, my knee caps seemed to twitch with the effort of applying the contractions. The small contractions seemed to make me feel the nicest. I must have been relaxed because a couple of times I found I was not applying contractions and had to restart again. Once when I was doing a medium contraction my legs spasmed and both knees rose about 9 inches in the air. It was totally involuntary. At the same time I felt like a small electrical shock in and around my prostate. I don't think it was anything special but it was indeed pleasurable and it gives me hope for success in the future.
    After a while I tried various positions, on side with upper knee near chest, on front with head in pillow, on side with both legs straight and on back with legs lifted as much as I dare as wife was asleep next to me. So far, the position that gives me the most feeling and stimulation is on my back with legs straight, feet about 1 foot apart. in this position the feelings are quite subtle and, for want of a better term, exquisite.
    I found that I really had to tune in and listen closely to my body as any feelings and sensations I had were quite “soft”.
    A side note to all this that when driving around town this morning I found myself travelling 5 kilometres under the speed limit. I was so relaxed I be bothered to drive any faster. I am still enjoying the slightly stretched feeling in my anus too. Hope it lasts all day.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/04/2014at5:02 pm

      Great porn! Gets me aroused. You sound like a really fun guy. When on your back try putting both knees up with feet flat, or just one up with other straight out. The originally suggested position can be good for me as well. That is, lying on side pull knees up with upper leg just a little higher than the bottom one.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/06/2014at2:10 am

      Thanks aneros_user13872, I like porn too. There reaches a stage where you can get saturated by too much of it though. I hope I am a fun guy, just try to be honest with myself and everyone. I try to be open yo new things and experiences too

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/06/2014at2:12 am

      Will try the suggested position when I have a chance

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