• Definite success

    Just had my first mini o, either that or it was a really intense p wave. Laid on my back, legs up, and did a mix of do nothing and matching contractions with my breathing, relaxing while breathing in, and contracting while breathing out. I felt it, very specifically wash over me, like a wave at the beach, like it wasn’t just an all over feeling that got more intense, it was the same intensity all the way through it, but it spread from my bum, up my stomach, and down my legs. It was over in a half second, but it was euphoric.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Harper


      03/25/2018at5:20 pm

      @scottishgasm. Fantastic! My first breakthrough was with Helix Syn, I remember the feeling very well. Things should only get better for you now.

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