• Aneros as teacher

    I had a short but phenomenal session this morning. The intensity of the feelings in my abdomen and chest were even higher than a few days ago. It took me very little time (a minute or two) to reach the same level of pleasure that used to take me 20 minutes a few months ago. It's almost like my body is poised and ready to take off at will and it's my conscious mind that's holding it back as opposed to having to actively do something to generate the pleasure. Anyways, I ended up ejaculating afterwards. It didn't seem to matter in terms of after effects; I seem to be able to crank things up again without much effort (I am right now as a matter of fact). I should probably avoid ejaculating in case this does help my body learn. I probably will most of the time but it's sometimes nice to let go.
    It's amazing how my body continues to learn. I am convinced that my recent use of the Maximus (and perhaps the Eupho in the same session) has unlocked more pleasure pathways. It was the initial use of an aneros that got all this started so I guess this shouldn't be a surprise. It seems that aneros use for me isn't the thing that gives me the most pleasure. It's what my body seems to learn from the aneros that ends up being the big payoff. Up until I tried the maximus, I was stalled a bit. My anerosless sessions were feeling good, but the sensations were not evolving or changing. I feel like my body has been kick started again and new feelings are presenting themselves.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/12/2010at11:32 pm

      Thanks for the Max>>>Eupho sequence tip!! Used it today to great effects!!! 😀
      Went one further since this was ultimately a BPH clear the pipes session; after grand delights went from Eupho to Progasm Ice. AND THAT…

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/13/2010at11:51 am

      Credit goes to Rook for the Maximus to Eupho advice 🙂

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