• Couldn't ask for a better day

    Today I've been feeling high as a kite. The Aneros-less kickstart I described in my previous entry was just the incredible beginning. Who knew I could teach my body to enjoy intense orgasmic pleasure at will without any direct physical stimulation? Frankly I'm amazed it has happened at all, let alone so quickly—I've only had four sessions with the Aneros and I almost feel like I don't really need it any more. I gather my rapid progress is not a common occurrence for most guys, so I am also especially grateful for whatever it was that enabled me to get rewired almost immediately.
    I've been listening to music for most of the day, and have gotten tremendous pleasure from it. Familiar songs feel new again, the intricate chord progressions and melodies… but especially the rhythm. Oh, yeah! Syncopated rhythms! I love them like never before… I can't help but move… must dance!
    Something surprised me about the particular songs coming up in my random playlist. They all had something apropos to say to me about how I was feeling at that moment, either in the lyrics, the mood of the music, or in some cases even the title and album name. I don't usually listen to lyrics as I'm generally moved more by the music itself, but today these coincidences caused me to start paying attention.
    “I look into the window of my mind
    Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind
    I step out of the ordinary
    I can feel my soul ascending
    I'm on my way
    Can't stop me now
    And you can feel the same, yeah
    “What have you done today to make you feel proud?
    It's never too late to try
    What have you done today to make you feel proud?
    You could be so many people
    If you make a path for freedom
    What have you done today to make you feel proud?
    “Still so many answers I don't know (there are so many answers)
    Realize that to question is how to go (to question is to go)
    So I step out of the ordinary
    I can feel my soul ascending
    I'm on my way
    Can't stop me now
    You can do the same, yeah
    “What have you done today to make you feel proud?
    If I can help just one person to experience the same bliss I have today, I would be humbled.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/16/2009at7:03 pm

      Glad you have had so much luck with the Aneros. Keep blogging! 🙂

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/16/2009at8:42 pm

      The great thing about the blog, your story remains accessible and as complete as you choose to make it. Great to see the suggestion working for you. This post too illustrates the deep link between erotic circuitry and music which is also an opportunity in the rewiring. Are you a musician? Could you include the name of the music whose lyric you quote and the composer?
      all the continuing best

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/17/2009at2:34 am

      I suppose you could say I'm an aspiring musician; I do have some musical background. I've come a long way in teaching myself to play keyboard, and recently purchased an electric guitar so I can learn to play that as well.
      The lyrics are from Heather Small's song “Proud.” I'm not sure of the composer.

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