• back to it

    I've been sick so I haven't had any sessions in a little while. Today I decided to see what would happen.
    I started with about 1/2 hour of sitting, looking at porn, and making the KS. Things ramped up very quickly and I had at least one super-o and a number of lesser orgasms. I then took a break for about an hour to eat something. After this, I laid down in bed and relaxed. This part of the session lasted about 1.5 hours and was perhaps the best yet (or very close to it). The best part was a super-o that lasted maybe 5 minutes. Fantastic!
    As in the past, I tend to be able to have two classes of feelings that I'm calling orgasms. I'll call them "contractionless" and "contraction".
    The contractionless ones are not accompanied by any significant PC muscle contractions. I get these when I keep my PC muscles very relaxed. These can get extremely intense. I've had orgasms like this that I'd classify as super. In fact, I had a few today :-). I have to admit that the feelings can sometimes be a little frustrating as the intensity seems to build and build and is borderline unbearable. But, there is often a feeling of a peak that I can hold for several minutes at least. These feelings can take my breath away and make it feel like my groin will explode. When things are going well, I can crank up the intensity by "pushing" stronger feelings into my groin with my mind. At least, this is the mental image I use. While I don't get any major PC or anal muscle contractions, at the peak, I sometimes get a fluttering feeling in my penis. I honestly don't know what this is but it doesn't feel anything like contractions associated with ejaculation.
    The contraction orgasms seem like they're a lot more like what others have described. I usually start these while at the peak of a contractionless orgasm. I simply squeeze down a little on my PC muscles to start the contractions. It's not a tight squeeze; more like a gentle "hug". On good days like today, the involuntary contractions start and feel really really amazing. Today, I had one of these types of super-o's that lasted at least 5 minutes. These orgasms feel a little more satisfying (less frustrating). I think it's because the contractions provide my body an outlet for the pleasure. Perhaps it's psychological, I really don't know. I can keep these orgasms going by "fueling" them with the focus of my mind. I tend not to need to focus quite as much (as the contractionless ones) to keep these orgasms going. These contractions feel like slightly weaker versions of the contractions associated with ejaculation.
    A few things I'd be interested in comments on:
    -I am curious if others have these two different types of "orgasms" (what I'm calling contractionless and contraction). Maybe you have these intense contractionless feelings and don't call them orgasms? Please share your experiences.
    -So far, I very rarely have an experience where my orgasms come spontaneously. While my body is not involved in generating them, my mind is always very active. I'm usually focusing on the feelings, trying to amplify them. I find that if I let my mind wander, the feelings eventually die off. Rarely, my mind will think about something else briefly and this will kick off some good feelings. But, it seems like if I don't focus on these feelings, they will go away. I'm interested in knowing if those more practiced than me are able to get super-o's without active engagement of their mind.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/26/2010at7:47 pm

      I've had a few contractionless orgasms like the ones you describe. I can't bring them on willingly, but they do feel fantastic. We're the lucky ones, I guess!

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