• First Helix session

    The postman was later than normal today, but he came with my Helix. It did not take long for me to unwrap the package and get my new toy out! At first the only difference between the Helix and my MGX seemed to be the Dime-style perineum tab. Then I notices the stem was not ribbed.
    So I lubed up and began my session. No problem with the larger head. In fact it slid in just as easily as the MGX. My initial reaction was "what is different?". Then I felt a strong tingling in my balls which was different to previous sessions. This tingling came each time I drew the Aneros in. Very nice! It was then that I realised my prostate was getting a much firmer stimulation. There were some VERY nice sensations washing over me.
    One thing though, how do you relax when you are being stimulated so much? The feelings are so gorgeous that I cannot stop myself tensing up. Perhaps if I can keep relaxed it will help me towards an O.
    Had to cut the session shorter than I wanted as my wife was due back home. I was definitely left wanting more! The good news is there are only a couple more days before the weekend when I will have plenty of quality time to enjoy my Helix.