Today I was pretty nervous because my Helix was arriving. Luckily I am home alone most of the time on this Friday.
As soon as the package arrived, my belly started making noises, and I had the urge to do some serious bowel movement … god that felt good, what a relief! Somehow, when I am really excited, I have the urge to do some bowel movement. I took a nice hot shower and cleaned myself well with the hot water stream going along my anus, felt really nice. Cleaned the Helix with some good soap and I walked towards my room.
There I started to make some preparations. Made my bed nice, put a pillow which I could lay on the underside of my buttocks so it was elevated. Put the sheets on the head to support my head and neck. Also I started up my laptop and checked out the Aneros instructions, just to make sure I know what I was going to be doing. Also I put on some good material (pictures) and slideshowed them to get me really going and excited.
Along with my Helix, I ordered the marksman, very nice lubricate. I put some lube on the Helix, gently putting it on. Then I positioned myself doggystyle-wise, and felt my anus gently with some lubricate, oh that felt really good, it got me even more going! Then I inserted the marksman and put most of the lubricate inside my rectum to help the Aneros move correctly.
Now it was time for me to get me in a good position, so I laid on my back with the pillow under my buttocks and the sheets under my head. I gently inserted the Helix and let it draw itself towards my prostate when it was about halfway in.
I started to do the breathing exercises, but after 8 minutes or so, I thought it was long enough because it felt pretty comfortable. The muscle contraction exercises felt pretty good, I could feel that it was touching the prostate. I started out with some small contractions and then with some bigger. At this point I started to hold the big contraction for some seconds and then release it. When I did this for the fourth time, I felt a new sensation. Oh my god! This is feeling really good. I knew now that I was doing OK! Also my body began to shake a little, maybe because of the nerves, or that I realised that I was doing the right stuff, got me going
These sensations went on for another time, but then it stopped… No matter what I tried, I wasnt't feeling the good sensations, nor I felt my prostate being massaged. So I decided to try some more, but now gentle contractions, didn't work. Then I put out the Helix, and lubricated it again, along with my rectum. When I put it in again, I was feeling the same stuff I felt when I initially inserted the Helix. But the sensations didn't come that I had two minutes earlier. At this point I was really horny, so I put the last lubricant of the marksman on my penis and put the laptop on my belly to watch some good hot sexy pictures with the Helix still in. I finished it off with some good masturbation which gave me a good orgasm.
I was pretty sad that the sensations didn't come again for me anymore and that there weren't any unvolantary contractions. But still I am very happy that I have felt another sort of sensations inside me. Also I noticed I had some precum after these sensations!
So for now, I think the factors including that made it not work out are:
1. To short of a relaxing period, approx. 8 minutes.
2. To strong contractions because of excitement.
Do you guys have any advise for me, to keep these sensations, and not lose them like I did after the second time? All other advise is very welcome.
Don't be too anxious as it seems to take some of us a while to get 'rewired.' I've had my Helix (and Progasm) for over a month and have not had much more success than you in your first session. If it feels good, then it's a good session! We'll all get there eventually! Just be patient and persistant.