First, about last night.
Had an almost three hour session last night spread over four. Had a couple things to take care of in between. Had about and hour, then a thirty minute break, forty-five more minutes, then another thirty minute break, finally an hour and forty-five minutes. Started with the PS-New and things got moving quick. After the first break I tried the Progasm Black Ice but it didn’t do the same for me, this time. Went back to the PS-New for the last hour and forty five minutes. Got to where the big O’s were hitting every 45 to 60 seconds. Things had tapered off so finally called it a night. After four hours sleep the previous night I really didn’t expect much of a session as tired as I was feeling.
Woke up this morning and worked myself to a very nice erection. Since I’d never had a session with an erection I thought I’d give it a try. Popped in the PS-New again. Erection didn’t last long. Only took about five minutes though for the prostate O’s to start. Some of the most intense, full body orgasms to date. Found myself laying there trembling head to toe. Finally HAD to stop as life, and a paycheck, must happen. Had a bunch of mini-O’s getting breakfast together. Sitting here forty-five minutes after stopping and my prostate is sitting right on the razor’s edge of another O.
Might have to plan an early bedtime one night and get up a couple hours early
Laying chest down works well and gets things started pretty quick. Finding now that on my back with my legs straight out rather than my knees pulled up works almost as well as on my back.
Now, do I go rub one out to kill the current prostate sensation so I can focus and get things done or do I just try to get things done and enjoy the ride for the day?
Gave in and rubbed one out. Got the buzz down about 50%.
Two hours later. Back to seriously buzzing. Pretty close to an A-less as I sit.
Savor your Aless, @newjoytoy today. You will get through the workday today. I hope you have a great weekend.
Five hours since last update. Buzz is up to 80 to 85 percent. Many, many mini O’s through the day.
Sixteen hours since last post. Buzz is down to five to ten percent. Nipples are super sensitive though. Wouldn’t take much to get back to eighty percent again.