• At Home Again

    After a couple of nights off, I was feeling so horny I felt I couldn’t wait for the scheduled session tomorrow night! This time, I injected half a syringe (about 4ml) shea butter formula, followed by one eyedropper of Wet Stuff. Having also lubed and inserted the Helix, it was time to retire.
    I started a few light contractions and P waves began almost immediately, although they were not particularly powerful and I thought it unlikely that this would be a repeat of that special night at the seaside! After about ten minutes, i dosed off for about half an hour. At Midnight I decided to try some serious contractions and this worked. Strong P waves began and I was able to hold them for what seemed to be periods of about 10 minutes for most of the next hour. Part way through this session, I began to feel the need to empty my bladder. At first, I thought this was one of the milestones mentioned in the Wiki.
    However, the urge to pee became steadily stronger and it was with some regret that I had to stop the session to empty the waterworks. While doing that, I decided to leave the Helix in place.
    While doing this, I found the process a bit slow, because the urine stream kept causing my penis to twitch, so I had to remove the Helix to finish the job!
    I was really reluctant to terminate the session at this point so I thought “what the hell”, cleaned up the excess lube around my backside and slipped the Helix back inside.
    I was barely back in bed again when the P waves began again, even more powerful than before (and without the distraction of the full bladder). In fact, I was right back where I had been on that special night! The Helix was doing all the work and was giving me the ride of my life. The waves, although varying in intensity, did not abate fully for more than half an hour. During that time I had two or three spells during which I was twitching or shaking all over and especially in my buttocks.
    Eventually, I became aware that J. was awake. Since she has been complaining of suffering from lack of sleep lately, I felt it prudent to finish the session to allow her to get back to sleep. (Had I been alone, I am sure I would have continued for at least another hour).
    During this session, there was even more precum released than ever before and I was aware that, at least for some of the time, I had a firm erection, although without any manual assistance.
    In answer to 'needit_', I always remove my Aneros on completion of a session. I gather that B. Mayfield does not recommend leaving it in overnight, although, I do feel quite comfortable with it (the Helix at least), in there 'm not sure I am ready to try that yet.
    To 'Artform', thank you so much for your comments. It would be wonderful for us to have the same sort of reaction.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/16/2009at11:57 pm

      and thx for the answere pommie,as was a bit qurious as to leave it in over nite or??

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