• A Voice

    I went to the cd Babe site and listened to the 8 tracks for the Hypnaerosession cd.
    Just sat there with my eyes close listening.
    "Welcome back my sexy friend"
    That was a jolt.
    Made up my mind to buy the cd after listening.
    Ordered it this morning.
    Now I wait for the postman for 2 reasons.
    Next week I hope.
    Bought a cheap portable cd player today, I have been thinking about getting one for a while so today was the day.
    I will listen to the 8 tracks again and do the breathing exercises.
    Nothing else to do but wait.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/04/2008at9:16 am

      Why didn't you just download the MP3 version. You don't have to wait…
      However, the wait will be worth it

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