• Draining the Tanks

    My previous session ended in a spectacular series of dry O's. I woke the next morning aroused, lustful but oddly satisfied. So a week later, I went into the session knowing it would end in a cum geyser. And it did. I was proud of myself for being able to relax and take things slow. I listened to lots of erotic sounds from bateworld and watched some awesome porn. but after 3 hours, i just had to drain the tanks. i knew if i didn't, i'd be deranged. so that's the long and short of it…a spectacular cum shower, which I scooped up and feasted on. It was wonderful to fall asleep with the taste of my sperm on my lips.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/27/2013at12:09 pm

      Sounds hot man. I feast on my love juice after a blissful session as well. Love waking up ready to just orgasm loud and hard. Congrats.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/31/2013at1:57 pm

      You two take me back to my gay exploratory relationship in my/our late teens!! Thanks!!
      My lover and I would end our sessions at times by cumming into two wine glasses and then mixing our seeds and sharing back into the glasses to slurp great toasts to The Wine of Eternal Life!! We ate a lot of our own solo, and shared a lot of ours mingled, or taking each other's orally directly down the hatch!!
      Thanks for taking me back to those days and the memories of sperm soup on my lips and tongue and swirled round my mouth and throat mmmmmmmm
      SLURP!! SLURP!! :0 :0 :0

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