• An Aneros/Body Synergy

    Hi guys,

    The last Aneros session I had was probably two plus weeks ago. I had so many distractions in my life since then. However my body and certainly my psyche had other ideas. I craved a session the last few days. Really I was really horny for one.

    Also while the Aneros and hot guys like @goldenboy have enabled me to get in touch with my body through the 21 day Semen Retention Challenge and “Chastity,” my nights upon retiring to bed, I would slip on one of my cups and jocks and then diddle my nipples to great satisfaction while slumbering through the night.

    Well, I think the last time I masturbated to orgasm and ejaculation of copious semen was probably three or four weeks ago. I lost count. But late Wednesday night, I had a thoroughly satisfying jack off session. Yesterday morning however I woke up still horny.

    This morning, apartment management are away on a charity event until this morning. So I had a session with my favorite Aneros models, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE which lasted about 45 minutes. They took over my body of their own accord as they massaged my prostate and anal musculature. I really didn’t have to anything to help them along except diddle my nipples and aureoles at intervals, so very sweet. I think there was perfect Aneros/Body synergy in this morning’s session.

    Now a comment on athletic cups: Most athletic cups are contoured to fit the male groin more perfectly. When I guy slips on a jock and cup for contact sports or even for leisure wear, he makes sure that the cup “hitches itself” under his scrotum. Then he has good protection for his cock and balls. I have noticed that long-term and regular Aneros sessions give a guy a sweet spot on his perineum or his taint because that spot is massaged by the P-tab of his Aneros tools. That is why for me and many other guys enjoy wearing athletic cups very much. The bottom of his cup’s gasket touches and massages his perineum giving him deep sanctification though he may not notice it most times. The best athletic cups for this sweet feel are the Shock Doctor Ultra Carbon Flex Cup, the Nutty Buddy Cup, the Martin athletic cup and support, and older BIKE banana cups (no longer made) among others.

    Gee, I am still horny even though this morning’s session ended at 7:30 a.m. Take care!


    • Avatar for goldenboy


      11/03/2018at10:22 am

      @BigGlansDC Typing this while wearing my SD Ultra Pro Carbon Cup; oh, yeah! You are so right about the cup’s ability to “massage” the perineum, like an Aneros P-tab! So sweet and sexy!

    • Avatar for Harper


      11/04/2018at10:32 pm

      @BigGlansDC. Sorely missed your blogs. Pleased to read your latest missive. You boys and your cups…….!

    • Avatar for Bladerunner


      11/07/2018at3:39 pm

      On day 5 of SR and wearing my SD Ultra Pro Cup as I type. It really helps me me focus on SR and not yield to the desires for release that grow with each day, while offering immediate pleasure from the cup caressing my body.

    • Avatar for Bladerunner


      11/07/2018at3:39 pm

      On day 5 of SR and wearing my SD Ultra Pro Cup as I type. It really helps me me focus on SR and not yield to the desires for release that grow with each day, while offering immediate pleasure from the cup caressing my body.

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