• Baby Steps

    Started the same way as last session – relax, contractions, lubricate. On back, deep breaths, anal massage, introduce device. Anus was slightly more accepting than last time, but it was still slightly challenging. Gently contracted anal muscles to slowly draw the device in, which it did much like last time, but more reluctantly. This might have been due to using more lubrication than before. Will consider amount next time and adjust accordingly.

    Gentle, gradual contractions, then release, felt good. could feel the same gentle stimulation around my scrotum, testicles, and this time, anus. Penis remained mostly flaccid, but sexual arousal was quietly simmering in the background. Went a little longer on time to see if I got any additional effects or different sensations – this time, it was more of the same, but nothing new. Minuscule movements of the device felt good – purely using my sphincter muscles. Again, body didn’t want to give up the device. It’s like once it’s locked in place, my body wants it to be part of my body permanently. Gradually used breathing and relaxing to get it out again. Anus felt normal. Same amount of precum produced as last time, and definitely could feel prostate stimulation / “fullness” – especially when pressing on perineum. Again, did not masturbate, did not orgasm.

    Wondering about device placement – how far in is a supposed to go? Past the last bulb? Leave the last bulb out? will ask on the forums and see what people have experienced themselves. Still feeling things out, but definitely want to keep going.

    ***Next day result = everything feeling normal! Same benefits as last session, and no prostate soreness at all. Still going to take things slow, regardless of success. If next session goes as well, will consider bumping up length of sessions and frequency. Feeling like I’m on the right track.


    • Avatar for Pasttime


      01/20/2019at8:08 pm

      Good job. I admire your determination.

    • Avatar for Pasttime


      01/20/2019at8:08 pm

      Good job. I admire your determination.

    • Avatar for GGringo


      01/21/2019at2:09 pm

      @morpheusmcgee good blog entry; thanks for sharing.

      The massager should be fully inserted until the the two handles are resting on your perineum. Then, let your body take over.

      Good vibes to you.

    • Avatar for fred27


      01/31/2019at1:51 pm

      Good post! Sounds similar to my experience! Until you get to the point of pulling Aneros totally inside where the tabs are touching you, you may not truly experience what it can do. Learning to relax will get you there over time and when you do, you will ask yourself why it took so long! The wait is worth it as you will experience mind blowing pleasure you have never felt before!

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