• Definite Progress

    Today was another breakthrough session. I had what I would classify as a dry mini-o. I was about 30 minutes into my session when some p-waves started to kick in. At first I attempted to really pursue these feelings, but I must have been over…

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  • Something New

    After a handful of sessions with essentially the same results I decided to try something a bit different. Instead of lying on my side I decided to lay on my back for starters. Also, I tried out a more passive approach. After approximately 15 minutes…

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  • 1st Session

    Received my Helix in the mail today and had my first session. I will say that I was a bit nervous about this whole thing at the beginning. After a long relaxing shower I retreated to the bedroom to begin. I was pleasantly surprised at…

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  • Greetings and Salutations

    Hello everyone. Let me introduce myself. I go by the alias Golf_Guru. I'm a recent college graduate that works in the golf industry. I am also actively pursuing my PGA certifications to become a professional golf instructor. I came across this site when my girlfriend…

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