• Busy with KSMO

    I haven't blogged for a while because I've been off in the land of KSMO. At this point, I'm generating much more intense feelings with KSMO than I ever have with an aneros. The feelings are similar to my aneros-less sessions but KSMO seems to bring them on much more quickly.
    I did, however, try my helix with my KSMO practice. I have to say that my initial experience was an either-or sort of one. If I did my KSMO, the hellix just sort of sat there and did nothing. In order to get any action from it, I had to focus on it like I did before I learned about KSMO. So, my conclusion so far is that combining them isn't all that interesting for me. I may try again in the future. But, for now, I'm going to focus on KSMO. Given my much more rapid progress in the aneros-less area, it seems like my mind/body are inclined in the KSMO direction.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/31/2010at1:25 am

      Hi Rook,
      Honestly, I'm not sure when I'll get back to my aneros. Just yesterday, I had three separate and completely mind-blowing KSMO sessions (morning, afternoon, and evening). By the evening session, I didn't even need any sound to get from zero to orgasm in about 2 minutes. I'm not sure I'd call what I had "super-o's", but I did spend two hours in almost constant orgasmic bliss. I have never felt anything like this in my life. I credit my aneros for opening the door but, at this point, I don't think aneros will be my primary tool for having non-ejaculatory orgasms.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/03/2010at10:48 am

      Important discussion you are having around your transition dtm, and rook. If I didn't also use my aneros models for their original medical purpose, BPH therapy, my reports might well have been very much like yours here dtm.
      Butt, I found that by practising both, and like the initial prostate awakening with aneros, if I let the two just see what my body would do with the combo, gradually and subtly at first, there can be worthwhile mutually re-enforcing energetic effects that are advances that could take longer without the combo practice. Maybe its a matter of taste/aesthetics.
      all the best to/for you both as your practices in both realms advance as they will

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