Hi there i am about 10 months in on my journey no orgasms as yet but plenty of pwaves and involuntary contractions. Whenever is sit down now on the perineum area i start to mildly throb and pulsate in that area which is pleasant,i just…
Posted on February 24th, 2021.Session Length: 1hour Models Used: Progasm junior and Helix Trident syn
Hi there i am about 10 months in on my journey no orgasms as yet but plenty of pwaves and involuntary contractions. Whenever is sit down now on the perineum area i start to mildly throb and pulsate in that area which is pleasant,i just…
Posted on November 26th, 2020.Session Length: 1hour Models Used: Progasm junior and Helix Trident syn
Hi I need some advice ,i find with my 2 models Helix syn and the Progasm junior that they both work away from the Perineum area in normal use by about 10-15 mm. I lay on my back with 2 cushions under my lower back…
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Posted on August 16th, 2020.Session Length: 1hour Models Used: mgx trident
Hi there I am fairly new to this about 3 months in ,no momentous moments yet but a lot of pleasure,my question is once i get the involuntries going i experience a pulling in and what feels like a clamping of the Aneros which at…