• Latest developments

    A brief report on several weeks of exploration. I’ve learned that many factors affect my access to pleasure. Lack of sleep, diet, relationships, problems at work can all be obstacles. I find that they aren’t insurmountable, but they make the process more exacting. My Helios…

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  • Updating

    Just to bring you up to date. I’m not ready yet to declare what I make of all this or what my theories are of how to provoke what I’ve experienced, so I’m just going to lay out what’s been happening. I did order the…

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  • Where I'm coming from

    10/24/2009 3:20:35 PM Ten years ago I bought an Aneros. At the time, I believe they had only one model, what’s now called the “Classic.” I read the directions and experimented with it over a period of weeks, but I had no success. It was…

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