• Bringing my Progasm Black Ice out of retirement, sessions for January 27 & 29

    Hi guys,

    Our latest Arctic Vortex blast of winter cold arrived yesterday afternoon with the latest blast of blustery, cold air arriving this afternoon as I write this. Tomorrow early Thursday morning we shall have a low of 9 F.

    However, I had sessions early Sunday morning just before sunrise and the same time yesterday morning Tuesday. I was horned for those sessions. Sunday I used MGX, Progasm Junior, and Maximus. Yesterday morning I added Progasm Black ICE which I brought out of a two/three year retirement.

    Whenever I have a session, my psyche and body are longing for my Aneros models. This longing which verges on the sexual is what I mean by my being horned!

    Now I just lie on my towel on my bed with two very slim chair cushions for my butt. Whenever I insert any of my Aneros models, a surge of anal pleasure that is irresistible. Also I wear a jock and cup like @goldenboy for most of my sessions, not so much to keep my hands off my cock, but rather the jock and cup (as intensely erotic items) enhance many fold my pleasure as I let each of my models work their magic on my anal musculature and prostate.

    Nowadays my sessions leave me with exquisitely pleasant Aless. My Aless has a beat about it as though my Aneros models are still working away. Take care.

    Update at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening. Right now here in DC, we are feeling the direct affects of the Arctic Vortex. My apartment certainly feels like a drafty icebox which puts my sessions into a deep freeze until the weekend. Urghh! 🙁