• Down & Up

    After waiting 14 days for my Helix I e mailed the company.
    They replied that it was out of stock but were expecting delivery soon.
    I felt very disapointed.
    Down, deflated.
    My cd of Hypnaerosession arrived yesterday.
    I went outside last night and gave it a listen.
    It was a bit noisy and could not concentrate fully.
    Also tired after a long day.
    All the same it gave me an erection.
    I got a couple of pulses through my penis.
    Also had a tingeling sensation in my lower legs.
    All in all interesting.
    I will try it again tonight.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/18/2008at3:12 am

      Hi Voyager,
      Did you order the Helix direct from us? We definitely have plenty of the Helix in stock. Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
      Aneros Support

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