• Anerosless, edging, and porn

    I just finished an amazing anerosless session. I don't think I had a super-o but the experience was phenomenal none the less.
    Prior to my introduction to Aneros, I used to watch porn and edge. Since I got the Aneros, I haven't done this. This evening, I felt a little horny so I decided to watch some porn. I quickly realized that my body is different than it was a couple of months ago. Watching the porn started to produce anal contractions and p-waves. Occasionally, I would stroke myself to the brink of ejaculation, then stop. Over the course of about 2 hours, I had the most amazing feelings I've ever experienced. It was like I was in a constant state of build-up to orgasm…2 hours of this. Given that it's 1:30am, I decided I needed to end the session and go to bed. So, I went for a super-t, which was quite super. I'm still reeling from the experience. I wonder if I'll actually get any sleep…
    Note that when I use an Aneros, I don't watch any porn and really don't have any desire to do so. It seems like without the Aneros, my "re-wiring" can be used to enhance a somewhat traditional masturbation session. Amazing…