SO, it's getting along nicely. I think I may be reaching the mini/dry-o stage.
    With mini and dry-o's, d you get the same satisfaction sense, but it's just less intense?
    Today, I didn't feel any satisfaction, but I felt like I was nearing a peak.
    First, I ingested a certain herb, took a shower, slipped the helix in, did 20 breathing exercises, turned on my side and started doing light, 4s contractions. After some p-waves, I was able to get to the point where I had some random involuntary twitches around my legs and genitalia. I felt some twitches in my PC muscles and around my groin/anus; I don't know if these are special or not. I kept on going and started to get the growing feeling before an orgasm, but it wasn't normal, it was more centralized inside my waist, and partly in my penis. This died down and happened about 4 times, but nothing more. I ended jerking off.
    I hope this means that I'm on the right track, I think that I was focusing on the feelings too much, and I tried thinking about different things every 20-30 contractions.
    I tried thinking of the feelings, the breathing, my body as a whole, the contractions, but I think I'm thinking too hard. What should I be focusing on?
    Any commentary would be awesome.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/03/2011at11:18 am

      HxC. Just out of curiosity. I'm a believer in herbs too. If I may ask. What kind of herb are you talking about? I'm looking for ways of improving my sessions because I'm on a complete dry spell. I can't seem to move on to the next level and I don't know what to do.thx.

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