• A very quick update

    I wanted to update as I have not posted anything in a while. I've had several really good anerosless sessions in the last week or so. The sensations in my stomach and chest are getting stronger. I've felt some in my head too. I've been keeping my tongue on the roof of my mouth as was suggested in my latest thread. I can't say that it's doing anything, but it's a nice place to rest my tongue.
    I'm finding more and more that sessions in bed when I wake up early are my favorite. I sometimes spend 2 hours just relaxing and generating mild to medium orgasms. The half-sleep state and relaxed mood I'm in at this time makes sessions work quite well.
    Finally, as I mentioned earlier, stimulation of my penis head seems to continue to produce feelings that are similar to the anerosless ones. This morning, I felt some of the same abdominal sensations when stroking as I have in my anerosless sessions. I can also get more intense prostate-like pleasure from direct stimulation of the head than I used to. It sometimes feels like I'm headed towards a dry-o from this stimulation but it has not (yet?) reached that point. It's ok though, it feels incredible anyways.

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