• As time goes on…

    Well, I haven't taken the time to blog for a while but I HAVE taken the time to use my beloved progasm. I have had a number of very satisfying sessions with it. Lately, I have been using it in the mornings as I get…

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  • Great Saturday Morning

    I woke up around 7am and had a nice relaxing time getting set for insertion. I did my enema thing to "flush the pipes" and used a syringe to inject some lube in my anal cavity. Then I inserted the progasm nice and slow… as…

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  • PROGASM!!!!

    My new Progasm arrived and I was quite excited to try it out later in the evening. When I opened the package, I admit to being a little intimidated to its size. I had also ordered an received a lubricant syringe. As the evening wore…

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  • My road to discovery

    This is my 1st blog on my path to discover new things about my body and my prostate. For years )I am 54( I have been curious and experimental with the feelings I would get when inserting something in my anal cavity. I would always…

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