• Another awesome session

    Finally hit a five minute orgasm tonight. Recorded four of it.

    With the buzz I still had going this morning I took a little time this afternoon and spent about 30 minutes with the Progasm. Had some nice mini-SO’s and this on my back too. It was enough to keep the buzz going.

    Tonight, popped in the Progasm again. That long orgasm was incredible. Had many more two to three minutes but this one was longest and best. Most of the big events were while laying on my stomach. There were emotions tonight from indescribable ecstasy to almost wanting to cry from the joy. Stopped fifteen minutes ago and still have a buzz. Awesome.

    Starting yesterday I’ve had the female energy / presence following me around. Tall, short black hair, blue eyes, pale, long legs, she smells like roses. She’s there when I’m having a session to encourage me. She participates, cuddles, kisses. This is really interesting as tonight it really felt like I had a vagina and the Progasm wasn’t in my ass. Pretty feminine experience.


    • Avatar for newjoytoy


      10/15/2018at12:01 am

      Again, getting up to pee has proven to REALLY help hit a higher level.

    • Avatar for newjoytoy


      10/15/2018at11:21 am

      Another step on the path, I have to vocalize. I find it VERY difficult to SO without letting it out audibly. Lat night at one point I had to bury my face in a pillow to muffle the noise!

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